Pathfinder 3.75e Character Classes
ARCANE- Driven by their need to uncover hidden lore, their natural charisma and intelligence form the backbone of an adventuring party in combat providing needed support, but they often shine brightest outside the clash of blades. A Swiss Army Knife their spells can turn foes into say... stone, or a dog, or a chair or sunder the gates of the city.
Advanced classes- check with your GM before rolling up a character of these classes.
Alchemist: (Advanced Class)
- Primary Ability: Int / Secondary: Dex
- Skills: 4+ Int
- Saves:+2 Fort; +2 Ref
- HP: d8
- Starting Wealth: 3d6x10 (105 SP)
- Start Age: Trained +2d6

- Weapons: Simple + Bombs / Armor: Light
- Formula Book- With 2+ Extracts
- Potent for 1 day; takes 1 minute to mix 1 extract; Draw and drink as a Standard Action; Can't be made from spells that have a focus requirement; can learn new formulas from a Wizard's spell book
- Extracts Known: 2 + Int Modifier
- Extracts/Day: 1 +1 Int 12+
- Save DC = 10 + Extract Level + Alchemist's Int modifier
- Class: Alchemy
- Brew Potion (feat) of any formula he knows up to level 3
- Throw Anything (feat)
- Mutagens: 1 at a time / 1 hour brew (transformative elixirs- enhance physical abilities)
- Lasts until used or a new mutagen is brewed
- Select 1 from Str (Int), Dex (Wis), or Con (Cha) at time of creation
- Drinking: (Standard Action) +2 AC; +4 to ability selected for 10 minutes/level; -2 to mental ability listed next to physical ability enhanced
- Non-alchemist rolls Fort save (DC 10 + 1/2 alchemist's level + Int mod) or is nauseated for 1 hour and does not gain benefits of it
- Bombs: Brew a number/day = Class level + Int Modifier
- Created at the moment of use; requires 1 vial with 1 oz components from lab; most are mixed at the start of the day at camp from the Alchemist's Lab and are inert until a catalyst is added right before it is used
- Range Increment: 20 (max 5 increments); Deal d6 explosion splash damage + Int modifier (+d6 per odd numbered level); Splash damage = minimum damage (Reflex save for 1/2 dmg; DC = 10 + 1/2 Alchemist's level + Int modifier)
- Discoveries: Made at level 2 and every even level after that (Core List / Ultimate Magic / Ultimate Combat)
- Craft (Alchemy) Skill: Alchemical Remedies / Tools / Weapons / Poisons
- Require Craft Tools
- Find price in BP (1 sp = 10 bp)
- Find DC from Item table
- Pay 1/3 the item's price for raw materials
- See Craft Skill
- Archetypes:
- Chirurgeon: (Healer) At level 2; cure spells gain the infusion trait (can be used by characters other than him); fills an extract slot per day but can be given out to others (Replaces Poison Use)
- Internal Alchemist: Breath Mastery (Without preparation- hold breath rounds = Con then make Con checks to avoid suffocation; With 1 full-round prep- hold breath 1 hour per point of Con); live 2x as long without food or water; Suspended Animation (move action) Unconscious and appear dead; awakens at preset time or condition set at onset (replaces Throw Anything)
- MindChemist: Replace Mutagens with Cognatogen which enhances a mental ability at the expense of a physical attribute: Int (Str); Wis (Dex); Cha (Con)
Magus "Bladesinger" (Ultimate Magic) Battle mages who wield sword and spell with equal deadliness. Part Duelist, part Bravo, Maguses find freelance work as Mercenary Mages, bounty hunters, town guards, or bandit lords; Guilded Maguses support their order on the front lines of battle or as emissaries to kings or guilds; bodyguards to wealthy merchants or nobles.
- Primary Ability: Int / Secondary: Dex
- Skills: 2+ Int
- Saves:+2 Fort; +2 Will
- HP: d8
- Starting Wealth: 4d6x10 (140 SP)
- Start Age: Trained +2d6
- Weapons: Simple; Martial / Armor: Light
- Spells Known: All 0-level spells / 3 1st level
- Spells/Day: 3 0-level spells / 1 +1 Int 12+ 1st level spells from the Magus Spell List
- Spell DC: 10 + Spell Level + Int modifier
- Spellbook: must spend 1 hour a day in study + 8 hours sleep
- Class: Arcane Pool (1/2 lvl. + Int) / Day
- Spend 1 point: +1 weapon bonus for 1 minute
- Spell Combat (Attack -2 melee weapon & cast spell with off hand); -2 to attack with spell
- Cast Defensively: take up to Int mod. as a melee penalty and gain the same bonus to Concentration checks to cast a spell
- Magus Arcana: 3rd level+ gain 1 Arcana Ability; spent Arcane Points grant the use of a special ability
- Cantrips
- Archetypes:
- Kensai:Proficient with 1 martial or exotic melee weapon; Not proficient with armor or shields; -1 spell cast per day/level; Canny Defense: +1/level added to AC along with Dex mod while wielding melee weapon; Flat-footed loses this bonus
- Weapon Focus (feat) on 1 chosen weapon
- Skirnir: Shieldmaiden; -1 spell cast per day/level; Arcane Bond- Shield (except tower) can use Arcane pool to power shield or weapon; Proficient with all shields and do not suffer arcane spell failure with them. (replaces spell combat); Spellstrike: deliver touch spells through shield or weapon as part of a melee attack
Summoner: (Advanced Class) Seen by Charter Magic Guilds to be an unlicensed practice of magic- existing outside guild law and unregulated. Efforts have been made to bring them into the fold of Charter Magic and end their dealings with the otherworldly beings- eidolons- from which they draw their knowledge.
- Primary Ability: Cha / Secondary: Dex
- Skills: 2+ Int
- Saves: +2 Will
- HP: d8
- Starting Wealth: 2d6x10 (70 SP)
- Start Age: Self-Taught +d6
- Weapons: Simple / Armor: Light
- Spells Known: 4 0-level spells / 2 1st level spells
- Spells/Day: 1 +1 Cha 12+ spells
- Spell DC: 10 + Spell Level + Cha modifier
- Class: Eidolon (Summoned Creature)
- Same alignment as Summoner; Speak all languages she does; Sent back at -HP = Con Score; Can touck/attack creatures protected by wards; Takes 1 minute to summon (HP remain same as when last summoned); Cannot be dispelled
- Evolution Pool: use points to buy advantages at each level; redistribute on new abilities each level (New Evolutions)
- Forms: Serpentine; Quadruped; Biped; Aquatic
- Life Link:When eidolon is hurt, summoner can sacrifice HP; must remain within 100' to remain at full strength; 1000' away = -50% HP; 10,000' away = -75% HP; over 10,000' dismissed
- Summon Monster I: (3/day + Cha modifier / remains 1 minute/lvl); cannot have Eidolon summoned to use power
- 1st: Dire Rat; Dog; Dolphin; Eagle; Fire Beetle; Poisonous Frog; Pony; or Viper
- Archetypes: Master Summoner- Lesser Eidolon (1/2 level used to determine eidolon's powers); Summoning Mastery- 5/day + Cha modifier (can summon 1 creature when eidolon is present OR use Summon Monster ability multiple times if eidolon is not present)
Witch: (Advanced Class) Powerful magicians who draw their powers from otherworldly patrons and their familiars. Most witches are, rightfully, shunned and feared by most with the exception of Hedge Witches whose powers, while feared, are too useful for most rural communities to do without.
- Primary Ability: Int / Secondary: Cha
- Skills: 2+ Int
- Saves:+2 Will
- HP: d6
- Starting Wealth: 3d6x10 (105 SP)
- Start Age: Self-Taught +d6
- Weapons: Simple / Armor: None
- Spells Known: All 0-level / 3 1st-level +Int Modifier
- Spells stored with Familiar / 1 hour commune to prepare
- Spells/Day: 3 0-level spells / 1 + 1 Int 12+1st level spells
- Spell DC: 10 + Spell Level + Int modifier
- Class: Hex (1 at 1st lvl)
- Hex: (Target) Effect; DC = 10 + 1/2 witch's level + Int modifier
- Beast of Ill-Omen: (Familiar + next person to see it) Will or suffer bane; range 60' to effect familiar; range 60' to effect creature; closest to familiar suffers curse
- Blight: (animal, land, or plant) Takes 1 round; Land- within 1 week crops whither and die; AoE of level x 10'; Creature- Melee touch attack (Will save 1/day; effect -1 Con)
- Cackle: (creature) Move action; 30' range; extend duration of agony, evil eye, fortune, or misfortune hex 1 round
- Cauldron: Brew Potion (feat) +4 on Craft (Alchemy) checks
- Poison Steep: Cauldron to steep fruits/foods as poison spell; takes 1 hour for 1 lb. of food; lasts 24 hours; taste unchanged; magic detects
- Charm: (Animal/humanoid) 30' range; improves attitude 1 step; lasts rounds = Int mod; Will save negates; limit 1/day on same target
- Child Scent: Scent ability on children/immature animals
- Disguise: Change appearance hours = class level as disguise self.
- Evil Eye: (1 target) 30' range; -2 on 1 of AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saves, or skill checks; lasts rounds = 3 + Int mod (failed save) OR 1 round successful save
- Feral Speech: Speak with Animals- select 1 type per hex
- Flight: 1st level = Feather Fall & +4 Swim; 3rd level = Levitate; 5th level = Flight
- Fortune: grant good luck to 1 target within 30' for 1 round; reroll ability checks, attacks, saves, or skill checks; once per target per day
- Healing: cure light wounds spell on 1 target once/day
- Misfortune: 30' range; roll 1 ability, skill, save, attack twice and take worse result
- Scar: Target touched gains scars of witch's choice; Will resists; can channel hexes through scars up to 1 mile away; can scry/divination through scar; Maintain # = Int modifier; remove at any range as a move action
- Slumber: 30' range; Will save negates; Asleep for 1 round/level; Hex ends if it takes damage, noise/light doesn't wake it; can't target same person more than 1/day
- Tongues: Understand any spoken language 1 minute/day per level as comprehend languages
- Unnerve Beasts: Target becomes offensive to animals; Will negates; Animals becoem aggressive/upset for 1 hour/Int mod
- Ward: Portective field grants +2 AC; +2 saves; lasts until creature is hit or fails a save; 1 ward active at a time; cannot target self
- Water Lung: Air-breather can breathe in water; water-breather can breathe on land lasts 1 minute; if cast on self, witch can maintain it even while asleep
- Familiar: (Store Spells; Special Abilities) +2 spells/level gained; Receive bonus to skill as wizard
- Abilities: learn spells from another Familiar; spend 1 hour/level of spell; Spellcraft (DC 15 + spell level) to learn it; Failed roll; need new rank in Spellcraft to attempt again
- Learn from Scroll: 1 hour/level of spell; scroll burned and fed to familiar; Spellcraft (DC 15 + spell level)
- 3rd Level Familiars can deliver touch spells or hexes
- Replaced after 1 day; Ritual costs 500 SP/Witch Level; 8 hours to complete
- All 0-level spells / +2 per level of spells a former familiar knew
- Patron: Choose 1 Patron; the force granting her power; listed by theme; grant bonus spells every even level
- Agility- Jump
- Ancestors- Bless
- Animals- Charm Animals
- Death- Deathwatch
- Deception- Ventriloquism
- Elements- Shocking Grasp
- Enchantment- Unnatural Lust
- Endurance- Endure Elements
- Healing- Remove Fear
- Insanity- Memory Lapse
- Light- Dancing Lantern
- Moon- Darkness
- Occult- Detect Undead
- Plague- Detect Undead
- Portents- Ill Omen
- Shadow- Silent Image
- Spirits- Ghostbane Dirge
- Stars- Faerie Fire
- Strength- Divine Favor
- Time- Ventriloquism
- Transformation- Jump
- Trickery- Animate Rope
- Vengeance- Burning Hands
- Water- Bless/Curse Water
- Winter- Unshakable Chill
- Wisdom- Shield of Faith
- Cantrips
- Archetypes:
- Beast Bonded: Transfer Feats (Familiar can gain bonus feats instead of witch; if familiar dies, witch can reclaim these slots); Suggested Hexes: Beast of Ill Omen, Charm, Feral Speech, & Ward
- Gravewalker: Replace 4th, 6th, 12th, 14th, and 16th Patron Spells; Spell Poppet (replaces familiar) Evil aligned witch; Aura of Desecration (20' radius)
- Hedge Witch: Healing Patron; Spontaneous Healing- channel stored spells into healing spell of same level; Suggested Hexes: Cauldron, Feral Speech, Healing, Tongues
- Sea Witch: Patron Spell list changed; Know Direction (within 1 mile of large body of water; Sea Creature Empathy (Replaces 1st lvl hex; Wild Empathy [Druid Ability] to influence coastal animals; Suggested Hexes: Charm, Flight, & Water Lung
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