Thursday, November 7, 2013

Dar'uk (Lizard Man Barbarian)

Dar'uk Jaeger (Lizardman Barbarian) 
Dar'uk SMASH!!!

Level: 1                 CG Medium humanoid

Str 19 (+4)
Dex 16 (+3)
Con 15 (+2)
Int 10 (+0)
Wis 13 (+1)
Cha 7 (-1)

Height: 6'8"     Weight: 250 lbs     Age: 22
  • Feats ~ Power Attack (+2 damage, -1 attacks with melee weapon)
  • Traits ~ Reactionary (+2 Initiative); Child of Nature (+2 Survival and +1 Knowledge- Nature)
  • Skills ~ Acrobatics +7; Climb +8; Perception +5; Swim +12; Ride +3; Knowledge Nature +1
  • Languages ~ Common and Draconic 
  • Racial / Class Abilities ~ Rage (6/day) +2 attack, damage, Str Skills; +2 Fortitude/Will Saves; +2 HP; -2 AC; Can't use INT or CHA skills / Fast Movement +10' in Medium or Light Armor // +1 AC (Thick Hide); Claws / Bite: d4+4 dmg / Hold Breath 60 rounds / -10' speed 50 degrees or colder
COMBAT Base Attack (BAB) +1
Initiative: +5; Senses ~ Perception +5
Defense ~ AC 20 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +2 Shield); touch 14; flat-footed 14
HP 14        SAVES ~ Fortitude +4, Reflex +3, Will +1
Offense ~ Speed 30 ft. Swim 15'~ Melee ~ War Hammer +5 attack (d8+4 / 20 x3) ~ Ranged ~ Short Spear +4 attack (d6+4 / 20 x3 / Range: 20') Ammo: 2 

Gear ~ Adventurer's Kit: Backpack (bedroll, sack, 10 torches, Rations: 5 days, waterskin, extra clothing); Hide Armor; Heavy Steel Shield; Caltrops; Acid (1 vial); Thunderstone (1) // GP: 39 SP: 0 CP: 0 1 small ruby

Background ~ Dar'uk grew up outside Sandpoint as a big game hunter and trader selling his wares to his tribe and at a trading post just outside of town. Over the years, he saw his tribe dwindle as the marsh they called home was slowly polluted by a local alchemist and his people were forced to move. Those that stayed were stricken ill by the mutagens and extracts that contaminated the fens. Dar'uk and his hunting companions decided to stay to see if they could find a cure for their people before they were driven extinct by the plague.They lead an assault against the alchemist, but were driven off when he turned his powerful potions against them and transformed himself into a hulking beast that killed several of the tribe's champion warriors. Two years have passed since that ill advised raid and they have yet to find a cure. They continue to hunt and trade along the Lost Coast hoping to find a lead that will save their people or a clue as to the whereabouts of the alchemist to enact revenge.

SaveSplug PC (Heroic Build- 20 points)