Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Reno the Barbarian (Half-Orc)

Reno Tuskbreaker (Half-Orc Barbarian)

 Half-Orc Barbarian 1 (Sell Sword)       CG Medium humanoid (Half-Orc)
Str 19 (+4) / 23 (+6)*, Dex 12 (+1), Con 14 (+2) / 18 (+4)*, Int 10, Wis 12 (+1), Cha 8 (-1)
* While Raging

Height: 6'6"     Weight: 240 lbs     Age: 19
  • Feats ~ Power Attack (add BAB to damage not attacks)
  • Traits ~ Axe to Grind (+1 damage vs. foes you attack alone); Mercenary (+2 Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Sense Motive skills while negotiating payment) 
  • Skills ~ Climb +4*, Knowledge (nature) +4, Perception +5, Survival +5, Swim +4*
    • *+2 while raging
  • Languages: Common and Orc
  • Half-Orc & Class Abilities ~ +2 Intimidate Skill (Intimidating); Orc Ferocity: 1/day when brought below 0 HP can fight 1 more round as if disabled then falls unconscious unless brought above 0 HP before then ~ SQ fast movement ~ Special Attacks Rage (6 rounds/day)
  • Weapon Familiarity: Greataxes & Falchions
COMBAT ~ Base Attack (BAB) +1; CMB: +5 (+2 while raging); CMD: 16 (+2 while raging)
Initiative: +1; Senses ~ Perception +5 ~ Darkvision 60'

Defense ~ AC 17 (+6 armor, +1 Dex); touch 11; flat-footed 16 (-2 AC while raging)
HP 15* (+2 while raging)        SAVES ~ Fortitude +6, Reflex +1, Will +1 (+3 while raging)
Offense ~ Speed 30 ft.  ~ Melee ~ Maul +5 / +7* attack (1d12+6 / +8* / critical x3) OR Heavy Flail +5 / +7 (1d10+6 / +8* / 19–20) ~ Ranged ~ 2 Throwing Axes +2 (1d6+4 / +6* / critical x2 / Range: 10' (5) 

Tactics ~ Before Combat Reno hucks a throwing axe at a lesser foe seeking to slow him before closing into melee and letting loose a rage During Combat Reno favors his maul and Power Attack when fighting monsters, but uses his flail against weapon-using foes to make disarm and trip combat maneuvers
Gear ~ breastplate (armor check -4), daggers (3), maul, 2 throwing axes, heavy flail, backpack: bedroll, flint and steel, waterskin, traveler's outfit, rations (5 days), pet frog  // GP: 5 SP: 3 CP: 7

Background ~ Reno is the sole survivor of his Stone March Clan killed by a marauding band of orcs of the Bloodspear Tribe and later sold as slaves to the minions of Kalarel. He and Garra, his girlfriend, were imprisoned together in Shadowfell Keep and forced to work in the tunnels below digging for treasure and other artifacts. He was kept barely alive and before long Garra was hauled off and they were separated. He was later rescued by a band of adventures exploring the Keep's ruins and vowed to free her and enact revenge on those who had imprisoned him. He was reunited with Garra in the tunnels below, but she had been turned into a mindless zombie and he was forced to destroy her to grant her peace. Broken, he waded into countless battles and destroyed the evil of the keep with a mighty blow to the head of the dragon-turned Kalarel. Freed of his vow, he ventured forth to find the Bloodspear Orcs and enact revenge.

High Fantasy Build (SaveSplug Founding PC)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tola Oihana (Human Wizard)

Tola Oihana Viamio "Cassia" (Human Wizard)

Chelaxian Wizard (Enchantment) 1        CG Medium humanoid (Human)
Str 8 (-1), Dex 14 (+2), Con 12 (+1), Int 18 (+4), Wis 8 (-1), Cha 15 (+2)

Height: 5'7"     Weight: 135 lbs     Age: 23
  • Feats ~ Scribe Scroll ~ Improved Initiative  ~ Toughness ~ Alertness (when familiar is within 10´)
  • Traits ~ Fast-Talker ~ Charming
  • Skills ~ Appraise (+8), Knowledge (Arcana +8; Nobility +8) (Int), Linguistics (+8), Spellcraft (+8); Bluff (+10 ~ +2 Cha, +2 Mage, +1 Fast Talk, +1 rank, +3 class skill, +1 Charming), Diplomacy (+4), Intimidate (+4) 
  • Languages ~ Common, (+5) 
  • Mage Abilities ~ Enchanting Smile: +2 enhancement bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate (+1/5 wizard lvls); Dazing Touch: melee touch attack- target dazed for 1 round. Creatures with more Hit Dice than wizard level unaffected (7/day) ~ +1 to the save DC of language-dependent spells you cast
COMBAT ~ Base Attack (BAB) +0; CMB: -1; CMD: 12
Initiative: +8; Senses ~ Perception +1
Defense ~ AC 12 / 16 (+2 Dex; +4 Mage Armor); touch 12; flat-footed 10 / 14 (mage armor)
HP 10        SAVES ~ Fortitude +1, Reflex +4, Will +1
Offense ~ Speed 30 ft. ~ Melee ~ Quarterstaff -1 attack (1d6-1 / x2) ~ Ranged ~ Dagger +2 attack (1d4-1 /19-20 / Range 10' (5)
Spellbook ~ all 0-level spells ~ 7 1st level spells (Memorize: 3- 0-lvl; 2- 1st) Opposition Schools: Necromancy & Divination

0-level ~ Prepared Spells: Ghost Sound: Figment sounds ~ Detect Magic ~ Prestidigitation: Performs minor tricks

1st Level ~ Mage Armor: Gives subject +4 armor bonus ~ Color Spray: Knocks unconscious, blinds, and/or stuns weak creatures ~ Expeditious Retreat: Your base speed increases by 30 ft ~ Sleep: Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber ~ Charm Person: Makes one person your friend ~ Disguise Self: Changes your appearance ~ Feather Fall: Objects or creatures fall slowly  

Familiar ~ BrinFox (Firefoot Fennec) +2 Reflex; Empathic Link; Share Spells; Skill Focus (Perception); Skills Acrobatics +2 (+10 jumping), Perception +8, Stealth +10, Survival +1 (+5 scent tracking); Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics when jumping, +4 Survival when tracking by scent Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent
Tactics ~ Before Combat Tola abhors combat, preferring to resolve her issues through wit and wile. If able, she'll distract a foe with Ghost Sound before casting Expeditious Retreat or Feather Fall. Once at a safe distance, she'll cast Disguise Self to hide until things calm down During Combat she uses Sleep or Color Spray to defend herself

Gear ~ Outfits ~ Courtier's, Traveler's, Peasant's (tear away), Scholar's, Mask ~ daggers (3), quarterstaff, backpack: woodwind flute, bedroll, silk rope (50 ft.), waterskin, scroll case (5 sheets of paper), rations (5 days), signet ring (House Viamio)  // GP: 11 SP: 3 CP: 5

Build: 20 Points

Background: Her family's- House Viamio of Korvosa- motto was "Only the muddy fox lives"  meaning that only an active person who does not mind getting muddy gets to progress in life. Her descendent, Lord High Magistrate Amycus Viamio lived and died by those words when he secretly hired mercenaries and sparked the Cousins' War by declaring House Endrin traitors to the crown. He failed and 1 year later, disgraced, he attempted to flee Korvosa but was apprehended by members of the Sable Company and imprisoned on Endrin Isle. Without his leadership, House Viamio collapsed and the Cousins' War came to an end. Needless to say, even 185 years later the name "Viamio" carries with it a special stigma especially when your city celebrates its 300th anniversary in 4707 AR.

Tola was 20 at the time, a student at the Acadamae well on her way to distinguishing herself in The Hall of Charms and Lies as an accomplished Enchantress and gifted illusionist. She had managed to keep her family name a secret until a rival from the Hall of Seeing and descendent of House Endrin uncovered it and targeted her in a series of increasingly vicious pranks and public humiliations. Disgraced, Tola disappeared from the Acadamae and Korvosa. Using her talents Tola took on the guise of Cassia, a merchant's daughter visiting the city from Taldor. She took up residence in an abandoned town house in the Heights and took to stealing from various noble houses using both magic and deception. Tola mostly targeted members and friends of House Endrin and Jeggare by crashing galas and other festivals poising as Cassia, disappearing during the party as a servant using Disguise Self or a mundane outfit, stealing what she could (or seeking dirt to ridicule her rivals) , before returning to finish out the evening.

This continued for 3 years before her good run of fortune ended and she was caught by the town house's owners who returned and found her living there. Tola was sentenced to either pay 3 year's rent or lose her right hand if she couldn't pay. The night before her sentence was to be carried out, a benefactor paid the fine and bailed her out, offering her a choice, work for the Cerulean Society (Thieves Guild of Korvosa) or lose more than her hand. In the months that followed, Tola continued to work as Cassia, stealing from the rich both their gold and secrets while slowly repaying with interest a debt she realizes might be beyond magic and guile.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Roslyn Creel (Elf Oracle)

Elf Oracle (Time) 1        CG Medium humanoid (Elf)

Str 7 (-2), Dex 16 (+3), Con 11, Int 18 (+4), Wis 10, Cha 16 (+3)

Height: 5'11"  Weight: 115 lbs  Age: 168 (4,288 years)     Apparent Age: 21 years old
  • Feats ~ Extra Revelation
  • Traits ~ Scholar of the Great Beyond (+1 planes and history checks) ~ Rich Parents ~ Star Child (+4 Survival checks to avoid being lost; always locate true north)
  • Drawback ~ Family Ties (-2 to all Wisdom/Cha checks unless you do what is asked or succeed DC 20 Will check)
  • Skills ~ Craft (Alchemy) (+8),  Diplomacy (+7), Knowledge (arcana) (+8), Knowledge (history) (+9), Knowledge (planes) (+9), and Spellcraft (+8), Knowledge (religion) (+8) ~ Perception +6 (+2 Keen Senses)
  • Oracle's Curse: In times of stress or unease, you speak in tongues ~ Thassilonian 
  • Languages ~ Common, Elven, Sylvan, Celestial, Jistka (scholar/ancient language), Azlanti (ancient language)  
  • Weapons & Armor ~ simple weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields + longbows, longswords, rapiers, and shortbows
  • Revelations (Time) ~ Knowledge of the Ages- search through time to recall forgotten lore; Retry any Knowledge check made in past minute + Charisma mod to roll; (Cha mod/day uses) ~ Temporal Celerity roll initiative twice and take either result
  • Abilities ~ Low-Light Vision ~ Dreamspeaker tap into the power of sleep, dreams, and prescient reverie; +1 to save DCs for divination school and sleep effects cast. Use dream 1/day ~ Envoy gain use of comprehend languages, detect magic, detect poison, and read magic 1/day

COMBAT ~ Base Attack (BAB) +0; CMB: -2; CMD: 11
Initiative: +3; Senses ~ Perception +6

Defense ~ AC 18 / 20 (+3 Dex; +5 Scale Mail, *+2 AC Protection form Evil); touch 13/15*; flat-footed 15/17*
HP 8        SAVES ~ Fortitude +0, Reflex +3, Will +2 (+2 saves Protection from Evil)
Offense ~ Speed 30 ft. ~ Melee ~ Rapier -2 attack (1d6-2 /18-20 / x2) ~ Ranged ~ Longbow +3 attack (1d8 / x3 / Range 100' (10) 

Spells ~ Can cast any spell she knows 4 times a day ~ 0-Level spells don't spend a spell slot when cast

0-level ~ (Known- 4) ~ Create Water: Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water ~ Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object ~ Guidance: +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check ~ Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.

1st Level ~ (Known- 2 + all cure spells) Cure Light Wounds: Cures 1d8 damage + 1/level (max +5) ~ Obscuring Mist: Fog surrounds you ~ Protection from Evil: +2 to AC and saves, plus additional protection against selected alignment ~

Tactics ~ Before Combat Roslyn uses Temporal Celerity to roll initiative twice During Combat she remains at long distance using her longbow to pick off foes; or Guidance to help her allies; Obscuring Mist helps cover a retreat

Gear ~ explorers's outfit, daggers (3), quarterstaff, backpack: woodwind flute, bedroll, silk rope (50 ft.), flint and steel, waterskin, scroll case (5 sheets of paper), rations (5 days)  // GP: 8 SP: 12 CP: 4

Background ~ Born out of time in the year 423 in the Age of Enthronement ~ Roslyn is a half fae, half elf, left by her mother, a norn, at birth with a hedge witch who couldn’t herself have children. From the beginning, she knew her child was fae and would barely be a young girl by the time she was well into the grave. She taught her what she could in the 64 years she raised her. (While in the mortal realm Roslyn ages at a decelerated rate: 8 years = 1 year apparent age gained). Outwardly Roslyn was 8, but had the experiences and wisdom of an elderly human and was already accomplished at minor spells and languages. She was passed down over the generations to others within the family (cousins, aunts…) any and all who would take her in, and so the years passed, the child slowly becoming a woman, passed down as a family heirloom forming a bond if not in blood, in history. From time to time Roslyn would be drawn into the First World by the forces of time or fate She doesn't remember much of the First World as her time there appears to her as a vivid dream.

Ripples- Roslyn found herself emerging from the First World as a stone skipped across a pond. She would leave it emerging into the mortal world finding that decades or generations had passed while for her it seemed but a week had passed.  She collects tales and legends often participating in the very stories she has set about gathering. She always takes the time to check in with her human family and meet the newer relations. Roslyn sales some items of value when she exits from The First World to make her way in whatever “present” she currently finds herself in. Because she is out of touch with the true value of her antiquities, as it is hard to keep track of when she acquired a certain relic, she has been known to sell a bottle of 200 year old wine for 20 sp. A sampling of her more treasured items ~ Lost diaries of various explorers from across the ages; Signed 1st editions of various books she has inspired across the ages dedicated to her; antique coins and other ancient currency, long lost bottles of wine.

AppearanceRoslyn appears as an alluring elven woman in early adulthood. Because of her time in the the First World, her original appearance has been altered over time. Her once black hair has “aged” and is now entirely silver falling to her shoulders. She has a sort of timeless quality to her as though time just won’t stick to her. Willowy and tall, she moves with an easy grace and confidence that can only come after over 4,000 years wearing the same body. Her violet eyes betray her fae heritage regardless of the guise she takes. In her true fae form in The First World, her silvery hair and violet eyes change drastically: her hair is threads of silver falling well past her shoulders while her eyes are a deep, shimmering indigo. Her other features are also exaggerated. Because of her considerable time there, Roslyn suffers from mild bedlam and the Mystery of Time. She “hears” whispers that sometimes confide secrets in her, while other times they seem to be darker prophecies that she doesn’t fully understand. In the mortal realm, her shadow flits about her, not quite matching up with where it should be and sometimes not quite human at all in shape.

It is important to note that Roslyn's physical age (168) are the years she has spent on the material world as when she is in the First World, she is effectively immortal and her aging stops. As a result, while she has been alive throughout 4000+ years of history, she has only experienced 168 years of it, roughly the same amount as an elf just starting its adventuring career(Epic Point Build)