Oleg Leveton (Storeowner) CG Human Expert 2

Str: 12 +1
Dex: 10
Con: 11
Int: 10
Wis: 15 +2
Cha: 9 -1
AC: 12
Touch: 10 Flat-footed: 12
HP: 14
Fort: +0 Ref:
+0 Will:
Init: +0 Perception:
Speed: 30’
Attack: +1 CMB:
+2 CMD: 12
Melee: Hand Axe +2 (d6+2 /
Ranged: Hand Axe +2 (d6+2 /
Skills: Appraise +5; Bluff
+3; Climb +2; Craft (Carpentry) +3; Diplomacy +4; Heal +5; Knowledge
(Geography) +4; Knowledge (Local) +5 Profession (Stable Master) +5; Survival
+6; Swim +2
Feats: Endurance, Toughness
Languages: Common
Description: Oleg is a middle-aged
man with no-non-sense attitude and fierce pride. Oleg decided to move to such a
remote location to get away from the constant machinations and political
maneuverings that dominated urban life in Restov. All he wanted with his
trading post was a place for to live far enough from the sins of civilization
without living so far that he couldn’t
enjoy its benefits. He accepted a charter from Restov to rebuild an abandoned
border fort into a trading post.
Svetlana Leveton (Storeowner
Wife) NG Human Expert 2
Compaign: Kingmaker
Str: 8 (-1)
Dex: 11
Con: 10
Int: 13 (+1)
Wis: 14 (+2)
Cha: 12 (+1)
AC: 10
Touch: 10 Flat-footed: 10
HP: 8
Fort: +0 Ref: +0 Will: +5
Init: +0 Perception:
Speed: 30’
Base Attack: +1 CMB: +0 CMD: 10
Melee: Dagger +1 (d4-1/19-20)
Ranged: Dagger +1
Skills: Appraise +5; Bluff
+5; Craft (Baskets) +3; Craft (Clothing) +3; Craft (Leather) +3; Diplomacy +5;
Escape Artist +1; Handle Animal +5; Heal +6; Knowledge (History) +2; Knowledge
(Local) +3; Profession (Midwife) +9
Feats: Skill Focus (Midwife);
Languages: Common &
Description: Wife of Oleg, Svetlana has been living at the
trading post the last half-year as she and her husband try to make a living on
the border. A follower of the Green Faith, she has felt safe and happy in the
wilderness around the Greenbelt—that is until 3 months ago when Happs paid them
a visit demanding their stores. She is seven months pregnant and is torn
between staying and moving in with her sister in Restov if the bandit problem
is not addressed. She plans to return with Ilyra after her next visit if the
issue remains unresolved.
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