Pathfinder 3.75e Character Classes
ARCANE- Driven by their need to uncover hidden lore, their natural charisma and intelligence form the backbone of an adventuring party in combat providing needed support, but they often shine brightest outside the clash of blades. A Swiss Army Knife their spells can turn foes into say... stone, or a dog, or a chair or sunder the gates of the city.
Elven Bard |
Bard: (Core Class) A traveling poet and singer; masters of song and wit, magic and music, lore and legend, they are welcome with open arms in most taverns and ports the world over for the stories they bring- of world events beyond the vale or untold legends of yore.
- Primary Ability: Cha / Secondary: Dex
- Skills: 6+ Int
- Saves:+2 Will; +2 Ref
- HP: d8
- Starting Wealth: 3d6x10 (105 SP)
- Start Age: Self-Taught +d6
- Weapons: Simple; long/short sword, rapier, sap, shortbow; Armor: Light + shields (except tower)
- Spells Known: 4 0-level spells / 2 1st-level spells
- Spells/Day: 1 +1 Cha 12+ spells
- Spell DC: 10 + Spell Level + Cha modifier
- Masterpieces: replace associated feat/spell slot at certain levels
- Titles: Name (Perform Skills needed; Other Skill)
- Bard: Typically either Traveling or Court- a high title for a skilled musician
- Traveling (Knowledge- geography; Perform- Oratory, Instrument, Sing)
- Court (Diplomacy; Knowledge- Nobility; Perform- Oratory, Instrument, Act)
- Skald: Poet / teller of deeds of heroes & kings (Diplomacy; Oratory; Instrument)
- Gleeman: Known for their patchwork cloaks of many colors- gleeman are part musician, part tumbler (Acrobatics; Sleight of Hand; Perform; Instrument; Oratory; Sing)
- Jester: (Acrobatics; Sleight of Hand; Perfrom- Comedy; Instrument; Act)
- Minstrel: teller of deeds through song (Knowledge- History; Perform- Sing, Instrument)
- Class: Bardic Knowledge +1/2 level ALL Knowledge Rolls
- Bardic Performance (4 + Cha rounds per day) +2 rounds/level- Start as a Standard Action (maintain as a Free Action); Ends when killed, paralyzed, stunned, unconscious, or distracted; 1 in effect at a time
- Countersong: Counter magic effects that depend on sound (not verbal components); Perform check (range 30'); targets can use Perform result in place of a Save if it is higher; If already under a sound spell, allows a resave using Perform check; doesn't work on spells that don't allow a save
- Distraction: Counter spells that depend on sight (Illusion- pattern or figment) same as Countersong in all other ways
- Fascinate: 90' range and able to see& hear bard; Bard must see targets and target must not be distracted by other effects; Targets 1 person +1 every 3 levels
- DC Will save: 10 + 1/2 bard level + Cha to negate; success can't try for 24 hours on same target; Failure- -4 skill checks on reactions (Perception); potential threats allow a new save; obvious threats break the spell instantly
- Inspire Courage: +1 save vs. charm and fear effects & +1 attack/damage rolls; targets must perceive the performance (use either visual or audio components)
- Archetypes:
- Arcane Duelist: Arcane Strike (feat- replaces Bardic Knowledge); Performance- Rallying Cry (replaces Countersong)
- Detective: Performance- Careful Teamwork (replaces Inspire Courage)
- Sandman: Performance- Stealspell (replaces inspire courage)
- Savage Skald: Performance- Inspiring Blow (replaces Fascinate)
- Sea Singer: Performance- Sea Shanty (replaces Countersong); World Traveler (Knowledge- local, nature, & geography + Linguistics) +1/2 bardic level; reroll result take second roll (replaces bardic knowledge)
- Street Performer: Performance- Disappearing Act (replaces Inspire Courage); Gladhandling- (use Bluff in place of Diplomacy or Intimidate to influence crowds 1 minute; attitude becomes one step worse than original step after; Double Perform check money earned (replaces Countersong); Streetwise- +1/2 level on Bluff, Disguise, Knowledge (local), & Sleight of Hand checks and Intimidate or Diplomacy checks to influence crowds (replaces Bardic Knowledge)
- Celebrity: Choose 1 region where bard is famous (Settlement 1000 people +1 Diplomacy & Intimidate checks- replaces Inspire Courage)
- Daredevil: Agile (+1/2 level to Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, and Escape Artist- replaces Bardic Knowledge); Derring-do (replaces Inspire Courage) +1 Reflex saves; +2 Dex skill checks; +1 dodge to AC if moved 10' until start of next turn (replaces Inspire Courage)
- Iconic PC: Lem- Halfling Bard
Sorcerer: (Core Class) Innate spell casters who draw their powers from their heritage-ancient bloodlines passed down through the generations. Also called Freemagic Mage; Guildless Mage; Wild Mage. Efforts are constantly made by the established Charter Guilds to bring these wilders into the fold and offer them proper, academic training.
- Primary Ability: Cha / Secondary: Int
- Skills: 2+ Int
- Saves: +2 Will
- HP: d6
- Starting Wealth: 2d6x10 (70 SP)
- Start Age: Intuitive +d4
- Weapons: Simple / Armor: None
- Spell DC: 10 + Spell Level + Cha modifier
- Spells Known: 4 0-level spells / 2 1st level spells
- Spells/Day: 3 +1 Cha 12+ spells
- Class: Bloodline Powers- Bonus Spells (start at 3rd level); Bonus Feats (start at 7th level) Class Skills (1 per Bloodline is a class skill); Arcana (Bonus to certain spells); Powers (Special Bloodline spell-like abilities useable 3/day +Cha Modifier)
- Aberrant (Core)- Class Skill: Knowledge (Dungeoneering) / Arcana: Polymorph spells- increase duration 50%; doesn't stack with Extend Spell feat / Powers: Acidic Ray- (ranged touch attack; 30' range; d6 dmg +1 every 2 levels)
- Warped: Polymorph spells allow a random effect from Warped Polymorph table
- Bloodline Power: 30' range; target dazed 1 round (Fort save negates -DC 10 +1/2 sorcerer level + Cha (replaces Acidic Ray)
- Abyssal (Core)- Class Skill: Knowledge (Planes) / Arcana: Summoning school- creatures summoned gain DR/good = 1/2 sorcerer level / Powers: Grow Claws- (2 claw attacks d4 dmg; Full Round Action)
- Celestial (Core)- Class Skill: Heal / Arcana: Summoning school-creatures summoned gain DR/evil = 1/2 sorcerer level / Powers: Heavenly Fire- (ranged touch attack; 30' range; d4 dmg +1 every 2 levels to evil creatures; heals d4 +1 2/lvls to good creatures; good creatures can only be healed 1/day; Neutral characters cannot be targeted)
- Destined (Core)- Class Skill: Knowledge (History) / Arcana: Cast spells with AoE "Personal" gain bonus = to spell's level to saves for 1 round / Powers: Touch of Destiny- (Touch- grant insight bonus on attacks, skills, ability checks, saves = 1/2 sorcerer level for 1 round)
- Draconic (Core)-Choose a Dragon type (Chromatic or Metallic) Class Skill: Perception / Arcana: cast spells of the type of Draconic Blood +1 damage / Powers: Grow Claws- (2 claw attacks d4 dmg; Full Round Action)
- Elemental (Core)- Choose Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Class Skill: Knowledge (Planes) / Arcana: Change damage type of spells to match your Bloodline Element / Powers: Elemental Ray (ranged touch attack; 30' range; d6 dmg +1 every 2 levels)
- Fey (Core)- Class Skill: Knowledge (Nature) / Arcana: Increase DC of spells from Compulsion school / Powers: Laughing Touch (Target bursts out laughing for 1 round; melee touch attack; can only take move actions and defend self; Immune for 24 hours)
- Infernal (Core)- Class Skill: Diplomacy / Arcana: Increase DC of Charm spells by +2 / Powers: Corrupting Touch (melee touch attack; target shaken for 1/2 sorcerer level; additional touches don't stack, extend duration; target radiates an evil aura for duration)
- Undead (Core)- Class Skill: Knowledge (Religion) / Arcana: Corporeal undead that were once humanoids can be effected by certain spells / Powers: Grave Touch (melee touch attack; target shaken for 1/2 sorcerer level; Shaken targets become frightened for 1 round if its HD is lower than your sorcerer level)
- Dreamspun (Advanced)- Class Skill: Sense Motive / Arcana: When you target a single creature gain + 1/2 level of spell for 1 round to AC and saves vs spells/attacks from creature / Powers: Lullaby (-4 saves vs. sleep effects; lasts 1 minute)
- Shadow (Advanced)- Class Skill: Stealth / Arcana: Spells with Darkness gain + spell's level to Stealth Checks for d4 rounds / Powers: Shadowstrike (melee touch atack; d4 nonlethal dmg +1 per 2 sorcerer levels and dazzled for 1 minute; targets with low-light or dark vision are not dazzled by this)
- Starsoul (Advanced)- Class Skill: Knowledge (Nature) / Arcana: Cast Evocation spells, targets who fail saves are dazzled 1 round/level of spell / Powers: Minute Meteors (Standard Action; 5' wide, 30' tall column of meteors; d4 +1 per 2 sorcerer levels fire dmg; Reflex save [10+1/2 sorcerer levle + Cha] negates)
- Stormborn (Advanced)- Class Skill: Knowledge (Nature) / Arcana: Increase electricity spell DC +1 / Powers: Thunderstaff (Give weapon shock 1/2 sorcerer level rounds)
- Djinni / Efreeti / Marid / Shaitan (Advanced)- Class Skill: Knowledge (Planes) / Arcana: Change energy type to electric/fire/cold/acid for damage / Powers: Electric / Fire / Frost / Acid Ray (ranged touch attack; 30' range; d6 dmg +1 every 2 levels)
Stormborn Tiefling |
- Eschew Materials (feat)
- Cantrips
- Archetypes: Crossblooded (Dual blooded- choose 2 bloodlines; gain access to feats; skills; some powers of both lines; Gain Arcana of both; Select 1 Bloodline Power for either list; Drawbacks: -1 spell known at each level (includes cantrips); -2 Will saves
- Iconic PC: Seoni- Human Sorcerer
Wizard: (Core Class) A practitioner of the arcane arts- the wizard delves into tomes and legend as a fighter does into dungeons. Whether trained in magical universities or by the village sage, a wizard is first and foremost a scholar of magic and then a practitioner spending hours a day pouring over their books. Also called Guild Mage, Charter Mage; Non-guild mages are refered to as Mercenary Mages or Freelance Wizards
- Primary Ability: Int / Secondary: Dex
- Skills: 2+ Int
- Saves:+2 Will
- HP: d6
- Starting Wealth: 2d6x10 (70 SP)
- Start Age: Trained +2d6
- Weapons: club, dagger, crossbow: heavy/light, staff / Armor: None
- Spell DC: 10 + Spell Level + Int modifier
- Spellbook: must spend 1 hour a day in study + 8 hours sleep
- Spells Known: All 0-lvl Spells minus opposed school / 3 1st level + Int modifier
- +2 new spells/level
- Spells/Day: 3 0-level spells (except opposed school) / 1 +1 Int 12+ 1st level spells / +1 specialist school slot
- Class: Arcane Bond (Familiar OR Object)
- Arcane Bond: (amulet, ring, staff, wand, or weapon) Masterwork quality; casting without the object requires a concentration roll (DC 20 + spell level); 1/Day object can be used to cast any 1 spell in spellbook except opposition spells. If damaged, it is restored to full HP when wizard prepares spells; replaced after 1 week with a 200 SP/level ritual taking 8 hours to cast.
- Familiar: Grant skill bonus depending on animal type; HD = master's level; HP = 1/2 Wizard's; Attacks- use BAB of wizard but animal's Str & Dex mods; Saves use either wizard's or base save of animal (Fort +2; Ref +2; Will +0); Int at level 1-2: 6
- Wizard gains: Alertness (feat) when within arms reach; Empathic Link
- Familiar gains: Improved Evasion (Attack with Reflex save for half allows the familiar to avoid all dmg on a save and 1/2 on a failed); Share Spells (wizard can target "you" spells on familiar; Empathic Link (1 mile range; general emotions shared)
- Types: Bat; Cat; Hawk; Lizard; Monkey; Owl; Rat; Raven; Viper; Toad; Weasel (Core); Flying Squirrel; Fox; Goat; Otter; Pig; Raccoon (Bestiary 3); Blue-ringed octopus; Donkey Rat; Fox; Goat; Greensting Scorpion; Hedgehog; House Centipede; King Crab; Pig; Scarlet Spider; Thrush; & Turtle (Ultimate Magic)
Human Pyromancer (Evocation) |
- Scribe Scroll (feat)
- Arcane School (Powers) Gain bonus spells/powers; 2 schools become opposition schools (spells prepared from those schools take up 2 spell slots; -4 craft items from that school)
- School: Fields (Opposition Schools) / Passive Power (Description); Spell-like Power USES 3 + Int modifier/Day (Description) / Names:
- Abjuration: Defensive/Warding (Illusion +1 Other) / Resist 5 (chosen as spells are prepared); Protective Ward (Standard Action- 10' radius field; lasts rounds = Int mod; +1 AC) / Names:Abjurer; Warder
- Banishment: (replaces Protective Ward) Touch disrupts summoned creatures- melee touch attack; target staggered & shaken for 1/2 wizard lvls rounds
- Disruption: (replaces Protective Ward) melee touch attack- target must make concentration check (DC 15 + 2x spell's level) for 1/2 wizard lvl rounds
- Conjuration: Summon/Control Beasts (Divination +1 Other) / Summoner's Charm (Increase duration +1/2 wizard lvl); Acid Dart (Standard Action- ranged touch attack 30'; d6 dmg +1 per 2 wizard lvls.) / Names: Conjurer
- Divination: Information/Remote Viewing (Conjuration +1 Other) / Forewarned (Always act during surprise round; flat-footed until action is taken; +1/2 wizard lvl to initiative); Diviner's Fortune: (Touch- grant insight; +1/2 wizard lvl to attacks; skills; abilities; saves for 1 round) / Names: Diviner; Scryer
- Prescience: (Replaces Diviner's Fortune) Free Action roll d20 at start of turn; use the result before next turn on any roll or reroll and take second result
- Send Senses: (Replaces Diviner's Fortune) Standard Action- place scrying sensor within 100' +10'/wizard level; clairaudience/voyance with lvl = to yours for 1/2 wizard lvl rounds
- Enchantment: Emotions/Mind (Evocation +1 Other) / Enchanting Smile (+2 to Bluff, Diplomacy, & Intimidate); Dazing Touch (melee touch attack- dazed 1 round; creatures with more HD than wizard lvl are unaffected) / Names: Aleurier; Enchanter; Mesmer
- Beguiling Touch: (Replaces Dazing Touch) Charm creature by touch; HD higher than wizard lvl, those in combat, or hostile are unaffected; Will save negates (DC 10 + 1/2 wizard lvl + Int) for 1/2 wizard lvl rounds as a charm monster spell
- Evocation: Combat/Magical Energy (Enchantment +1 Other) / Intense Spells (+1/2 wizard lvl damage to evocation spells); Force Missile (Standard Action- Magic Missile d4 dmg + Intense Spell dmg) / Names: Evoker; Battle/War Mage; Shrike; Pyromancer
- Illusion: Phantoms/Illusion (Necromancy +1 Other) / Extend Illusions (Illusions last 1/2 wizard lvl after you cease to concentrate on them); Blinding Ray (Ranged touch attack- 30'; target blinded 1 round; creatures with more HD than wizard lvl are dazzled) / Names: Illusionist; Silare; Illudere; Shadowmancer;
- Terror: (Replaces Blinding Ray) melee touch attack- provoke attack of opportunity from you or 1 ally; Targets with more HD than your wizard lvl are unaffected
- Binding Darkness: (Replaces Blinding Ray)30' range; shadows wrap up target; ranged touch attack; 1 round +1 per 5 lvls; 1/2 duration in bright light; creature has concealment from those without darkvision
- Necromancy: Death/Undeath (Illusion +1 Other) / Power Over Undead (Command or Turn Undead as a bonus feat- Channel Energy 3 +Int times/day; Save DC = 10 +1/2 lvl. + Cha); Grave Touch (melee touch attack; shaken 1/2 wizard lvls. rounds; shaken creatures become frightened for 1 round if it has fewer HD than you) / Names: Necromancer
- Transmutation: Alter Reality (Abjuration +1 Other) / Physical Enhancement (+1 enhancement bonus to 1 physical ability; changeable when you prepare spells); Telekinetic Fist (Ranged touch attack, 30'; d4 dmg +1 per 2 wizard lvls.) / Names:Transmuter
- Augment: (Replaces Telekinetic Fist) touch target to grant +2 to 1 ability OR +1 AC; lasts 1/2 wizard lvl rounds
- Universalist: Generalist (None) / Hand of the Apprentice (melee weapon flies from hand- returns to you; ranged attack with Int modifier; 30' range) 3 +Int modifier times/day
- Archetypes:
- Siege Mage: Gain Siege Engineer (feat) replaces Scribe Scroll; Bond with single siege engine within 30' to aim and fire it (Replaces Bonded Object); can bond with siege engines a number of times = to Int modifier
- Empower Siege Engine: sacrifice spell to gain attack bonus = lvl of spell and bonus dmg = 3x spell level (Replaces Cantrips- caster gains Detect Magic and Read Magic as 1st level spells)
- Choose 3 schools of opposition
- Gain Arcane Discoveries in place of Bonus Feats
- Iconic PC: Ezren- Human Wizard
Elven Transmuter |
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