These races, while not as common as the Core Races, make up 10% or so of the other races PCs will encounter in a given game world. They tend to live outside the civilized realms of man, existing along the fringes of society or in the seedy underworlds of city and Underearth. Ask your GM before creating a PC from one of these races.
Age: Adulthood / Middle Age / Old / Venerable
Height: Male / Female; Weight: Male / Female
ROCK DWELLERS: Proud creatures of their under
-mountain homes;
(Core Race)
Duergar: (Uncommon Race) ~ RP: 8
Dark cousins of the dwarves at constant war with the surface and their dwarven kin
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Con / +2 Wis / -4 Cha
- Speed: 20' / Vision: Darkvision 120' / Size: Medium
- Age: 40 / 125 / 188 / 250
- Height: 4'2" / 4'0" Weight: 185 / 160
- Racial Traits: +4 CMD vs. Bull Rush / Trip; Enlarge Person & Invisibility 1/day; Light Sensitivity: Dazzled in bright light
- Save Modifiers: +2 vs. Spells & Spell-like abilities; immune to poisons, paralysis, & phantasms
- Alternate Racial Traits: Blood Enmity, Daysighted, Deep MAgic, & Dwarf Traits
- Racial Archetypes: Gray Disciple (Monk)
- Languages: Common, Undercommon, & Dwarven (Aklo, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Orc, & Terran)
Goblins: (Advanced Race) ~ RP: 10
- Ability Modifiers: -2 Cha / +4 Dex / -2 Str
- Speed: 30' / Vision: Darkvision 60' / Size: Small (+1 AC/attack rolls; -1 CMD/CMB)
- Age: 12 / 20 / 30 / 40
- Height: 3'2" / 3'0" Weight: 35 / 30
- Racial Traits: Voracious Eaters- eat body weight daily; Illiterate- Writing steals your soul; Pyromania
- Skill Modifiers: +4 Stealth checks (Small); +4 Stealth & Ride Checks
- Weapon Familiarity: Dogslicer & Horsechopper
- Dogslicer: 8 sp; 1d4 dmg; 19-20 Crit (x2) 1 lb.; Fragile
- Horsechopper: 1 ep; 1d8 dmg. (two-handed); x3 Crit; Reach & Trip
- Alternate Racial Traits: Cave Crawler, City Scavenger, Eat Anything, Hard Head Big Teeth, Over-Sized Ears, & Tree Runner
- Racial Archetypes: Feral Gnasher (Barbarian) & Fire Bomber (Alchemist)
- Languages: Goblin (Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Gnoll, Gnome, Halfling, & Orc)
FEY: Mysterious creatures of the Feywild- an outer realm bound to nature and the wild
Elves: (Core Race);
Gnomes: (Core Race)
Svirfneblin "Deep Gnome" (Advanced Race) ~ RP: ??
Under-mountain race of Gnomes as serious as their surface cousins are light-hearted.
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex / +2 Wis / -2 Str / -4 Cha (emotionally distant)
- Speed: 20' / Vision: Darkvision 120' / Size: Small (+1 AC/attack rolls; -1 CMD/CMB)
- Age: 60 / 100 / 150 / 200
- Height: 3'8" / 3'6" Weight: 45 / 40
- Racial Traits: +2 AC dodge bonus to AC; +1 attacks vs. Reptilians & Dwarven foes; Spell Resistance 11 + class level; Svirfneblin Magic: +1 to the DC of illusion spells cast —Nondetection; 1/day—Blindness/deafness, Blur, Disguise Self
- Skill Modifiers: +4 Stealth (small size); +2 Stealth (+4 underground); +2 Perception; +2 Craft (alchemy); +2 Perception notice
stonework, traps, hidden doors within 10' without having to actively
look (Stonecunning)
- Save Modifiers: +2 on ALL saves (Fort, Ref, Will)
- Alternate Racial Traits: Healthy & Stoneseer
- Racial Archetypes: Deep Bomber (Alchemist)
- Languages: Common, Gnome, & Sylvan (Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, & Orc)
"Deep Elves" (Advanced Race) ~ RP: 14
Undermountain elves, cruel, cunning, and vicious they are considered legend by most as they rarely show themselves above ground.
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex / +2 Cha / -2 Con
- Speed: 30' / Vision: Darkvision 120' / Size: Medium
- Age: 110 / 175 / 263 / 350
- Height: 6'0" / 6'2" Weight: 115 / 130
- Racial Traits: Racial Spells (1/day)- Dancing Lights; Darkness; & Faerie Fire; Light Blindness: abrupt bright light blinds drow for 1 round, dazzled each round thereafter
- Skill Modifiers: Keen Senses: +2 Perception; Poison Use: never accidentally poison self
- Save Modifiers: Immune to magic sleep effects; +2 vs. Enchantment spells/effects; Spell Resistance: 6+ class level
- Weapon Familiarity: Hand Crossbow, Rapier, & Short Sword
- Alternate Racial Traits: Ambitious Schemer, Ancestral Grudge, Blasphemous Covenant, Darklands Stalker, Seducer, & Surface Infiltrator
- Racial Archetypes: Cavern Sniper (Fighter) & Demonic Apostle (Cleric)
- Languages: Elven & Undercommon (Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Common, Draconic, Drow Sign, Gnome, & Goblin)
Centaur: (Advanced Race)
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Str / +2 Con / -2 Dex (Large)
- Speed: 50' / 35' (armor) / Vision: Darkvision 60' / Size: Large (-1 AC; attack rolls; +1 CM)
- Age: 15 / 30 / 45 / 60
- Height: 7'2" / 7'0" Weight: 1,950 / 1,800
- Racial Traits: Bonus Feat: Run; Hooves: d6 + Str; +1 AC natural armor; Quadruped (+4 CMD vs. Trip maneuvers)
- Skill Modifiers: +2 Survival, +2 Perception; -4 Stealth (Large)
- Save Modifiers: +1 Fortitude
- Weapon Familiarity: Short/long bows; spears; longswords
- Languages: Common, Elven, & Sylvan (Draconic, Dwarven, Gnome, Giant, Goblin, & Orc)
Satyr: (Advanced Race)
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex / +2 Cha / -2 Int
- Speed: 40' / Vision: Low-Light / Size: Medium
- Age: 15 / 35 / 50 / 70
- Height: 5'7" / 5'2" Weight: 145 / 130
- Racial Traits: Fey Magic (CHA 11+): Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, & Suggestion 1/day; Head Butt: 1d4 + Str
- Skill Modifiers: Keen Senses: +2 Perception; Skill Focus- Music Instrument; +2 Stealth & Survival checks
- Weapon Familiarity: Shortbow & Shortsword
- Languages: Common & Sylvan (Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Gnome, & Orc)
HUMAN KIN: The dominate race of most game worlds- Humans have mingled their bloodlines creating half-species across the planes.
Humans: (Core Race)
; Half-Elves: (Core Race);
Half-Orcs: (Core Race)
; Halflings: (Core Race)
HYBRIDS- Human Kin
Catfolk: (Advanced Race) ~ RP: 9
Tribal and nomadic; seldom seen in the more civilized areas of the world.
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex / +2 Cha / -2 Wis
- Speed: 30' / Vision: Low-Light / Size: Medium
- Age: 15 / 35 / 53 / 70
- Height: 5'6" / 5'1" Weight: 160 / 120
- Racial Traits: Cat's Luck- 1/day roll Reflex Saves 2x and take better roll, must decide to use before rolling; Sprinter- +10' bonus to speed when charging, running, or withdrawing
- Skill Modifiers: Natural Hunter- +2 Stealth, Perception, and Survival
- Alternate Racial Traits: ...
- Racial Subtypes: Cat's Claws, Clever Cat, Climber, Curiosity, Nimble Faller, & Scent
- Racial Archetypes: Cat Burglar (Rogue) & Nimble Guardian (Monk)
- Languages: Common & Catfolk (Elven, Gnoll, Goblin, Halfling, Orc, & Sylvan)
Kitsune: (Advanced Race) ~ RP: 10
Fox Folk- Shapeshifters who revel in trickery, games, and all things beautiful. They possess two forms: that of an attractive human and a mixed human-fox form
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex / +2 Cha / -2 Str
- Speed: 30' / Vision: Low-Light / Size: Medium
- Age: 15 / 32 / 50 / 65
- Height: 5'7" / 5'2" Weight: 145 / 130
- Racial Traits: Change Shape- (Standard Action) alter form between their human and fox aspect- +10 Disguise Checks to appear human in human form; Innate Magic- +1 DC ro saves vs. enchantment spells they cast. Cha 11+ gain Dancing Lights 3/day; Fox Form- BITE d4 + Str
- Skill Modifiers: Agile- +2 Acrobatics
- Alternate Racial Traits: Fast Shifter & Gregarious
- Racial Archetypes: Kitsune Trickster (Rogue)
- Languages: Common & Sylvan (Akli, Celestial, Elven, Gnome, & Tengu)
Merfolk: (Uncommon Race)
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex / +2 Con / +2 Cha
- Speed: 5'/50' water / Vision: Low-Light / Size: Medium
- Age: 15 / 35 / 53 / 70
- Height: 6'2" / 6'0" Weight: 165 / 155
- Racial Traits: +2 AC (tough skin); Aquatic- breathe water; amphibious; Change Shape- (Standard Action) alter form between their human and mer aspect; Water Dependence- must rest at least 6 hours in water or suffer -1 Con and d4 nonleathal damage per day (double in dry environments)
- Alternate Racial Traits: Darkvision, Seasinger, & Strongtail
- Racial Archetypes: Wave Warden (Ranger)
- Languages: Common & Aquan (Aboleth, Aklo, Draconic, Elvan, Sahuagin, & Sylvan)
Nagaji: (Advanced Race) hybrid race of reptilian humans: forked tongues, lidless eyes, and scaled skin. 25% are snakes from the waist down.
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Str / +2 Cha / -2 Int
- Speed: 30' / Vision: Low-Light / Size: Medium
- Age: 20 / 60 / 90 / 120
- Height: 6'2" / 6'0" Weight: 215 / 200
- Racial Traits: +1 natural AC;
- Skill Modifiers: +2 Handle Animal checks vs. reptiles; +2 Perception
- Save Modifiers: +2 vs. poison & mind affecting effects
- Alternate Racial Traits: Hypnotic Gaze
- Racial Archetypes: Naga Aspirant (Druid)
- Languages: Common & Draconic (Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Draconic, Giant, Infernal, & Sylvan)
Ratfolk Plague Bringer |
Ratfolk: (Advanced Race) ~ RP: 9
Nomadic traders; tinkers and hoarders of tales and trinkets
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex / +2 Int / -2 Str
- Speed: 20' / Vision: Darkvision 60' / Size: Small (+1 AC/attack rolls; -1 CMD/CMB)
- Age: 12 / 20 / 30 / 40
- Height: 4'2" / 4'0" Weight: 85 / 75
- Racial Traits: Swarming- up to 2 ratfolk can share the same square and are considered to flank foes adjacent to them
- Skill Modifiers: Ratfolk Empathy- +4 Handle Animal (influence rodents); Tinker- +2 Craft (alchemy); +2 Perception; +2 Use Magic Device
- Alternate Racial Traits: ...
- Racial Subtypes: Cornered Fury, Scent, Skulk, & Unnatural
- Racial Archetypes: Gulch Gunner (Gunslinger) & Plague Bringer (Alchemist)
- Languages: Common (Aklo, Draconic, Dwarven, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Orc, & Undercommon)
Strix: (Advanced Race) Dwindling race of winged humans
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex / -2 Cha
- Speed: 30'; Flight 60' / Vision: Low-Light Vision / Darkvision 60' / Size: Medium
- Age: 12 / 20 / 30 / 40
- Height: 5'2" / 5'0" Weight: 125 / 115
- Racial Traits: Suspicious- +2 saves vs illusion spells/effects; Hatred- +1 attack vs. humans
- Skill Modifiers: Nocturnal- +2 Perception & Stealth in dim light or darkness
- Alternate Racial Traits: Dayguard, Frightening, Nimble, Tough, & Wing-Clipped
- Racial Archetypes: Airborne Ambusher (Fighter)
- Languages: Strix (Auran, Common, Draconic, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Infernal)
Tengus: (Advanced Race) ~ RP: 13
Crowlike scavengers, thieves, and tricksters- seen as pests, barely tolerated
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex / +2 Wis / -2 Con
- Speed: 30' / Vision: Low-Light / Size: Medium
- Age: 15 / 35 / 53 / 70
- Height: 4'6" / 4'4" Weight: 80 / 70
- Racial Traits: Bite: 1d3 + Str
- Skill Modifiers: Sneaky- +2 Stealth & Perception; Gifted Linguist- +4 Linguistics checks; +2 Languages each time they earn a rank in Linguistics.
- Weapon Familiarity: Swordtrained- proficient with all swordlike weapons
- Alternate Racial Traits: Carrion Sense, Claw Attack, Exotic Weapon Training, Glide
- Racial Archetypes: Shigenjo (Oracle) & Swordmaster (Rogue)
- Languages: Common & Tengu (Any Language except secret ones)