Pathfinder 3.75e Character Classes
Driven by their ties to the gods, their great wisdom and divine powers win the day as they heal their fallen friends and strike down the undead or call forth lightning or bear to tear the battlefield apart.- Cleric: (Core Class)
- Primary Ability: Wis / Secondary: Cha
- BAB: +0
- Skills: 2+ Int
- Saves: +2 Fort & Will
- HP: d8
- Starting Wealth: 4d6x10 (140 SP)
- Start Age: Trained +2d6
- Weapons: Simple / Armor: Light & Medium + Shields (except tower)
- Spells Known: All Orisons (0-level spells) / All 1st-level spells
- Pray daily to select spells from list to cast; 1 hour/day
- Spontaneous Casting: substitute a memorized spell for any healing spell of the same level
- Can't cast spells opposed to deity
- Spells/Day: 3 Orisons / 1 1st level +1 Domain Spell +1 Wis 12+ spells
- Spell DC: 10 + Spell Level + Wis modifier
- Class: Channel Energy (Burst 30' radius; power effects all in AoE / d6 dmg and/or healed / 3+ Cha/day); 2 Domain Powers (+1 Domain Spell & 1 Domain Daily Power)
- Good Aligned: Heal Good humanoids d6; deal d6 dmg to undead creatures
- Evil Aligned: Heal Undead; deal d6 dmg to living creatures
- Will Save to avoid dmg (DC = 10 + 1/2 cleric level + Cha mod)
- Alternate Channel Energy Powers by Domain
- Aura: Faint aura (level 1); Moderate (levels 2-4); Strong (5-10); Overwhelming (11+)
- Domains: Choose 2 Domains from Deity's Domains list; Both Domain Granted Power 3 + Wis modifier/Day; Domain Spell (choose 1 of 2 Domain spells at start of day); OR choose a Subdomain as a replacement.
- Archetypes:
- Cloistered Cleric: Armor- Light; Weapons: Club, Mace (heavy & light), Quarterstaff, and sling; Not proficient with shields; Skills: 4+ Int; Choose 1 Domain; -1 non-domain spell per level; Breadth of Knowledge- +1/2 cleric lvl to all Knowledge checks
- Separatist: Lose proficiency in favored weapon; Domains: select 1 Domain for deity's list and one from another deity that is of a similar alignment type; Domain powers from non-deity function 2 lower (level, Wis, and Cha) to determine uses per day and DC
- Undead Lord: Deity Domain MUST contain the Death Domain; Must select Death and Undeath domains; Corpse Companion: 8 hour ritual- animate 1 skeleton or zombie of = HD to cleric lvl; Command Undead(feat);
- Crusader: -1 Domain; -1 spell per cleric lvl; Bonus Feat from list
- Evangelist: Armor: Light, no shields; -1 Domain; Perform Class Skill; DC to hear in difficult conditions reduced by class lvl and Cha; Sermonic Performance: Perform (oratory) gain Countersong, Fascinate, and Inspire Courage (Bard Performances) - replaces Channel Energy abilities at 1st, 9th and 15th lvls; Spontaneously cast Command at lvl 1, not Cure Light Wounds
- Merciful Healer: -1 Domain; Must select deity that grants Healing; Can't target undead; Combat Medic- doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity using Heal to stabilize or cast heal spells
- Iconic PC: Kyra- Human Cleric

DEITIES God/Goddess of ---- (Domain List) NAMES (Favored Weapon)
- LG- God of Farming, Hunting, Trade, Family (Animal, Community, Good, Law, Plant)
- Erastil (Longbow)
- LG- Goddess of Valor, Rulership, Justice, Honor (Glory, Good, Law, Sun, War)
- Iomedae (Longsword)
- LG- God of the Forge, Protection, Strategy (Artifice, Earth, Good, Law, Protection)
- Torag (Warhammer)
- NG- Goddess of the Sun, Redemption, Honesty, Healing (Fire, Glory, Good, Healing, Sun)
- Sarenrae (Scimitar)
- NG- Goddess of Beauty, Art, Love, Music (Air, Charm, Good, Luck, Protection)
- Shelyn (Glaive)
- CG- Goddess of Dreams, Stars, Travelers, Luck (Chaos, Good, Liberation, Luck, Travel)
- Desna (Starknife)
- CG- God of Freedom, Ale, Wine, Bravery (Chaos, Good, Charm, Strength, Travel)
- Cayden (Rapier)
- LN- God of Cities, Wealth, Merchants, Law (Earth, Law, Nobility, Protection, Travel)
- Abadar (Light Crossbow)
- LN- God of History, Knowledge, Self-Perfection (Healing, Knowledge, Law, Rune, Strength)
- Irori (Unarmed Strike)
- N- Deity of Nature, Weather, Sea (Air, Animal, Plant, Water, Weather)
- Gozreh (Trident)
- N- Goddess of Fate, Death, Prophecy, Birth (Death, Healing, Knowledge, Repose, Water)
- Pharasma (Dagger)
- N- God of Magic (Destruction, Knowledge, Magic, Protection, Rune)
- Nethys (Quarterstaff)
- CN- God of Strength, Battle, Weapons (Chaos, Destruction, Glory, Strength, War)
- Gorum (Greatsword)
- N- Goddess of Trickery, Lust, Revenge (Chaos, Charm, Knowledge, Luck, Trickery)
- Calistria (Whip)
- LE- God of Tyranny, Slavery, Pride, Contracts (Evil, Fire, Law, Magic Trickery)
- Asmodeus (Mace) "Commander of Devils"
- LE- God of Envy, Pain, Darkness, Loss (Darkness, Death, Destruction, Evil, Law)
- Zon-Kuthon (Spiked Chain)
- NE- Goddess of Gluttony, Disease, Undeath (Death, Evil, Magic, Strength, War)
- Urgathoa (Scythe)
- NE- God of Greed, Secrets, Poison, Murder (Charm, Death, Evil, Knowledge, Trickery)
- Norgorber (Short Sword)
- CE- Goddess of Madness, Monsters, Nightmares (Chaos, Evil, Madness, Strength, Trickery)
- Lamashtu (Falchion)
- CE- God of Wrath, Disaster, Destruction (Chaos, Destruction, Evil, War, Weather)
- Rovagug (Greataxe)
- Air: Lightning Arc (Ranged touch 30'; d6 +1 per 2 cleric lvls); obscuring mist
- Wind: Wind Blast (30' line ranged combat maneuver vs. creatures in range; Cleric lvl = BAB bonus and Wis mod in place of Str; Bull Rush); whispering wind
- Animal: Speak with Animals (3 + Wis mod rounds per day); calm animals
- Artifice: Artificer's Touch (Mending- repair objects OR d6 +1 per 2 lvl to objects & Constructs- bypass DR and hardiness = Cleric Level); animate rope
- Chaos: Touch of Chaos (Melee touch; next round roll d20 twice and take worst result); protection from law or confusion (lesser)
- Azata: Elysium's Call (Touch- reroll save vs spells or Enchantment (Charm) spells; +2 on these saves; +2 CMD to escape Grapple; ignore 5' difficult terrain (Nimble Moves) for 1/2 cleric level rounds; save bonus is instant); expeditious retreat
- Charm: Dazing Touch (Melee touch; dazed 1 round same or lower HD); charm person
- Love: Adoration (Immediate Action- thwart melee/ranged attack vs. you; use before roll is made; Will save negates)
- Community: Calming Touch (Touch- Heal d6+1 per Cleric lvl. nonlethal dmg; removes fatigued, shaken, and sickened ); bless or alarm
- Darkness: Blnd Fighting (feat); Touch of Darkness (Melee touch; 20% miss chance on all attacks for 1/2 Cleric lvl rounds); obscuring mist
- Night: Night Hunter (Standard Action; blend into shadows in dim light/darkness; Invisible to creatures without Darkvision for 1/2 cleric lvl rounds); sleep
- Death: Bleeding Touch (Melee touch; d6 dmg/round for 1/2 Cleric lvl or DC 15 Heal);
cause fear - Undeath: Death's Kiss (Melee Touch- treat touched foe as undead for effects that heal or harm; lasts 1/2 cleric lvl rounds; Command & Turn Undead do not apply)
- Destruction: Destructive Smite (Melee Attack- +dmg = 1/2 Cleric lvl); true strike
- Earth: Acid Dart (Ranged Touch 30'; d6 +1 per 2 lvls); magic stone
- Metal: Metal Fist (Swift Action- 1 round fists are iron hard; d6 dmg+ Str; ignore hardness of items with hardness of 10 or less)
- Evil: Touch of Evil (Melee Touch; sickened for 1/2 cleric lvls); protection from good
- Demon: Fury of the Abyss (Swift Action: +1/2 cleric lvl to melee attacks, dmg, and CM checks for 1 round; -2 AC); doom
- Devil: Corruption (Melee Touch- -2 saves and opposed skill checks rolled twice, worst result taken for 1/2 cleric lvl rounds); command
- Fire: Fire Bolt (Ranged Touch 30'; d6 +1 per 2 lvls); burning hands
- Smoke: Cloud of Smoke (30' range; 5' radius cloud; creatures in cloud take -2 attacks and Perception and 1 round after; Gain concealmet from foes not adjacent)
- Glory: Touch of Glory (Touch- Bonus to any 1 Cha Skill = Cleric lvl); shield of faith
- Honor: Honor Bound (Touch- allow save vs. Enchantment effects; allows 1 followup save on a failure)
- Good: Touch of Good (Touch- bonus to saves, attacks, skills, ability checks = 1/2 cleric lvl for 1 round); protection from evil or divine favor or shield of faith
- Azata: Elysium's Call (Touch- reroll save vs spells or Enchantment (Charm) spells; +2 on these saves; +2 CMD to escape Grapple; ignore 5' difficult terrain (Nimble Moves) for 1/2 cleric level rounds; save bonus is instant); expeditious retreat
- Healing: Rebuke Death (Touch- Heal d4 +1 per 2 Cleric lvls. on those below 0 HP);
cure light wounds - Restoration: Restorative Touch (Touch- remove dazed, fatigued, shaken, sickened, or staggered conditions)
- Knowledge: Lore Keeper (Touch- learn about its abilities/weaknesses- Knowledge Result = 15 + Cleric lvl + Wis); comprehend languages
- Memory: Recall (Touch- retry Knowledge check made in last minute; +Wis mod to check)
- Law: Touch of Law (Touch- 1 round all attacks, skill, ability, or saves are treated as an 11 + creature's mods); protection from chaos or divine favor
- Inevitable: Command (Standard Action- command 1 person; Will Save negates)
- Liberation: Liberation (rounds = cleric lvl freedom of movement); remove fear
- Freedom: Liberty's Blessing (Touch- Swift Action make save vs spell/effect for 1 minute or until successful); sanctuary
- Luck: Bit of Luck (Touch- Roll d20 twice and take best result for next round); true strike
- Madness: Vision of Madness (Melee Touch- Choose 1- Attacks, Saves, or Skills- receive bonus = 1/2 cleric lvl 1 category and an equal penalty on the other 2 for 3 rounds); lesser confusion
- Nightmare: Fearful Touch (Melee Touch- 1 round; lose immunity to Fear effets; -2 attacks vs. you; - Will saves = 1/2 cleric lvl)
- Magic: Hand of the Acolyte (Melee weapon flies from hand; 30' Ranged Attack with Wis instead of Dex); identify
- Arcane: Arcane Beacon (15' aura; +1 caster lvl for Arcane Spells or increase DC +1); magic aura
- Divine: Divine Vessel (When you're target of Divine Spell; 15' aura +2 next attack, skill, or ability before end next turn)
- Nobility: Inspiring Word (Spoken 30'; Target gets +2 attack rolls, skills, ability, saves for 1/2 cleric lvl rounds); divine favor
- Leadership: Inspiring Command (30' range; 1 ally +1 per 3 cleric lvls; +2 AC CMD, skill checks for 1 round); bless
- Plant: Wooden Fist (Melee attacks don't provoke attacks of opportunity, deal lethal dmg, + dmg = 1/2 cleric lvl for 3 + Wis rounds/day); entangle
- Growth: Enlarge (enlarge self 1 round); enlarge person
- Protection: +1 all saves; Resistant Touch (Touch- Resist bonus for 1 minute transfers to 1person); sanctuary
- Repose: Gentle Rest (Melee touch; staggered for 1 round; staggered targets become asleep; Undead are staggered for rounds = Wis mod); deathwatch
- Souls: Touch the Spirit World (Touch- empower weapon to harm incorporeal beings- deals 1/2 dmg or full if it is magical for rounds = cleric lvl)
- Rune: Scribe Scroll (feat); Blast Rune (Create Rune in adjacent space- creatures entering space take d6 +1 per 2 lvl; choose dmg type; Rune is invisible lasting 1 round/cleric lvl or until discharged; DC 26 to notice or disarm); erase or comprehend languages or arcane lock
- Strength: Strength Surge (Touch- 1 round gain +1/2 cleric lvl to attacks, combat maneuvers, Str skills); enlarge person
- Ferocity: Ferocious Strike (Melee attack, +1/2 cleric lvl to dmg; declare before rolling attack)
- Sun: Sun's Blessing (Add Cleric Level to Channel Energy to harm Undead; Undead do not add channel resistance to saves); endure elements
- Light: Blinding Flash (20' range; fewer HD blinded d4 rounds unless succeed Fort Save; Creatures dazzled 1/2 cleric lvls in AoE); faerie fire
- Travel: Base Speed +10'; Agile Feet (Increased Mobility for 1 round- ignore difficult terrain); longstrider
- Exploration: Door Sight (Clairvoyance to see beyond barriers; 1 minute concentration; maintain 10 minutes; 6" +1" cleric level); expeditious retreat
- Trickery: Bluff, Disguise, Stealth are Class Skills; Copycat (Mirror Image 1 round/cleric lvl or until destroyed); disguise self
- Deception: Sudden Shift (Reaction- missed by melee attack; teleport 10' within reach of foe)
- Trade: Silver-Tongued Haggler (Make Bluff, Diplomacy, or Sense Motive add 1/2 cleric lvl to roll)
- War: Battle Rage (Touch- + melee dmg = 1/2 cleric lvl for 1 round); magic weapon
- Tactics: Seize the Initiative (Roll for Initiative, grant 1 ally within 30' two rolls)
- Water: Icicle (Ranged Touch 30'; d6 +1 per 2 lvls); obscuring mist
- Weather: Storm Burst (Ranged Touch 30'; d6 +1 per 2 lvls of nonlethal dmg; Buffeted by wind -2 attacks for 1 round); obscuring mist
- Seasons: Untouched by the Seasons (Touch- grant endure elements for 1 hour/level); goodberry

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Half-Elf Druid |
Druid: (Core Class)
- Primary Ability: Wis / Secondary: Cha
- Skills: 4+ Int
- Saves: +2 Fort & Will
- HP: d8
- Starting Wealth: 2d6x10 (70 SP)
- Start Age: Trained +2d6
- Weapons: Club, dagger, dart, staff, scimitar, scythe, sickle, shortspear, sling, & spear / Armor: Medium (Padded, leather or hide) +shields (wooden / except tower)
- Spells Known: All Orisons (0-level spells) / All 1st-level spells
- Trance 1 hour/day to select spells
- Spontaneous Casting: substitute a memorized spell for any summoning spell of the same level
- Can't cast spells opposed to alignment
- Spells/Day: 3 Orisons / 1 1st level +1 Wis 12+ spells
- Spell DC: 10 + Spell Level + Wis modifier
- Class: Nature Bond- Choose 1
- +1 Domain: Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, Water, or Weather
- Terrain Domains: Aquatic, Arctic, Cave, Desert, Eagle, Frog, Jungle, Monkey, Mountain, Plains, Serpent, Swamp, or Wolf
- Animal Companions (regain lost companion after ritual- 24 hours of prayer)
- Ape, Badger, Bear, Bird (Eagle, Hawk, Owl), Boar, Camel, Cat (Lion, Tiger), Cat (Cheetah, Leopard), Crocodile, Dinosaur (Deinonychus or Velociraptor), Dog, Horse, Pony, Shark, Snake (Constrictor or Viper), or Wolf
- Languages: Sylvan (optional) and Druidic (bonus)
- Nature Sense: +2 Knowledge (Nature) & Survival checks
- Wild Empathy: Diplomacy + Cha mod & Level to improve attitude of animals (Wild- unfriendly; Domestic- Indifferent) animal must be within 30'; takes 1 minute; -4 to influence magical animal
- Archetypes:
- Arctic Druid - replace Woodland Stride at 2nd lvl (Arctic Native)
- Blight Druid- Nature Bond Domains- Death, Darkness, & Destruction; Vermin Empathy
- Desert Druid- Desert Native (replaces Woodland Stride at 2nd lvl)
- Jungle Druid- Jungle Guardian (replaces Woodland Stride at 2nd lvl)
- Mountain Druid- Mountaineer (replaces Woodland Stride at 2nd lvl)
- Plains Druid- Plains Traveler (replaces Woodland Stride at 2nd lvl)
- Swamp Druid- Marshwight (replaces Woodland Stride at 2nd lvl)
- Urban Druid- Replace Spontaneous Casting- Summon Spells with Domain Spells of the same level; Nature Bond Domains: Charm, Community, Knowledge, Nobility, Protection, Repose, Rune, or Weather
- Shamans- Ape, Bat, Bear, Boar, Dragon, Eagle, Lion, Saurian, Serpent, Wolf: Must select companion of like kind; +4 Wild Empathy with animals of like kind; Totem Transformation (2nd lvl) to take on 1 trait of totem animal (Senses, speed, skills, attacks)
- Menhir Savant: (Ley Lines and Standing Stones- tap energies) Spirit Sense- detect undead, fey, outsiders, astral, ethereal and incorporeal creatures (as spell detect undead)
- Pack Lord: must take animal companions (see description)
- Storm Druid: Replace Spontaneous Casting- Summon Spells with Domain Spells of the same level; No animal companion- must take Domain: Air, Weather, Cloud, Storm, or Wind

- Iconic PC: Lini- Gnome Druid
Paladin: (Core Class)
- Primary Ability: Cha / Secondary: Str
- Skills: 2+ Int
- Saves: +2 Fort & Will
- HP: d10
- Starting Wealth: 5d6x10 (175 SP)
- Start Age: Self-Taught +d6
- Weapons: Simple; Martial / Armor: Heavy +shields (except tower)
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Human Paladin |
- Class: Aura of Good (Detect Good = level);
- Detect Evil (60' range) At-will move action to focus on one object or person in range as though 3 rounds had past (as per the spell)
- Smite Evil (1x day) as a Swift Action smite a foe within in sight; add Cha bonus to attacks and add Paladin level to dmg and bypass DR / Gain a deflection bonus to AC against the target = Cha modifier- Smite remains in effect until foe is defeated
- Oathbond Paladin (Archetype): Codes of Conduct for Paladins; gives access to new spells/abilities and replaces standard Paladin abilities
- Oath against Corruption: Alternate abilities start at level 3; Hunt aberrations and stop them from sewing havoc as they roam free across the land
- Oath against Fiends: Alternate abilities start at level 8; Never allow an evil outsider a foothold in the mortal realms- banish and purge them from the realms
- Oath against Savagery: Alternate abilities start at level 2; heed the call of help from communities in danger- first in line to defend, last to retreat once all are safe
- Oath against Undeath: Replace Detect Evil with Detect Undead; Additional abilities starting at 3rd level; Put to rest those undead or dead and cleanse the realms of their blight
- Oath against the Wyrm: Alternate abilities start at level 4; Slay evil dragons or dragon kin and protect the realms from their predation
- Oath of Charity: Alternate abilities start at level 2; turn over 1/5 of wealth to your temple or community; help the poor and destitute- donate to local charitable organizations
- Oath of Chastity: Alternate abilities start at level 2; Never engage in a romantic relationship- purity of self
- Oath of Loyalty: Replace Smite Evil with Loyal Oath (Swift Action)- once per day grant bonus to target's saves and AC equal to Cha modifier for 1 minute; if the target is struck and Paladin is adjacent to the foe he gets a free attack against the attacker; Keep you word above all- never back out of an oath once it is made
- Oath of Vengeance: Alternate abilities start at level 4; Never let evil acts go unpunished- pursue justice at all costs
- Archetypes: Divine Hunter; Hospitaler; Sacred Servant; Shining Knight; Undead Scourge; Warrior of the Holy Light; Anti-Paladin; Divine Hunter, Empyreal Knight, Holy Gun, Holy Tactician, Knight of the Sepulcher, and Sacred Shield
Iconic PC: Seelah- Human Paladin
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