An advancing orc army threatens a village. One way to stop it with little bloodshed is to release a dam and flood the plain they are advancing on. This will destroy the village's crops and make her long term survival difficult. What do you do? Alignment will help you decide how to tackle this problem. Like using a PC's stats to help paint a picture of a character, alignment can provide valuable insight into how he/she might behave in situations you would never face outside of an RPG.
~ Check out the Alignment Story (From the 2nd edition D&D Player's Handbook) for a good example of alignment in action.
Alignment Test ~ What Color Are You? (Magic) ~
GOOD: Alturistic, respect life, and show empathy and concern for the dignity of others. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one" They are self sacrificing if it will serve the greater good.
EVIL: Oppresses others with little or no compassion and kill with no qualms if it is suits their needs. Willing to sacrifice others to see their ends met.
NEUTRAL: reluctant killers who seek to spare the innocent, they are not quite ready to make the big sacrifice to protect and help others but won't turn a deaf ear to injustice either.
~ Law vs. Chaos ~
LAWFUL: tell the truth, keep oaths, respect the law and tradition and seek to judge those who fall short and bring them into line. (Honorable, trustworthy, obedient, and reliable; but also seen as closed-minded and self righteous) Respect the laws and help others do the same.
CHAOTIC: Follow your own moral compass even if it is sometimes broken, resent authority, and favor out of the box thinking to solve problems. (Flexible, adaptable and free but is also seen as reckless and irresponsible)
NEUTRAL: tend to respect most of the law but also values individual freedom but not to the point of bucking authority or breaking the big laws that hold society together. Generally honest but will tell the white lie if the need arises.
~ Alignment Types ~

- Quote: "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one" (Spock)
- Traits: Friendly, righteous, courteous, reliable, honorable, loyal, helpful, dedicated, law abiding, selfless, benevolent, philanthropist, respectful of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"
- Examples: Superman, Galahad, Percival, Optimus Prime, Captain America, Daredevil, Spock, Samwise Gamgee, Faramir, Queen Amidala, Yoda
- Magic the Gathering: White ~
- Pathfinder: Angel, Dragon (Bronze, Silver, & Gold); Paladins, Crusading Cavaliers, Dwarves...

- Quote: "You may ask, how did this tradition get started? I'll tell you... I don't know, but it is a tradition [... and] without our traditions, our lives would be as shaky as... as... as a fiddler on the roof!"
- Traits: Dedicated, obedient, law abiding, reliable, responsible, truthful, orderly, loyal, rigid, neat, methodical, precise, respectful of authority...
- Examples: Boromir, Judge Dread ("I am the Law"), Picard ("The Prime Directive prohibits me from interfering"), Most Jedi Knights, Stormtroopers (just doing their jobs / following orders), Boba Fett (follows the rule of law to bring rebels to justice), Cornelius Fudge (Minister of Magic), Admiral Helena Cain (Battlestar)...
- Magic the Gathering: Azorius Senate (Blue/White) ~ Boros (White/Red) Organized guild of warriors ~ Semic Combine (Green/Blue)
- Pathfinder: Shaitan, Dwarves

- Quote: "Xavier is my greatest enemy, and perhaps my only friend... but I have waited all my life for this moment!" (Magneto)
- "With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy. Luke, you can destroy the Emperor. [...] Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son" (Vader- Empire Strikes Back)
- Traits: Fascist, domineering, selfish, power hungry, cruel, vengeful, proud, callous, hostile, malevolent, plotting, merciless, tyrannical, organized, respectful of those more powerful, megalomaniac
- Examples: Hitler, Stalin, Lex Luthor, Magneto, Megatron, Darth Vader, Dr. Doom; Sauron, Jabba the Hutt, The Sheriff of Nottingham, Wolfram & Hart (Angel), The Mayor (Buffy), Rumplestitskin (Once Upon a Time)
- Magic the Gathering: Orzhou Syndicate (White/Black)
- Pathfinder: Devils, Dragon (Blue & Green), Efreeti, Giant (Cloud), Hobgoblin, Wererat, Medusa...

- Quote: "“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.”(Gandalf to Frodo)
- Traits: Self reliant, kindly, benevolent, helpful, courteous, kind, respectful, loving, merciful, humane, altruistic, respectful...
- Example: Zorro, Spiderman, Gandalf, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, King Author, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Legolas Greenleaf, Elrond, Arwen, Princess Leia, R2-D2, Mace Windu, Wonder Woman, Will Turner, Frodo, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones
- Magic the Gathering: Selesnya Conclave (Green/White)
- Pathfinder: Angel, Giant (Cloud), Pixie, Pseudodragon, Treant, Gnomes

- Quote: "Look, I ain't in this for your revolution, and I'm not in it for you, princess. I expect to be well paid. I'm in it for the money" (Han Solo- Episode IV)
- Traits: Diplomatic, judgmental, enigmatic, aloof, distant, self-reliant, even handed, fair, indifferent, impartial
- Example: Conan, Grey Mouser, C-3PO, Lara Croft, Han Solo at the start of Episode IV, Treebeard (LoR)
- Magic the Gathering: Golgari Swarm (Black/Green) ~ Green
- Pathfinder: Animals (Dire, Wild, or Magical), Elementals, Janni, Giant (Stone), Merfolk, Druids

- Quote: "The old world will burn in the fires of industry. A new order will rise. We will drive the machine of war with the sword and the spear and the iron fist of the orc." (Saruman the White)
- Traits: Selfish, domineering, deceitful, aggressive, callous, self reliant, wicked, cruel, depraved, corrupt, immoral, vicious, destructive, megalomaniac
- Example: Saruman the White, The Warlock Lord, Palpatine, Most Sith Lords, Bane (Dark Knight Rises), Mordrid (King Author)
- Magic the Gathering: House Dimir (Blue/Black) ~ Black
- Pathfinder: Cyclops, Giant (Cloud), Goblins, Lich, Undead, Tiefling

- Quote:
- Inara: You're always breaking the rules, no matter which society you're in! You don't get along with ordinary criminals either, which is why you're constantly getting in trouble!
- Mal: You think following the rules will buy you a nice life, even if the rules make you a slave. (Firefly)
- Traits: Vigilante, free spirit, unpredictable, independent, cheerful, optimistic, easy going, carefree, merciful, respectful of personal freedoms
- Example: Malccom Reynolds (Firefly), Starbuck (Battlestar Galactica), Robin Hood, Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took, The Incredible Hulk, Green Arrow, Wolverine, R2-D2, Captain Kirk, Batman, Anakin, Elizabeth Swann
- Magic the Gathering: Gruul Clans (Green/Red)
- Pathfinder: Angel, Dragon (Brass & Copper), Dryad, Djinni, Giant (Storm), Nymph, & Unicorn

- Quote: "I’m dishonest and a dishonest man you can trust to be dishonest. honestly its the honest ones you have to watch out for. Its hard to predict when they’ll do something incredibly… stupid" (Jack Sparrow)
- Traits: Free Spirit, violent, unpredictable, independent, greedy, inconsistent, unpredictable, selfish, disorderly, self-centered, unfettered, free, egotistical
- Example: Jack Sparrow, Animal (Muppets), tricksters, Loki, Beetlejuice, The Mask, Q (Star Trek), Faith (start of season 3), Puck (Midsummer Night's Dream)...
- Magic the Gathering: Izzet League (Blue/Red) ~ Red
- Pathfinder: Marid, Satyrs, primordial gods, wild elves...

- Quote: "Some men just want to watch the world burn" (The Dark Knight)
- "Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos" The Joker (The Dark Knight)
- Traits: Aggressive, destructive, violent, deceitful, aggressive, hedonistic, cruel, malicious, uncaring, selfish,
- Example: Joker, LoR: Balrog, Red Skull (Captain America), Darth Maul, Fenrir Greyback (Harry Potter)...
- Magic the Gathering: Cult of Rakdos (Black/Red)
- Pathfinder: Bugbear, Chimera, Demons, Dragons (Black, Red, & White), Drow, Giant (Frost, & Hill), Gnoll, Harpy, Hag, Werewolf, Ogre, Orc, Troll, & Vampire