Step 1—Choose a Core Race / Advanced Race
These races, while not as common as the Core Races, make up 5-10% or so of the other races PCs will encounter in a given game world. Typically crossed with an Outer Worlder and a human or elf, these races are plane-touched and are often ostracized or feared. Ask your GM before creating a PC from one of these races.
Age: Adulthood / Middle Age / Old / Venerable
Height: Male / Female; Weight: Male / Female
CELESTIAL: Divine Outsiders; Thrive on virtue and seek to balance the chaos of the planes
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Aasimar Paladin |
Descendents of Celestials- their ancestry can lay dormant for generations only to flare up decades later.
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Cha / +2 Wis
- Speed: 30' / Vision: Darkvision 60' / Size: Medium
- Age: 60 / 150 / 200 / 250
- Height: 5'10" / 5'8" Weight: 150 / 130
- Racial Traits: Daylight- 1/day / Marked: hair that shines as a precious metal, unusual skin/eye color, glowing halos, or other sign of their celestial blood.
- Skill Modifiers: +2 Diplomacy & Perception
- Save Modifiers: Celestial Resistance: Cold, Acid, & Electricity 5
- Alternate Racial Traits: Celestial Crusader, Deathless Spirit, Exalted Resistance, Halo, Havenborn, Immortal Spark, Incorruptible, Scion of Humanity, & Truespeaker
- Racial Archetypes: Purifier (Oracle) &Tranquil Guardian (Paladin
- Languages: Common & Celestial (Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, & Sylvan)
Lillend: (Advanced Race) Descendents of human, elves, or half-elves and Lillend Celestials- appear as winged Aasimars from the waist up and snakes from the waist down.
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Cha / +2 Con / -2 Wis
- Speed: 30' / Vision: Low-Light / Size: Large (Medium sized waist up 4' / 6-8' long snake bodies) / Can't be Tripped (CMD)
- Racial Traits: Feather Fall 3/day- (nonmagical- wings can slow their descent as long as they are only lightly encumbered); Dancing Lights- 1/day / Marked: hair that shines as a precious metal, unusual skin/eye color, glowing halos, or other sign of their celestial blood.
- Skill Modifiers: +2 Perform Skill (1 instrument only); +2 Knowledge (---)
- Save Modifiers: Celestial Resistance: Cold, Acid, & Electricity 5
- Languages: Common & Celestial (Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, & Sylvan)
INFERNALS: Daemon Outsiders; Thrive on disaster and ruin; at war with the Celestials
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Elven Changeling (Green Widow) |
Female offspring of Hags and other humanoid races left with their foster race until called by their mothers to return to them and become hags themselves. They appear to be dark haired members of their father's race, though taller and slenderer than is normal with mismatched eyes and pale skin.
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Wis / +2 Cha / -2 ---Con
- Speed: 30' / Vision: Darkvision 60' / Size: Medium
- Age: 15 / 35 / 53 / 70
- Height: 5'2" Weight: 135
- Racial Traits: +1 AC (natural armor); Claws: fingernails long/sharp (2 attacks- 1d4 + Str); Choose One-
- Annis Hag: Hulking Changling +1 melee dmg
- Green Widow: Green Hag +2 Bluff vs. males
- Sea Lungs: Sea Hag Hold breath = 3x Con before risks drowning
- Alternate Racial Traits: Mist Child, Object of Desire, Ocean's Daughter
- Racial Archetypes: Dreamweaver (Witch)
- Languages: Common & Foster Language (Aklo, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, & Orc)
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Tiefling Rogue |
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex / +2 Int / -2 Cha
- Speed: 30' / Vision: Darkvision 60' / Size: Medium
- Age: 60 / 150 / 200 / 250
- Height: 5'10" / 5'5" Weight: 180 / 145
- Racial Traits: Darkness- 1/day; Fiendish Sorcerery- treat Cha 2 higher for all sorcerer abilities with Infernal OR Abyssal bloodlines
- Skill Modifiers: +2 Bluff and Stealth checks
- Save Modifiers: Fiendish Resistance- Resist Cold, Electricity, & Fire 5
- Alternate Racial Traits: Beguiling Liar, Fiendish Sprinter, Maw or Claw, Prehensile Tail, Scaled Skin, Sour Seer, & Vestigial Wings
- Racial Archetypes: Fiend Flayer (Magus) & Fiendish Vessel (Cleric)
- Languages: Common & Abyssal OR Infernal (Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, & Orc)
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Fetchling Mage |
Descendents of humans trapped in Shadowfell; they are twisted creatures of darkness, also known as Outsiders.
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex / +2 Cha / -2 Wis
- Speed: 30' / Vision: Darkvision 60'; Low-Light / Size: Mediun
- Age: 20 / 62 / 93 / 125
- Height: 6'0" / 5'10" Weight: 115 / 105
- Racial Traits: Shadow Blending- attacks in dim light have a 50% miss chance instead of 20%; Disguise Self- 1/day
- Skill Modifiers: +2 Knowledge (Planes); +2 Stealth;
- Save Modifiers: Shadow Resistance: Resist Cold & Electricity 5
- Alternate Racial Traits: Emissary, Gloom Shimmer, Shadow Magic, Subtle Manipulator, & World Walker
- Racial Archetypes: Dusk Stalker (Ranger) & Shadow Caller (Summoner)
- Languages: Common (Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Draconic, D'ziriak (understand not spoken), Ignan, Terran, any regional human tongue)
ELEMENTALS: Descendants of Elemental Outerworlders- the Genie
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Suli-Jann Monk |
Humans whose descendents are of the weakest of the Genies, the aloof Janni tied to all four of the primal elements.
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Str / +2 Cha / -2 Int
- Speed: 30' / Vision: Low-Light / Size: Medium
- Age: 15 / 35 / 53 / 70
- Height: 5'6" / 5'1" Weight: 160 / 125
- Racial Traits: Elemental Assault- (Swift Action) 1/day Shroud arms in (cold, acid, electricity, or fire) for 1 round/level. Unarmed strikes deal +d6
- Skill Modifiers: Negotiator- +2 Diplomacy & Sense Motive
- Save Modifiers: Resist Fire, Cold, Electricity, and Acid 5
- Alternate Racial Traits: Energy Strike
- Racial Archetypes: Elemental Knight (Magus)
- Languages: Common & One (Ignan, Aquan, Auran, OR Terran)
Ifrits: (Advanced Race) ~ RP: 6
Humans whose descendents are of the Elemental Plane of Fire- Efreets
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex / +2 Cha / -2 Wis
- Speed: 30' / Vision: Darkvision 60' / Size: Medium
- Age: 60 / 150 / 200 / 250
- Height: 5'8" / 5'6" Weight: 140 / 120
- Racial Traits: Burning Hands- 1/day; Fire Affinity- treat Cha 2 higher for all sorcerer abilities with Elemental Fire bloodlines; +1 Spell Level on all Fire domain powers/spells
- Save Modifiers: Resist Fire 5
- Alternate Racial Traits: Desert Mirage, Efreeti MAgic, Fire in the Blood, Fire Insight, Fire-Starter, Forge-Hardened, Hypnotic, & Wildfire Heart
- Racial Archetypes: Immolator (Inquisitor) & Wishcrafter (Sorcerer)
- Languages: Common & Ignan (Aquan, Auran, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, & Terran)
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Oread Ranger |
Human descendents of Shaitan Genies of the Elemental Plane of Earth.
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Str / +2 Wis / -2 Cha
- Speed: 20' / Vision: Darkvision 60' / Size: Medium
- Age: 60 / 150 / 200 / 250
- Height: 4'6" / 4'3" Weight: 190 / 160
- Racial Traits: Magic Stone 1/day; Earth Affinity- treat Cha 2 higher for all sorcerer abilities with Elemental Earth bloodlines; +1 Spell Level on all Earth domain powers/spells
- Save Modifiers: Resist Acid 5
- Alternate Racial Traits: Crystalline Form, Earth Insight, Ferrous Growth, Fertile Soil, Granite Skin, Mountain-Born, Stone in the Blood, & Treacherous Earth
- Racial Archetypes: Shaitan Binder (Summoner) & Student of Stone (Monk)
- Languages: Common & Terran (Aquan, Auran, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Ignan, & Undercommon)
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Sylph Bard |
Human descendents of Djinn of the Elemental Plane of Air.
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex / +2 Int / -2 Con
- Speed: 30' / Vision: Darkvision 60' / Size: Medium
- Age: 60 / 150 / 200 / 250
- Height: 5'10" / 5'8" Weight: 150 / 130
- Racial Traits: Feather Fall 1/day; Air Affinity- treat Cha 2 higher for all sorcerer abilities with Elemental Air bloodlines; +1 Spell Level on all Air domain powers/spells
- Save Modifiers: Resist Electricity 5
- Alternate Racial Traits: Air Insight, Breeze-Kissed, Like the Wind, Sky Speaker, Storm in the Blood, Thunderous Resilience, Weather Savvy, & Whispering Wind
- Racial Archetypes: Sky Druid (Druid) & Wind Listener (Wizard)
- Languages: Common & Auran (Aquan, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Ignan, & Terran)
Undines (Advanced Race) ~ RP: 7
Human descendents of Marids of the Elemental Plane of Water
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex / +2 Wis / -2 Str
- Speed: 30' / Swim 30' Vision: Darkvision 60' / Size: Medium
- Age: 60 / 150 / 200 / 250
- Height: 5'7" / 5'2" Weight: 165 / 130
- Racial Traits: Hydraulic Push- 1/day; Water Affinity- treat Cha 2 higher for all sorcerer abilities with Elemental Water bloodlines; +1 Spell Level on all Water domain powers/spells
- Save Modifiers: Resist Cold 5
- Alternate Racial Traits: Acid Breath, Amphibious, Deepsight, Flesh Chameleon, Hydrated Vitality, Nereid Fascination, Ooze Breath, Terrain Chemeleon, & Water Sense
- Racial Archetypes: Undine Adept (Druid) & Watersinger (Bard)
- Languages: Common & Aquan (Auran, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Ignan, & Terran)
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