Half-Elf Scout |
The People in Your Neighborhood
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Commoner |
Creating NPCs: These are the people in your neighborhood; the people of the game world that color it and provide memorable moments. Create NPCs on the fly by using the links below to find a template or character suggestion that fits a given NPC.
Check out NPC Boons for ideas on creative rewards from all level of NPCs...
Most NPCs use the NPC classes (Adepts, Aristocrats, Warriors, Commoners, or Experts) and are levels 1-5. Most of these types of NPCs will not be above level 5. Rulers, Merchants, Guild Leaders, and Religious Leaders are generally between 6th and 10th levels and are Adepts or Aristocrats and might have a level or 2 in another NPC or PC class. Heroic NPCs- levels 11-15 are rare with a handful existing in most nations/regions and are generally the leaders of large realms or powerful NPCs in other positions (Spymasters or Guild Masters). Legendary level NPCs, levels 16+ are exceptionally rare.
Basic Abilities: 13 (+1), 12 (+1), 11, 10, 9 (-1), & 8 (-1).
Heroic Abilities: 15 (+2), 14 (+2), 13 (+1), 12 (+1), 10, & 8 (-1).
Basic Abilities: 13 (+1), 12 (+1), 11, 10, 9 (-1), & 8 (-1).
Heroic Abilities: 15 (+2), 14 (+2), 13 (+1), 12 (+1), 10, & 8 (-1).
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Named NPCs ~ Traveling Peddlers ~
~ NPCs by Role ~
NPC Gear ~ Boons
Brigands & Lowlifes ~ Cutpurse (1); Pickpocket (1); Bullying Brawler (2); Skulking Brute (2); Street Thug (2); Burglar (3); Dealer (4); Murderous Halfling (4); Guild Initiate (5); Enforcer (5); Tunnel Rat (6); Con Artist (6); Gambler (7); Harrying Brute (7); Ruffian (7); Chameleon (11); Guild Master (11); Guild Master II (13)
Callous Rake (1); Bandit (2); Brigand (2); Brigand II (3); Poacher (3); Slaver (4); Spry Ambusher (4); Prisoner (4); Highwayman (7); Torturer (7); Slayer (9); Traitor (10); Blackscale Sorcerer (10); Bandit Lord (12); Brutal Warlord (13)
Crusaders & Priests ~ Acolyte (1); Acolyte II (1); Initiate (3); Haughty Avenger (3); Crusader (4); Noble Crusader (5); Hammer of Justice (5); Holy Archer (6); Holy Warrior (7); Saintly Knight (9); Healer (9); Priest (9); High Priest (13); Saint (12)
Heretics & Prophets ~ Cultist (3); Doom Prophet (4); Tainted Sorcerer (4); Conjurist (7); Vivisectionist (7); Heretic (8); Wrath Priest (8); Sacred Sorcerer (9); Death Priest (9); Dancing Dervish (10); Cultist II (10); Undead Creator (11); Cult Leader (12)
Mages & Wizards ~ Cautious Mage (1); Gem Sorcerer (2); Battle Mage (3)
Merchants & Peddlers ~ Apprentice (1); Journeyman (4); Traveling Merchant (7); Successful Merchant (7); Merchant Prince (10); Water Merchant (10)
Minstrels & Entertainers ~ Tavern Singer (1); Street Performer (2); Storyteller (2); Local Celebrity (3); Taunting Comedian (4); Charlatan (4); Court Poet (5); Minstrel (6); Street Artist (8); Seductive Enchanter (8); Trickster Sorcerer (8); Master Entertainer (10); Prankster Illusionist (10); Celebrity Bard (11)
Monks & Masters ~ Initiate (1); Initiate Monk (2); Battle Monk (5); Cruel Devotee (5); Master Monk (15)
Nobles & Merchants ~ Page (1); Squire I (1); Princess (2); Squire II (3); Noble Scion (4); Heir Apparent (4); Falconer (5); Diplomat (8); Princess II (8); Knight (8); Knight II (9); Noble (10); Queen (12); King I (10); King II (16)
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Freelance Halfling Rogue |
Sailors & Raiders ~ Shipmate (2); Old Sailor (2); Sail Master (2); Veteran Buccaneer (4); Shoreline Priest (4); Storm Sorcerer (6); Raider (6); Viking (8); Sea Captain (8); Firstmate (9); Pirate Queen (10); Captain (12); Pirate Captain (12); Pirate King (15)
Seers & Scholars ~ Doomsayer (1); Scholar Priest (3); Medium (5); Hedge Wizard (5); Fortune Teller (6); Guru (6); Archaeologist (7); Wise Sage (8); Cutthroat Lawyer (9); Cruel Instructor (9); Seance Medium (10); Sage (12)
Sellswords & Mercenaries ~ Mercenary Mage (1); Savage Mercenary (1); Superstitious Mercenary (1); Mercenary Healer (1); Daring Bravo (2); Caravan Guard (2); Dwarf Rager (2); Vigilant Bodyguard (3); Skilled Sniper (3); Grizzled Mercenary (6); Battle Mage (6); Expert Bodyguard (7); Spell Hunter (7); Freelance Thief (7); Sellsword (8); Royal Spy (8); Contract Killer (11); Scheming Fencer (11); Bounty Hunter (12); Bounty Hunter II (12)
Gladiator (6); Beast Master (7); Champion (10); Gladiator Champion (10)

Tribesmen & Savages ~ Initiate of Flame (1); Cannibal (2); Shaman (2); Orc Raider (3); Whiteclaw Sorcerer (3); Bramble Sorcerer (5); Tribal Seer (6); Thunder Wizard (7); Shaman II (7); Bloodfire Sorcerer (7); Axe Dancer (8); Mother of Beasts (10); Fire Cleric (11); Chieftain (12); Tribal Leader (13)
Villagers & Commonfolk ~ Village Idiot (1); Beggar (1); Beggar II (2); Farmer (2); Pig Farmer (2); Barmaid (2); Street Mage (2); Drunkard (3); Shopkeep (3); Miner (3); Tavern Champion (5); Barmaid II (5); Barkeep (5); Shopkeeper (6); Expert Blacksmith (6); Adventuring Blacksmith (6); Mayor (7); Village Elder (8); Mayor II (10)
Watchmen & Soldiers ~ Recruit (1); Town Watcher (2); Guard (3); Guard II (3); Border Guard (4); Guard Officer (4); Investigator Wizard (4); Turnkey (5); Officer (6); Watch Captain (7); Constable (9);
Foot Soldier (1); War Priest (2); Dog Rider (4); Wild Lancer (5); Sapper (5); Cautious Archer (5); Mounted Archer (5); Cavalry (6); Aloof Archer (8); Sharpshooter (8); Halfling Slinger (9); Cavalry Soldier (9); Griffon Rider (10) General (11); Profane General (13)
Wayfarers & Wanderers ~ Novice Scout (1); Honorable Outcast (2); Wanderer (3); Vagabond (3); Seasoned Trapper (3); Sylvan Master (3); Accomplished Angler (4); Trapper (4); Pilgrim (5); Tomb Raider (6); Carousing Champion (6); Monster Hunter (6); Cave Stalker (6);Hermit (7); Hermit II (7); Mountaineer (7); Guide (9); Elvan Honorblade (11); Fey Enchantress Sorcerer (13)
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NPC LOCATIONS: The wise villager elder, with nothing better to do than wait by the roadside for your group of PCs, is there when you you leave the inn at 2 in the morning as the rain falls in torrents. He willing answers all your questions about the local dungeon before finally going home... Not in my gaming world he doesn't!
What follows is a quick list of other places NPCs might be found besides taverns and crossroads
Deepest Darkness: An online resource detailing a Pathfinder RPG / includes PCs and NPCs for that gaming world. Well worth the look.
References: NPC Codex / GM Guide: NPCs / Core Rulebook: NPCs Classes / Creating NPCs
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