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Alandra |
Str 9 (-1), Dex 18 (+4), Con 10, Int 18 (+4), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 12 (+1)
Height: 6'0" Weight: 135 lbs Age: 66 (young for a sylph)
- Feats ~ Scribe Scroll ~ Alertness (when familiar is in reach) ~ Dodge
- Traits ~Unintentional Linguist ~ Worldly (1/day roll an untrained skill twice and take the better result)
- Skills ~ Appraise (+8), Fly +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Knowledge (History) +8, Linguistics +9, Spellcraft (+8), Stealth +7 (+4 Dex, +3 Familiar)
- Languages ~ Common, Auran, Celestial, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, & Kelish (human tongue)
- Sylph Abilities ~ Darkvision 60', Feather fall 1/day (caster level equals the sylph's total level), Like the Wind: +5 bonus to base speed, Breeze-Kissed: +2 racial bonus to AC against nonmagical ranged attacks- 1/day channel winds into a gust to trip/bull rush a foe within 30' but loose AC bonus
Initiative: +4; Senses ~ Perception +1
Defense ~ AC 15 / 19 (+2 vs nonmagical ranged attacks, +4 Dex; +1 Dodge, +4 Mage Armor); touch 15; flat-footed 10/ 14 (mage armor)
HP 6 SAVES ~ Fortitude +0, Reflex +4, Will +2
Offense ~ Speed 35 ft. ~ Melee ~ Quarterstaff -1 attack (1d6-1 / x2) ~ Ranged ~ Dagger +4 attack (1d4-1 /19-20 / Range 10' (5) Spell Attacks ~ Force Missile (7/day) d4+1 damage, 110' range
Spellbook ~ all 0-level spells ~ 7 1st level spells (Memorize: 3- 0-lvl; 2- 1st) Opposition Schools: Necromancy & Abjuration
0-level ~ Prepared Spells: Ray of Frost 1d3 cold damage ~ Detect Magic ~ Mage Hand: 5-pound telekinesis
1st Level ~ Mage Armor: Gives subject +4 armor bonus ~ Color Spray: Knocks unconscious, blinds, and/or stuns weak creatures. ~ Burning Hands: 1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4) ~ Enlarge Person: Humanoid creature doubles in size ~ Expeditious Retreat: Your base speed increases by 30 ft ~ Sleep: Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber ~ Charm Person: Makes one person your friend.
Familiar ~ Ragnoraka a Pseudodragon (adolescent) treat as a cat until Yolanda can take the improved familiar feat at 7th level.
0-level ~ Prepared Spells: Ray of Frost 1d3 cold damage ~ Detect Magic ~ Mage Hand: 5-pound telekinesis
1st Level ~ Mage Armor: Gives subject +4 armor bonus ~ Color Spray: Knocks unconscious, blinds, and/or stuns weak creatures. ~ Burning Hands: 1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4) ~ Enlarge Person: Humanoid creature doubles in size ~ Expeditious Retreat: Your base speed increases by 30 ft ~ Sleep: Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber ~ Charm Person: Makes one person your friend.
Familiar ~ Ragnoraka a Pseudodragon (adolescent) treat as a cat until Yolanda can take the improved familiar feat at 7th level.
Tactics ~ Before Combat Yolanda holds back or climbs to higher ground to put some distance
between herself and the action, picking off foes with her force missiles; if combat promisses to be intense, she casts Mage Armor During Combat she uses Sleep or Color Spray to defend herself
~ traveler's outfit, daggers (3), quarterstaff, backpack: woodwind flute, bedroll, silk
rope (50 ft.), flint and steel, waterskin, scroll case (5 sheets of paper), rations (5 days) // GP: 8 SP: 12 CP: 4
Background ~ Yolanda ~ born fraternal twins, Yolan and Alandra were inseparable, twin whirlwinds of action and curiosity that drove their parents to fits of laughter and frustration. Dad (Khair)- a Kelish merchant prince of Zimar (garrison city of Taldor); mom (Shirin)- a Qadira dijinni trapped in a mortal body by an efreeti curse, her powers gone. Despite the 100 year peace between Taldor and Qadira, tensions in the garrison town were high, especially after the twins started using their breezes to knock over stalls in the market or play pranks on the city's children. Their mother's Qadiran ancestry didn't help matters either. Luckily for them, because of their innate powers they were always just a little faster than their victims or could always feather fall off a city wall to escape retribution.
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Yolan |
As the merchant prince's power and fortune grew, he amassed a sizable collection of relics and artifacts that became the envy of all, especially the neighboring efreets and other genie kin of Qadira who had been thwarted by Zimar's walls and army. While the twins were still young, the efreeti lifted the curse and as Shirin's powers rushed back into her uncontrolled, powerful whirlwinds ripped through the city destroying its walls and ripping open the merchant's vaults, exposing the treasures within. Yolan and Alandra hid in one such exposed vault as a wave of efreet and genie kin rushed the city in the ensuing chaos looting all they could find. A surge of primal magic struck the twins as the magical forces stormed through the vaults combining their bodies and minds into one body where they have remained trapped since. After the efreet were expelled, the merchant secreted his wife and children away to Varisia before he could face the wrath of the city damaged by his greed. He enrolled Yolanda at the Acadamae in Korvosa hoping s/he could find a cure for the curse that bound them together. His wife has since traveled to the outer planes seeking a cure as well. In the 40 years since the "incident," Yolanda has traveled to Winterhaven and the Keep rumored to have ties to Shadowfell hoping to find a cure there. S/he hasn't heard from Shirin since she departed and he/r father, now 84, is a bitter old man living out his days in memories of better times. As sylph age slowly, reaching adulthood around 60, Yolan and Alandra have had plenty of time to come to terms with their unique situation and have lived in this state for 45 years. The curse is such that their bodies shift in and out of the other- roll d10 once per day (1-4 Alandra; 5-8 Yolan; 9-10 an androgynous mix of the two) to see which of the twin's bodies Yolanda spends the day in.
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