Step 1—Choose a Core Race
Considered the most populous races on any game world, these races make up the bulk, 85% or more, of the surface races PCs will encounter in their day-to-day life. These races generally tolerate each other and frequently trade and form alliances. (Advanced Race Guide)
Save Splug: Core Races ~ Kindred Races ~ Dragonborn Races ~ Other Worlder Races
Age: Adulthood / Middle Age / Old / VenerableHeight: Male / Female; Weight: Male / Female
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Dwarf Fighter |
ROCK DWELLERS: Proud creatures of their undermountain homes, they maintain that they are the elder race of the world, as old as the mountains and far older than the forests, and therefore elves, that grow in their shadows.
Dwarfs: (Core Race) ~ RP: 11
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Con / +2 Wis / -2 Cha
- Speed: 20' / Vision: Darkvision 60' / Size: Medium
- Age: 40 / 125 / 188 / 250
- Height: 4'2" / 4'0" Weight: 185 / 155
- Racial Traits: +4 AC vs. Giants (Defensive Training); +1 Attacks vs. Goblins/Orcs (Hatred); +4 CMD vs. Bull Rush/Trip (Stability)
- Skill Modifiers: +2 Appraise nonmagic items with gems (Greed); +2 Perception notice stonework, traps, hidden doors within 10' without having to actively look (Stonecunning)
- Save Modifiers: +2 vs. Poison, Spells, Spell-like Abilities (Hardy)
- Weapon Familiarity: Battleaxes, Heavy Picks, & Warhammers
- Alternate Racial Traits: Ancient Enmity, Craftsman, Deep Warrior, Giant Hunter, Lorekeeper, Magic Resistant, Minesight, Mountaineer, Relentless, Rock Stepper, Saltbeard, Sky Sentinel, Stonesinger, Stunnorn, Surface Survivalist, Xenophobic, & Wyrmscourger
- Racial Subtypes: Deep Delver, Elder Dwarf, Exiled Dwarf, & Mountain Dwarf
- Racial Archetypes: Exarch (Inquisitor), Foehammer (Fighter), Forgemaster (Cleric), & Stonelord (Paladin)
- Languages: Common & Dwarven (Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, Undercommon)
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Elven Ranger |
Elves: (Core Race) ~ RP: 10
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex / +2 Int / -2 Str
- Speed: 30' / Vision: Low-Light / Size: Medium
- Age: 110 / 175 / 263 / 350
- Height: 6'2" / 6'0" Weight: 130 / 120
- Racial Traits: Elven Magic +2 on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance (Elven Magic)
- Skill Modifiers: +2 Spellcraft to ID magic items; Keen Senses: +2 Perception
- Save Modifiers: Immune to magic sleep effects; +2 vs. Enchantment spells/effects (Elven Immunities)
- Weapon Familiarity: Longbows, Longswords, Rapiers, & Short Bows
- Alternate Racial Traits: Arcane Focus, Darkvision, Desert Runner, Dreamspeaker, Elemental Resistance, Envoy, Eternal Grudge, Fleet-Footed, Lightbringer, Silent Hunter, Spriit of the Waters, Urbanite, & Woodcraft
- Racial Subtypes: Artic Elf, Dusk Elf, Savage Elf, & Tower Elf
- Racial Archetypes: Ancient Lorekeeper (Oracle), Spell Dancer (Magus), Spellbinder (Wizard), & Treesinger (Druid)
- Languages: Common & Elven (Celestial, Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, & Sylvan)
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Gnome Tinker; Mage |
Gnomes: (Core Race) ~ RP: 10
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Con / +2 Cha / -2 Str
- Speed: 20' / Vision: Low-Light / Size: Small (+1 AC/attack rolls; -1 CMD/CMB)
- Age: 40 / 100 / 150 / 200
- Height: 3'8" / 3'6" Weight: 45 / 40
- Racial Traits: +4 AC vs. Giants (Defensive Training); +1 attacks vs. Reptilians & Goblins (Hatred); Gnome Magic: +1 DC saves vs. Illusions cast; Gnome Magic (CHA 11+): Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Pestidigitation, & Speak with Aninals 1/day
- Skill Modifiers: +4 Stealth Checks; Keen Senses: +2 Perception; +2 on 1 Craft or Profession (Obsessive)
- Save Modifiers: +2 vs. Illusions (Illusion Resistance)
- Alternate Racial Traits: Academician, Bond to the Land, Darkvision, Eternal Hope, Explorer, Fell Magic, Gift of Tongues, Knack with Poison, MAgical Linguist, Master Tinker, Pyromaniac, & Warden of Nature
- Racial Subtypes: Dread Gnomes, Gear Gnomes, Lava Gnomes, & Traveler Gnomes
- Racial Archetypes: Experimental Gunsmith (Gunslinger), Prankster (Bard), & Saboteur (Alchemist)
- Languages: Common, Gnome, & Sylvan (Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, & Orc)
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Human Cleric |
Humans: (Core Race) ~ RP: 9
- Ability Modifiers: +2 (1 ability of player's choice)
- Speed: 30' / Vision: Normal / Size: Medium
- Age: 15 / 35 / 53 / 70
- Height: 5'8" / 5'5" Weight: 170 / 145
- Racial Traits: +1 Bonus Feat at Level 1
- Skill Modifiers: +1Skill Rank at level 1 and every level thereafter (Skilled)
- Alternate Racial Traits: Adoptive Parentage, Dual Talent, Eye for Talent, Focused Study, Heart of the--Fields, Mountains, Sea, Slums, Snows, Streets, Sun or Wilderness; Heroic, Mixed Heritage, & Silver Tongued
- Racial Subtypes: Cosmopolitan, Country Folk, Gutter Rat, Imperious Human, Trailblazer, & Versatile Human
- Racial Archetypes: Buccaneer (Gunslinger), Feral Child (Druid), Imperious Bloodline (Sorcerer), & Wanderer (Monk)
- Languages: Common (Any Language except Druidic)
- Azlanti: (Presumed Extinct) Ancient, near mythic race of first humans- claimed as the progenitors of the Human Race
- Chelaxians: (Descendents of Azlanti refugees/mixed with Ulfen Raiders) A once great empire, now in decline- they can still be found in all their former colonie
- Taldans: (Descendents of Azlanti refugees) One of the oldest surviving empires, it at one time it controlled Cheliax and the surrounding lands, now in decline.
- Kellids: (Northern Barbarians of the Tusk Mountains) Fierce warriors of the North, Kellids seldom venture far enough to mingle with their other Humankin
- Shoanti: (Nomadic Barbarians of the Near-North) Descendents of the Kellids, Varisians, and Ulfen- they are the remenants of a warrior caste of the ancient Runelords.
- Ulfen: (Nomadic Sea Raiders and Traders of the North) Their blood has mingled with other humankin in the not distant past giving rise to the Chelaxians and Varisians
- Varisians: (Wanderers & Nomads) Traders who form vast caravans along century old trade routes
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Gwen- Ulfen Ranger |
- Keleshites: (Desert Dwellers of the Far-East) Claim to have introduced agriculture and civilization to the world with the help of the genie races and/or blue dragons
- Vudrani: (Ancient civilization) Claim a doubtful heritage over 50,000 years old, known for their love of a well spun story and physical perfection in dance and martial arts
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Ameiko Kaijitsu, a Tian-Min living in Varisia. |
- Tian: (The Peoples of the far off continent of Tian Xia) Sea traders on the far-side of the world, these people place family honor above all
Half-Elves: (Core Race) ~ RP: 10
- Ability Modifiers: +2 (1 ability of player's choice)
- Speed: 30' / Vision: Low-Light / Size: Medium
- Age: 20 / 62 / 93 / 125
- Height: 5'10" / 5'8" Weight: 150 / 130
- Racial Traits: Adaptability- Skill Focus Feat (+3 1 skill); Choose 2 Favored classes at 1st Level- gain +1 HP or Skill Rank whenever take level in either class (Multi-talented)
- Skill Modifiers: Keen Senses: +2 Perception;
- Save Modifiers: Immune to magic sleep effects; +2 Save vs. Enchantment spells/effects (Elven Immunities)
- Alternate Racial Traits: Ancestral Arms, Arcane Training, Drow-Blooded, Drow Magic, Dual Minded, Integrated, Sociable, Wary, & Water Child
- Racial Subtypes: Drow-Descended, Elf-Raised, & Human-Raised
- Racial Archetypes: Bonded Witch (Witch), Bramble Brewer (Alchemist), Wild Caller (Summoner), & Wild Shadow (Ranger)
- Languages: Common & Elven (Any Language except Druidic)
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Half-Orc Barbarian |
- Ability Modifiers: +2 (1 ability of player's choice)
- Speed: 30' / Vision: Darkvision 60' / Size: Medium
- Age: 14 / 30 / 45 / 60
- Height: 6'2" / 5'10" Weight: 250 / 230
- Skill Modifiers: +2 Intimidate Skill (Intimidating); Orc Ferocity: 1/day when brought below 0 HP can fight 1 more round as if disabled then falls unconscious unless brought above 0 HP before then.
- Weapon Familiarity: Greataxes & Falchions
- Alternate Racial Traits: Acute Darkvision, Beastmaster, Bestial, Cavewigfht, Chain Fighter, City-Raised, Forest Walker, Gatecrasher, Rock CLimber, Sacred Tattoo, Scavenger, Shaman's Apprentice, Skilled, & Toothy
- Racial Subtypes: Arena-Bred, Deep Kin, Feral, Mountain Clan, & Mystic
- Racial Archetypes: Blood God Disciple (Summoner), Hateful Rager (Barbarian), Redeemer (Paladin), & Skulking Slayer (Rogue)
- Languages: Common & Orc (Abyssal, Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, & Goblin)
Halflings: (Core Race) ~ RP: 9
Also known as- Hobbits (LoR), Warrows (The Iron Tower), Kender (Dragonlance), Kithkin (Magic the Gathering)
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex / +2 Cha / -2 Str
- Speed: 20' / Vision: Normal / Size: Small (+1 AC/attack rolls; -1 CMD/CMB)
- Age: 20 / 50 / 75 / 100
- Height: 3'8" / 3'6" Weight: 40 / 35
- Skill Modifiers: +4 Stealth Skill; Keen Senses: +2 Perception; Sure-Footed: +2 Acrobatics & Climb
- Save Modifiers: +2 vs. Fear (Fearless); Halfling Luck: +1 ALL saves
- Weapon Familiarity: Slings
- Alternate Racial Traits: Adaptable Luck, Craven, Fleet of Foot, Ingratiating, Low Blow, Outrider, Polygot, Practicality, Shiftless, Swift as Shadows, Underfoot, Wanderlust, & Warslinger
- Racial Subtypes: Avenging, Nomabic, & Slave Born
- Racial Archetypes: Community Guardian (Oracle), Filcher (Rogue), Order of the Paw (Cavalier), & Underfoot Adept (Monk)
- Languages: Common & Halfling (Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, & Goblin)
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