Sunday, December 15, 2013

NPCs ~ Free Irregulars

Kesten Garess (Commander) CN Human Fighter 3
Compaign: Kingmaker

Str: 17 +3
Dex:  13 +1
Con:  14 +2
Int: 10
Wis: 8 -1
Cha: 12 +1

AC: 23    
Touch: 12         Flat-footed: 21
HP:  30   
Fort: +5        Ref: +2          Will: +0
Init: +1                                     Perception:  +2

Speed:   20’            
Base Attack:  +3     CMB: +7      CMD: 17
Melee: Mwk Scimitar +7 (d6+5/18-20)
Ranged: Composite Longbow +4 (d8+2/x3)

Skills: Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Nobility) +6, Sense Motive  +5
Feats: Weapon Focus (Scimitar), Shield Focus, Power Attack, Dodge
SQ: Bravery +1; Armor Training +1
Languages: Common
Gear: mwk Half-Plate, heavy steel shield, mwk scimitar, longbow, 3 potion cure light wounds,  1 thunderstone, 40 arrows, noble’s outfit, soldiers uniform

Description: Kesten puts his men's safety above his own and will gladly step into danger to keep them alive. Kesten does not fear death, and a part of him would welcome it, but he will not throw his life away needlessly. Unless he feels the situations merits the sacrifice of his life, he orders a retreat when it becomes clear his men are outmatched.  DC 20 Knowledge—scandalous affair with Tania (weaver’s daughter) was made public and he was disowned. He now serves as a mercenary captain of the Free Irregulars leading them to Oleg’s to secure the fort and make a name for himself or die a noble death on the frontier.

Gael Hanson (Free Irregular) N Human Warrior  1 / Expert 1
Compaign: Kingmaker

Str: 15 +2
Dex:  11
Con:  12 +1
Int:  9 -1
Wis: 10
Cha:  8 -1
Cha: 9 -1

AC: 16    
Touch:  10            Flat-footed: 16
HP:  13  
 Fort: +3         Ref: +0          Will:  +2
Init: +1                                     Perception:  +3
Speed:   20’            
Base Attack: +1     CMB: +3     CMD: 13
Melee: Handaxe +3 (d6+2/x3) Longspear +2 (d8+3/x3)
Ranged: Light Crossbow +0 (d8 / 19-20)

Skills: Bluff +0; Intimidate +4; Sense Motive +3; Craft (Carpentry) +8; Disable Device +4; Knowledge (Engineering ) +3
Feats: Toughness, Alertness, Skill Focus (carpentry)
Languages: Common
Gear: Potion Cure Light Wounds, thunderstone, scale mail, buckler, hand axe, longspear, travel gear, light cross bow (20 bolts)

Description: The Free Irregulars fight with practiced skill, flanking whenever possible and using every advantage they can gain against their foes. 

Morale As long as Kesten's morale holds, his men will follow him to their death. Should their leader fall, they will do everything in their power to avenge his death. Only by Kesten's direct order will they retreat from a fight
Gael served as a carpenter’s apprentice before joining the Free Irregulars to make a name for himself and save up enough to move somewhere respectable. He has taken an interest in Ilyra, but hasn’t worked up the courage to approach her.

Dhavik (Free Irregular) CN Human Warrior  2
Compaign: Kingmaker

Str: 17 +3
Dex:  11
Con:  12 +1
Int:  10
Wis: 9 -1
Cha:  8 -1

AC: 16    
Touch:  10         Flat-footed: 16
HP:  15   
Fort: +4     Ref: +0         Will:  -1
Init: +1                                     Perception:  +0

Speed:   20’            
Base Attack: +1     CMB: +3     CMD: 13
Melee: Falchion +3 (2d4+3/18-20)
Ranged: Light Crossbow +0 (d8 / 19-20)

Skills: Bluff +2; Intimidate +6; Climb +8; Swim  +8
Feats: Toughness, Deceitful
Languages: Common, Orcish
Gear: Potion Cure Light Wounds, thunderstone, scale mail, buckler, falchion, longspear, travel gear, light cross bow (20 bolts)

Description: The Free Irregulars fight with practiced skill, flanking whenever possible and using every advantage they can gain against their foes. 

Morale As long as Kesten's morale holds, his men will follow him to their death. Should their leader fall, they will do everything in their power to avenge his death. Only by Kesten's direct order will they retreat from a fight.

Harris Conforth (Free Irregular) N Human Warrior  1
Compaign: Kingmaker

Str: 15 +2
Dex:  12 +1
Con:  11
Int:  10
Wis: 10
Cha:  8 -1

AC: 16    
Touch:  11        Flat-footed: 15
HP:  8      
Fort: +2         Ref: +1     Will: +0
Init: +2                                     Perception:  +1

Speed:   35’           
 Base Attack: +1     CMB: +3     CMD: 14
Melee: L-sword +3 (d8+2/19-20) Longspear +2 (d8+3/x3)
Ranged: Light Crossbow +1 (d8 / 19-20)

Skills: Bluff +0; Intimidate +3;
Feats: Toughness, Fleet (+5 Move)
Languages: Common
Gear: Potion Cure Light Wounds, thunderstone, chain shirt, longsword, buckler, longspear, travel gear, light cross bow (20 bolts)

Description: The Free Irregulars fight with practiced skill, flanking whenever possible and using every advantage they can gain against their foes. 

Morale As long as Kesten's morale holds, his men will follow him to their death. Should their leader fall, they will do everything in their power to avenge his death. Only by Kesten's direct order will they retreat from a fight.
Harris is the classic eager recruit, prone to fits of valor, clueless, and overly eager to volunteer for risky assignments, also—hopelessly smitten with Nidra, taking her guard duties and other camp chores to win her over with his charms.

Nidra Lebeda (Free Irregular) N Human Warrior /Aristocrat 1
Compaign: Kingmaker

Str: 13 +1
Dex:  15 +2
Con:  12 +1
Int:  10
Wis: 8 -1
Cha:  9 -1

AC: 17   
 Touch:  12            Flat-footed: 15
HP:  12   
Fort: +3      Ref: +0       Will:  +2
Init: +7                                     Perception:  +6

Speed:   20’          
Base Attack: +1     CMB: +2    CMD: 13
Melee: Longsword +3 (d8+2/19-20)
Ranged: Light Crossbow +3 (d8 / 19-20)

Skills: Bluff +6; Intimidate +6; Ride +10; Knowledge (Nobility) +7; Perception  +6; Sense Motive +6
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Improved Initiative, Toughness
Languages: Common, Hallit
Gear: Potion Cure Light Wounds, thunderstone, scale mail, buckler, hand axe, longspear, travel gear, light cross bow (20 bolts)

Description: The Free Irregulars fight with practiced skill, flanking whenever possible and using every advantage they can gain against their foes. 

Morale As long as Kesten's morale holds, his men will follow him to their death. Should their leader fall, they will do everything in their power to avenge his death. Only by Kesten's direct order will they retreat from a fight.
Nidra is a daughter of House Lebeda but left to join the swordlords in Restov when she refused to marry a man her father arranged for her. She joined the Free Irregulars to prove herself to the Swordlords and make a name for herself free of her father’s.