Maybell Barrows (Seasoned Trapper) N Hafling Expert 3
Compaign: Kingmaker
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Maybell Barrows |
Str: 10
Dex: 15 +2
Con: 12 +1
Int: 9 -1
Wis: 10
Cha: 10
AC: 16
Touch: 13 Flat-footed: 14
HP: 15
Fort: +2 Ref: +4 Will: +4/+6 fear
Init: +2 Perception:
Speed: 20’
Attack: +2 CMB: +1 CMD: 13
Melee: Spear +3 (d6-1/x3)
Ranged: mwk light crossbow +6
Skills: Acrobatics +3; Climb
+5; Craft (Leather) +5; Craft (Traps) +7; Heal +6; Knowledge (Nature) +3; Ride
+5; Stealth +11; Survival +9; Swim +4
Feats: Deadly Aim, Skill
Focus (Survival)
Languages: Common, Halfling
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Lindal & Reed Barrows |
Gear: potion- cure light
wounds; studded leather, masterwork light crossbow (40 bolts) spear, hand axe,
masterwork artisan tools (leather/traps) bit & bridle, riding dog (Rose),
saddle, 92 gp; assorted d4+1 animal pelts worth d4 gp each
Description: Maybell is a fiercely independent woman who often
got into trouble back home for speaking her mind and telling people like it is.
She has traveled up and down the Greenbelt hunting and trapping with her
husband who she browbeat into coming with her. She trades along the route from
Oleg’s to Restov stopping long enough to check her traps and sell her wares
before moving on.
She charges 2 SP/day to guide groups into the
Lindal Barrows (Accomplished Angler) NG Halfling
Commoner 4
Campaign: Kingmaker
Str: 6 -3
Dex: 16+3
Con: 9 -1
Int: 10
Wis: 12 +1
Cha: 13 +1
AC: 14
Touch: 14 Flat-footed:
HP: 10
Fort: +1 Ref: +5 Will: +3/+5 fear
Init: +3
Speed: 20’ Base Attack: +2
CMB: -1 CMD: 12
Melee: Fishing Pole -3 (d4-2)
Ranged: sling +6 (d3-2)
Skills: Acrobatics +5; Climb
+0; Craft (cook) +6; Knowledge (Geography, Nature, Local) +2; Profession
(Fisherman) +6; Survival +2; Swim +2
Feats: Point-Blank Shot,
Skill Focus (Perception)
Languages: Common, Halfling
Gear: Potion of Cure Light
Woumds; sling (10 bullets) fishing net, everburning torch, masterwork tools
(fishing), creel, backpack, bedroll, small fishing boat, oar, 50 gp
While Lindal handles life’s trials with aplomb and a great sense of humor, his
wife, Maybell handles him. Happy living along the banks of Lake Reykal, fishing
and lazying away life, he was uprooted when his wife said one thing too many to
the local lord’s son. Lindal arranged to move his family in a self imposed
exile rather than face the lord’s fine and see Maybell hauled away for
stringing the boy up in one of her traps. Maybel to this day doesn’t know this
as she thinks that the move was her idea.
Their son, Reed, stays close to his father while Maybell tends her traps for weeks at a time.
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Corrin Brooks |
Corrin Brooks (Tavern Owner) NG Halfling Expert
4/Warrior 1
Campaign: Kingmaker
Str: 8 (-1)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 10
Int: 12 (+1)
Wis: 14 (+2)
Cha: 13 (+1)
AC: 14
Touch: 12 Flat-footed:
HP: 23
Fort: +5 Ref: +3 Will:
Init: +2
Speed: 20’ Base Attack: +4 CMB: +2 CMD: 13
Melee: Cleaver +1
Ranged: msk heavy crossbow +7
Skills: Bluff +8; Handle
Animal +5; Intimidate +5; Knowledge (Local) +9; Linguistics +6; Perception +10;
Perform (Comedy/Oratory) +6; Profession (Barkeep) +13; Sense Motive +10; Ride
+5; Sleight of Hand +7
Feats:Great Fortitude, Quick
Draw, Rapid Reload; Skill Focus (Barkeep)
Languages: Common, Dwarven,
Gnome, Halfling
Gear: Cleaver, crossbow,
leather apron, antitoxin, cure light wound potion
Boon: share rumors (+2
Diplomacy/Sense Motive for 1 day)
Description: Brother to Maybell, Corrin Brooks was a tavern
owner before his sister had to string up the local lord’s son. Before that he was a promising chef in New
Stetven before his sister ran her mouth and had them run out of town for
trapping his master’s dog and serving it at a banquet. (She claimed it had been
scaring Reed and steeling her pelts).
Currently, he works at Oleg’s caring for Reed when the Barrows pass
through and preparing gourmet meals experimenting with several specialty
meats. Seasoned Owlbear anyone?
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