Human Fighter |
Pathfinder 3.75e Character Classes
Driven by combat their physical abilities
often define them. Clad in armor, wielding sword and shield they are the
first through the door and at the front lines of most battles, or skulking
ahead in shadow or lingering behind your back they wait for the right moment
to strike. Martial classes can be divided into two types- Defenders (front line fighters who hold the line) and Strikers (scouts and rear guards whose dexterity gets them where there are most needed).
Ulfen Sea Reaver |
Barbarian: (Core Class)
- Primary Ability: Str / Secondary: Con
- BAB: +1
- Skills: 4+ Int
- Saves: +2 Fort
- HP: d12
- Starting Wealth: 3d6x10 (105 SP)
- Start Age: Intuitive +d4
- Weapons: Simple, Martial / Armor: Light & Medium + Shields (except tower)
- Class: Rage (4+ Con Modifier rounds/day) +4 Str & Con; +2 Will Saves; -2 AC; Can't use Cha, Dex, or Int skills except (Acrobatics, Intimidate, and Ride); Fatigued when Rage ends 2x number of rounds in Rage / Rage Powers added at 2nd level
- Archetypes: Armored Hulk
- Iconic PC: Amiri- Human Barbarian
- Roleplaying: Fears & Phobias
Halfling of the Shield |
Cavalier: (Advanced Class)
- Primary Ability: Str / Secondary: Cha
- BAB: +1
- Skills: 4+ Int
- Saves: +2 Fort
- HP: d10
- Starting Wealth: 5d6x10 (175 SP)
- Start Age: Self-Taught +d6
- Weapons: Simple, Martial / Armor: All armor and shields (except tower)
- Class: Challenge (-2 AC except challenged foe; +1dmg/level +Order Powers)
- Mount- Animal Companion; no armor check penalty on Ride checks- gain new mount after 1 week if 1st mount dies (Alternate Ideas)
- Tactician: Teamwork Feat- 30' range; 3 rounds +1/two levels once/day
- Order- Code of Conduct for Cavaliers; Grants skills and class abilities
- Order of the Blue Rose-Guard against needless violence; protect people/lands from wars; prevent them from starting; shed as little blood as possible; give quarter to those who ask it and protect them
- +1 attack vs. challenged foe who was offered chance to surrender; Skill: Knowledge (history & nobility) +1/2 lvl on Diplomacy checks that seek to mend conflict
- Order of the Cockatrice- Keep own interests/aims above others; self above all- seek to raise legacy, prestige, & power
- +1 dmg vs challenged foe if only one next to him; Skill: Appraise & Perform; add Cha & Wis modifier to DC of those trying to Intimidate him
- Order of the Dragon- Remain loyal to allies; further goals of group; defend/protect their honor
Éowyn- Shieldmaiden of Rohan |
- +1 attack vs challenged foe when threatening target; Skill: Perception & Survival +1/2 lvl on Survival rolls for party (food, shelter, water, weather)
- Order of the Lion- Protect lands/life of sovereign; obey commands without question; expand realm/prestige of ruler
- +1 dodge to AC vs challenged foe; Skill: Knowledge (local & nobility) +1/2 lvl on realm/ruler
- Order of the Seal-Charged with protecting specific object, person, place, or secret; must guard charge with all he has: health, honor, and life
- Free Bull Rush or Trip onwhen he takes a full round action vs. challenged foe; Skill: Disable Device & Linguistics; +1/2 lvl to Bluff to to conceal info about charge
- Order of the Shield- Protect the commoner from exploitation and harm; charity and aid when needed; cannot harm those who can't defend self
- +1 attack vs challenged foe if foe attacks others (1 minute); Skill: Heal & Knowledge (local); +1/2 lvl Heal others
- Order of the Star- Protect the faith and those who teach it; Select 1 religion to serve; Promote cause and serve the church
- +1 saves when challenging foe; Skill: Heal & Knowledge (religion) +1/2 lvl to skill on rolls within own faith
- Order of the Sword- Chivalry, swear service to lord/lady; courage in battle; mercy to those who wronged him; charity to poor; honor above all
- Challenge: +1 attack bonus; Skill: Knowledge (nobility); Sense Motive to oppose Bluff +1/2 lvl to roll.
- Order of the Tome-Protect written knowledge at all costs; pass wisdom down through the ages; conversely destroy texts too dangerous for man to know
- +2 saves vs spells/spell-like abilities vs challenged foe and +2 Bluff & Sense Motive rolls vs. challenged foe; Skill: Knowledge (arcana & religion) & use Linguistics untrained +1/2 lvl to check.
- Archetypes:
Human Archer |
Fighter: (Core Class)
- Primary Ability: Str / Secondary: Con
- BAB: +1
- Skills: 2+ Int
- Saves: +2 Fort
- HP: d10
- Starting Wealth: 5d6x10 (175 SP)
- Start Age: Self-Taught +d6
- Weapons: Simple, Martial / Armor: All armor and shields
- Class: Bonus Feat
- Archetypes:
- Iconic PC: Valeros- Human Fighter
Human Gunslinger |
Gunslinger: (Ultimate Combat Class)
- Primary Ability: Dex / Secondary: Wis
- Saves: +2 Fort; +2 Reflex
- HP: d10
- Starting Wealth: 5d6x10 (175 SP)
- Start Age: Self-Taught +d6
- Weapons: Simple, Martial, all firearms / Armor: Light
- Class: Gunsmith (Choose 1: Blunderbuss, Musket, or Pistol)
- Blunderbuss- d8 dmg; Crit x2; Misfire- 1-2 (10'); Weight 8 lbs. Range: 15' cone; Capacity: 1
- Musket- d12 dmg; Crit x4; Misfire: 1-2 (5'); Weight: 9 lbs.; Range: 40';
Capacity: 1
- Pistol- d8 dmg; Crit x4; Misfire: 1 (5'); Weight: 4 lbs.; Range: 20';
Capacity: 1
- Grit (= Wis Modifier/day; spend 1 grit point to preform a daring deed)
- Regain Grit: Critical Hit with firearm +1 vs. challenging foe; Reduce foe below 0 HP in heat of combat +1
- Deeds (Deadeye; Gunslinger's Dodge; Quick Clear)
- Deadeye: resolve attack using target's touch AC instead of normal AC
- Cost: 1 Grit/range increment (-2 per range increment beyond 1)
- Gunslinger's Dodge: Ranged attacks; spend 1 Grit to move 5' & +2 AC vs. attack (movement provokes attacks of opportunity) OR Drop prone for +4 AC vs. attack
- Quick Clear: clear gun jams caused by misfire; remove broken condition from gun caused by misfire (Standard Action); costs 1 Grit
- Feats: Gunsmithing bonus feat
- Archetypes:
- Gun Tank (Armor & Shield Proficient; Swap 2 Deeds: Gun Tank's Resolve & Resilience)
- Musket Master (Swap 2 Deeds: Steady Aim & Fast Musket)
- Mysterious Stranger (Cha for Grit; Swap 2 Deeds: Focused Aim & Clipping Shot)
- Pistolero (Swap 3 Deeds: Up Close & Deadly; Deadeye; Twin Shot Knockdown)
Sajan- Human Monk |
Monk: (Core Class)
- Primary Ability: Dex / Secondary: Wis
- BAB: +0
- Skills: 4+ Int
- Saves: +2 Fort; +2 Reflex; +2 Will
- HP: d8
- Starting Wealth: 1d6x10 (35 SP)
- Start Age: Trained +2d6
- Weapons: club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama,
nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shortspear, short sword, shuriken,
siangham, sling, and spear
- Class: Flurry of Blows (full attack); Unarmed Strike (d6); Bonus Feat; Stunning Fist
- AC Bonus: Unarmored/unencumbered- add Wis modifier to AC and CMD; apply to Touch AC and Flat-Footed AC; loses bonus AC when helpless, carries a shield or wears armor
- Flury of Blows: (Full-round action) +1 attack/round (BAB = Monk's level); -4 Primary attack; -4 Secondary weapon (-2 for light weapons)
- Unarmed Strike: d6 dmg; apply full Str to unarmed strikes; can deal nonlethal damage at no penalty
- Stunning Fist: Fort Save (DC 10 + 1/2 level +Wis modifier) or stunned for 1 round; drops objects, can't take actions, loses Dex to AC, -2 AC; 1/day per Monk Level
- Archetypes:
- Iconic PC: Sajan- Human Monk
Half-Elf Ranger |
Ranger: (Core Class)
- Primary Ability: Dex / Secondary: Wis (spells/class abilities)
- BAB: +1
- Skills: 6+ Int
- Saves: +2 Fort; +2 Reflex
- HP: d10
- Starting Wealth: 5d6x10 (175 SP)
- Start Age: Self-Taught +d6
- Weapons: Simple, Martial / Armor: Light & Medium +Shields (except tower)
- Class: Favored Enemy (+2 dmg/att / Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival vs. Favored Enemy)
- Track (+1/2 level to Survival Checks to track others)
- Wild Empathy (Diplomacy vs. Animals) + Ranger level to roll + Cha to Diplomacy to improve attitude of animals (Wild animals start as unfriendly; Domestic as indifferent); 30' range and takes 1 minute; -4 vs magical animals (Int 1-2)
- Combat Styles: Crossbow; Mounted Combat; Natural Weapon; Two-Handed Weapon; Weapon & Shield (Choose 1 at level 2)
- Animal Companions (level 4+)
- Archetypes:
- Guide: (Replace Favored Foe with Ranger's Focus)
- Horse Lord: (Mounted Combat Master)
- Infiltrator: 3rd level- copy abilities of prey (Favored Enemy) for 10 minutes/day per ranger level
- Shapeshifter: 3rd level assume the shape of one favored animal for number of rounds = to ranger level + Wis
- Skirmisher: Don't gain spells at 5th level; add Hunter Trick's every 2/lvl
- Urban Ranger: Defender of a specific community
- Deep Walker: (Dungeoneering Ranger)
- Falconer: (Gain bird of prey at level 1; teach tricks)
- Trophy Hunter: (gunslinger ranger- tracker of large game animals)
- Warden: (Select Favored Terrain instead of Favored Enemy)
- Iconic PC: Harsk- Dwarf Ranger
Halfling Rogue- now that's original! |
Rogue: (Core Class)
- Primary Ability: Dex / Secondary: Cha
- BAB: +0
- Skills: 8+ Int
- Saves: +2 Reflex
- HP: d8
- Starting Wealth: 4d6x10 (140 SP)
- Start Age: Intuitive +d4
- Weapons: Simple +hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, & short sword / Light Armor
- Class: Sneak Attack (+d6 dmg Flanking or Surprise) when target is flat-footed; +1d6 dmg every 2 levels; 30' range to attacks
- Archetypes:

- Acrobat- +2 Acrobatics when unarmored; no armor check penalties in in Light Armor to Acrobatics, Climb, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth (replaces Trap Sense)
- Cutpurse: Measure of the Mark- Mark makes Perception check before Sleight of Hand roll and thief knows the result and can decide to proceed- Bluff check to prevent mark from noticing the attempt. (replaces Trapfinding)
- Investigator: Follow up- Roll 2x on Diplomacy to gather info- receives info from BOTH rolls; takes same time as 1 check (Replaces Trapfinding)
- Rake: Bravado's Blade- swap d6 sneak attack damage with an Intimidate check to demoralize foe (Replaces Trapfinding)
- Sniper: Accuracy- halves range increment penlities with bows/crossbows (replaces Trapfinding)
- Spy: +1/2 lvl on Bluff checks to deceive (replaces Trapfinding)
- Swashbuckler: Martial Training- Select 1 martial weapon; may take Combat Trick 2 times
- Thug: (Rusher) Frightening- Intimidate to demoralize duration increased +1 roundIf foe shaken for 4+ rounds Thug can make target frightened for 1 round (replaces Trapsense)
- Chameleon: Misdirection- gain stealth points = ranks in Bluff +feat bonuses; before making Stealth roll add points to roll; replenish at start of new day (replaces Trapfinding)
- Charlatan: Natural Born Liar- Mark receives -2 on Sense Motive checks vs. Bluff if they are deceived the first time (replaces Trapfinding)
- Knife Master: Hidden Blade= +1/2 lvl on Sleight of Hand to conceal a light blade (replaces Trapfinding)
- Pirate: Gain Sea Legs as a bonus feat (Replaces Trapfinding)
- Roof Runner: Move at full speed on rooftops; no penalty to Dex skills or reflex saves as a result of roof running; Light Armor only (replaces Trapfinding)
- Survivalist: Hardy- 2 number day without water; 3x without food before feeling effects (replaces Trapfinding)
- Iconic PC: Merisiel- Elf Rogue
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