Tap those lands, and come out swinging with your 15/15 flying, protection from spells, annihilator, haste badie and stomp! Repeat as needed.
That's a good place to start as any, but there is so much more to Magic than bringing in the big guns late game and stomping. Check out the Magic Link for more info on deck building, guilds, colors, and other great info about our favorite game before diving into the Deck Doctor below.
Before throwing your best money cards together, adding some land and swinging for 6 turn 8 with Akroma or 15 muuuuch later with Emrakul (in which case you're not using him correctly if that's the case and you should probably lend him to me until you're ready), ask yourself these questions:
- What is my deck trying to do?
- Are 127 cards too many to have in my deck?
- Are 18 lands too many to have in my deck? (after all they take up space my Ajani could otherwise occupy)
- Are twelve 8 mana cards too many? After all the bigger the better, right?
Answers: 1) Win & have fun while doing it (have fun loosing too- the main point is to have fun, period.) 2) Yes (a very big yes) 3) No- more lands might be needed 4) See answer 2
The first question actually sets the direction your whole deck will take, the colors you'll run, spells you'll play and creatures you'll stomp with. Is your deck trying to control the game; mill a player's library to 0; attack with a swarm of little guys and overwhelm; build up with mana boosters to play bigger and bigger threats turn after turn; or simply burn, burn, burn?
~ Routes to Victory (On a Budget) ~
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The $200 card that could |
How about $200 for a single copy of a card all the pros swear by, ($500 for the pretty foil version)? You'll need 4 by the way and then the other 56 cards to fill out that deck. You in? Me neither...
So what does that leave the rest of us with? Quite a lot as it turns out. In the next few installments, I'll walk through the steps I'd take to build a fun, competitive deck using mostly commons and uncommons- the variety you'd find in the bulk section at most hobby stores. Most stores charge 10 cents for Commons and 25 cents for bulk Uncommons. For additional help building on a budget, check out a great series, Budget Brewing, on Puca Trade.
Ground Rules: The goal here is have a playable deck of no more than 60 cards that is fun in a casual setting among friends but can hold its own at a Friday Night Magic (FNM) event. It probably won't win all 4 rounds (or even 2) against the regulars who invest a lot into their decks, but you'll learn a lot about the game, meet cool people, trade for better cards, and have loads of fun. Each installment will highlight a build for one of the main deck types: Aggro, Control, Combo, or Mid-Range/Hybrid.
First up... Aggro-
Card Name (Casting Cost) Rarity and Type (sorcery, creature, instant)
Mana Key: (B)lack; (R)ed; (W)hite; (G)reen; Bl(u)e
Aggro- Take 1
Mardu Warriors (Tribal Deck)
- 3 Disowned Ancestor (B) Common Spirit Warrior (0/4)
- 4 Chief of the Edge (WB) Uncommon Human Warrior (3/2)
- 2 Chief of the Scale (WB) Uncommon Human Warrior (2/3)
- 4 Oreskos Swiftclaw (1W) Common Cat Warrior (3/1)
- 4 Borderland Marauder (1R) Common Human Warrior (1/2 & 3/2 when it attacks)
- 2 Mardu Skullhunter (1B) Common Human Warrior (2/1)
- 2 Ankle Shanker (2RWB) Rare Goblin Berserker (2/2)
- 25 cent bulk rare
- 1 Zurgo Helmsmasher (2RWB) Rare Legendary Orc Warrior (7/2)
- $1 bulk rare
The goal here is to play early treats that share the creature type Warrior and pump them with your Chiefs- Scale (+0/+1) and Edge (+1/+0) to ensure they continue to threaten the board. Disowned Ancestor is a great 1 drop to slow down explosive openings with decks that use Monastery Swiftspear. The only non Warrior in the deck is the little goblin that could, Ankle Shanker, who gives all your creatures first strike and deathtouch to sweep the board of any threats.
Consider swapping out the Disowned Ancestors for Bloodsoaked Champion
- 1 Raiders' Spoil (3B) Uncommon Enchantment (Creatures get +1/+0) and allows for card draw
LANDS (23)
To figure out how many different lands to run, add up all the color mana symbols in your spells.
and round up... Black (20), White (25), Red (15) then divide by 10: Black (2), White (2.5), Red (1.5)
This part gets a little tricky with the maths :) but is worth it in the end: For every 2 Swamps I add, I'll need 2 1/2 Plains and 1 1/2 Mountains. Now I'm not one to tear my mountains and plains in half so for an easier fix, double everything to get ride of the half. Now it's simple- for every 4 Swamps I need to add 5 Plains and 3 Mountains. To help balance my land base, I'll use Dual Lands and Tri-Lands for consistency.
- 5 Plains
- 4 Swamps
- 3 Mountains
- 3 Nomad Outpost (taps for R, W, or B)
- 3 Scoured Barrens (taps for W or B and gains me 1 life)
- 2 Bloodfell Caves (taps for B or R and gains me 1 life)
For the last three lands, not wanting any more "comes into play tapped lands," I'll add 1 extra Plains, Mountain, and Swamp to round it out. 23 lands is about right for a 3 color deck with most of its spells costing 3 or less mana. The whole deck comes in at around $7.50 dollars as is with Commons costing 10 cents each, most uncommons here are 25 cents each and the lone Zurgo a whooping $1.
Aggro- Take 2
Mono Red Aggro
- 3 Frenzied Goblin (R) Uncommon Goblin Berserker (1/1) Target creature can´t block (R)
- 4 Foundry Street Denizen (R) Common Goblin Warrior (1/1) +1/+0 for each red creature entering the field
- 4 Akroan Crusader (R) Common Human Soldier (1/1)
- 1 Arena Athlete (1R) Uncommon Human (2/1)
- 4 Monastery Swiftspear (R) Uncommon Human Monk (1/2) +1/+1 Prowess for each noncreature spell cast
- 4 Firedrinker Satyr (R) Rare Satyr Shaman (2/1)

The goal here is to play tons of small creatures that either stop blockers (Frenzied Goblin and Arena Athlete) or grow bigger for each spell cast (Swiftspear) or creatures entering the battlefield (Foundry Street Denizen) and hit for massive amounts of damage before your foe can recover.
- 2 Arc Lightning (2R) Uncommon Sorcery
- 4 Lightning Strike (1R) Common Instant
- 2 Hordeling Outburst (1RR) Uncommon Sorcery (creates 3 Goblin tokens) Great spell- triggers Swiftspear's prowess and triggers Denizen 3 times (+3/+0) for a killer attack
- 4 Titan's Strength (R) Common Instant (+3/+1 to target creature / Scry 1)
- 4 Hammerhand (R) Common Enchantment- Aura
- 4 Dragon Mantle (R) Common Enchantment- Aura
- 1 Coordinated Assault (R) Uncommon Instant
- 1 Hall of Triumph (3) Rare Artifact (+1/+1 to red creatures)

LANDS (18)
- 18 Mountains
Overall the deck comes in around $23 but ditch the Firedrinker Satyrs and you'll shave off $4 making it more manageable. A lot of these cards you can pick up for free from friends or players who will gladly give some if not all of the commons for nothing. I built this deck largely with cards the Groton Hobby Shop donated to the Magic Club. All I had to add were the Swiftspears ($2.5 each); all the other cards were in the box for the taking. To max out on the deck, 4 Stoke the Flames would be awesome but the price tag alone pushes them outside the range of the deck, which tries to come in under $20.