- Primary Ability: Wis / Secondary: Cha
- Skills: 6+ Int
- Saves: +2 Fort & Will
- HP: d8
- Starting Wealth: 4d6x10 (140 SP)
- Start Age: Trained +2d6
- Weapons: simple; hand/repeating crossbow, long/short bow, and favored deity weapon; Armor: medium + shields (except tower)
- Spells Known: 4 Orisons (0-level spells) / 2 1st-level spells
- Pray 1 hour/day to select spells
- Spells/Day: 1 +1 Wis 12+ spells
- Spell DC: 10 + Spell Level + Wis modifier
- Class: 1 Domain- Does not gain bonus spells or spell slots; Gain Domain Power
- Inquisitions in place of 1 Domain: Anger, Conversion, Fate, Fervor, Heresy, Imprisionment, Illumination, Justice, Oblivion, Order, Persistence, Spellkiller, Tactics, Torture, Truth, Valor, Vengeance, Zeal
- Judgement (1x day)- Select 1 type of Judgement- can change midcombat as a Swift Action; lasts until combat ends; If Frightened, Panicked, Paralyzed, Stunned, Unconscious- suspend powers until effect ends
- Destruction- +1 weapon dmg
- Healing- Gain Fast Healing 1 (+1 HP/round)
- Justice- +1 attack rolls
- Piercing- +1 concentration checks; overcome target's resistance
- Protection- +1 AC
- Purity- +1 Saves
- Resiliency- DR 1/magic
- Resistance- aura; 2 points energy resistance vs 1 of cold, acid, electricity, fire, or sonic)
- Smiting- Weapons count as magical to bypass DR
- Monster Lore: +Wis to Knowledge Checks in addition to Int
- Stern Gaze: +1/2 level Intimidate & Sense Motive skills
- Archetypes:
- Iconoclast: Destroy heretical artifacts; Shake Effects- +2 saves vs effects from magic items (replaces Monster Lore)
- Spellbreaker: Strong-Willed- Roll twice on saves for effects that control, compel, or persuade; (replaces Monster Lore)
- Witch Hunter: Hunt Sorcerers and Witches for their ties to arcane powers; Spell Sage- Add Wis mod on Spellcraft checks + Int to ID spells as they are cast; ID magic items usng Detect Magic, or decipher scrolls; (replaces Monster Lore)
- Infiltrator: Misdirection- Daily, when praying for spells, select 1 alignment- she detects as that alignment (replaces Stern Gaze)
- Sin Eater: Eat Sin- drain the sins of the fallen (defeated by Sin Eater in last hour with HD = 1/2 lvl of Sin Eater or more; humanoids only); 1 minute or rushed (full-round action / half benefit); provokes attacks of opportunity; Gain d8 + lvl HP (replaces Domain)
Oracle: (Advanced Class) Unlike a Cleric who draws their power from their devotion to one deity, an oracle was granted her powers by several deities or patrons without her choice. As they come into their powers, they try to understand why they over others were selected and to what end are they to use their abilities.
- Primary Ability: Cha / Secondary: ---
- Skills: 4+ Int
- Saves: +2 Will
- HP: d8
- Starting Wealth: 3d6x10 (105 SP)
- Start Age: Intuitive +d4
- Weapons: simple; Armor: medium + shields (except tower)
- Spells Known: 4 Orisons (0-level spells) / 2 1st-level spells
- Cast any spell known at any time, limited by Spells/Day
- Choose 1- upon gaining new levels gain all Cure or Inflict spells of that level
- Spells/Day: 3 + 1 Cha 12+ spells
- Spell DC: 10 + Spell Level + Cha modifier
- Class: Divine Mystery: Bonus Class Skills; Bonus Spells; Revelations (1st, 3rd, +4 lvls); Activates as a Standard Action
- Ancestor: Linguistics, and all Knowledge skills
- Battle: Intimidate, Knowledge (engineering), Perception, and Ride
- Bones: Bluff, Disguise, Intimidate, and Stealth
- Dark Tapestry: Disguise, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), and Stealth
- Flame: Acrobatics, Climb, Intimidate, and Perform
- Heavens: Fly, Knowledge (arcana), Perception, and Survival
- Life: Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature), and Survival
- Lore: Appraise and all Knowledge skills
- Metal: Appraise, Bluff, Disable Device, and Intimidate
- Nature: Climb, Fly, Knowledge (nature), Ride, Survival, and Swim
- Stone: Appraise, Climb, Intimidate, and Survival
- Time: Fly, Knowledge (arcana), Perception, and Use Magic Device
- Waves: Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Knowledge (nature), and Swim
- Wind: Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Fly, and Stealth
- Wood: Climb, Knowledge (nature), Stealth, and Survival
- Oracle's Curse: Choose 1 at level 1, it can't be dispelled or cured
- Clouded Vision: can't see beyond 30'; gain Darkvision
- Deaf: Cast spells as modified by Silent Spell feat; -4 initiative checks; fails sound based Perception checks; 20% chance of spell failure with verbal components
- Haunted: Dropped items pushed 10' from you in random directions, take Standard Action to retrieve items; Gain mage hand and ghost sound
- Lame: -10' land speed (if it started 30') or -5' if it started at 20'; Never reduce speed because of encumbrance
- Tongues: When stressed or uneasy- speak in tongues (Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Ignan, Infernal, or Terran) In combat only speak/understand that language; Gain selected language
- Wasting: -4 Cha checks except Intimidate; +4 saves vs disease
- Revelation: Choose 1 from Mystery at given levels
- Archetypes:
- Dual Cursed- Choose 2 Curses- One never changes as you level, the other does as normal; Gain Revelations at 5th and 13th in addition to regular ones
- Enlightened- adds Linguistics and all Knowledge skills
- Planar- Choose 1 plane at level 1- remains same forever; determines later resistances
- Possessed- Must choose Haunted or Tongues; Must take Two-Minds at lvl 1 (+2 Will vs. enchantment spells/effects)
- Seer- Must take Natural Divination Revolution at lvl 1; and Gift of Prophecy at 3rd
- Stargazer- adds Knowledge (nature), Perception, and Survival; Must take Guiding Star at lvl 1

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