To top it off after all the Races and Class stuff is dealt with, add in Feats and a list that is daunting to say the least. In an effort to streamline PC creation, I have weeded out high powered feats that PCs only have access after insane levels of experience and placed related feats together into broad categories to help speed things up a bit. Lastly, I have limited the feats listed here to those a typical 1st to 5th level character (a hero in the making) would have access to and left out all other feats beyond that. Later posts will deal with 5 level blocks so as not to leave them out in the cold winds of Hoth.
- Agile Maneuvers ---- / Use Dex bonus when calculating your CMB
- Blind Fight: ---- / Reroll miss chances for concealment
- Catch Off-Guard: ---- / No penalties for improvised melee weapons
- COMBAT EXPERTISE (CE): Int 13 / Trade attack bonus for AC bonus
- Gang Up: CE / Flank an opponent if at least two allies are adjacent to it
- Improved Dirty Trick: CE / +2 bonus on dirty trick attempts, no attack of opportunity
- Improved Disarm: CE / +2 bonus on disarm attempts, no attack of opportunity
- Improved Feint: CE / Feint as a move action
- Improved Reposition: CE / +2 bonus on reposition attempts, no attack of opportunity
- Improved Steal: CE / +2 bonus on steal attempts, no attack of opportunity
- Improved Trip: CE / +2 bonus on trip attempts, no attack of opportunity
o Whirlwind Attack: CE; Dex 13; Spring Attack; BAB +4 / Make 1 melee
attack vs all foes within reach
- COMBAT REFLEXES: (CR): ---- / Make additional attacks of opportunity
- Stand Still: CR / Stop enemies from moving past you
- Bodyguard: CR / Use attack of opportunity to add a bonus to adjacent ally's AC
- In Harm’s Way: Take the damage of a successful attack upon an adjacent ally
- Combat PatrolÑ Mobilityñ BAB +5 / Increase threatened area for attack of opportunity
- Defensive Combat Training: ---- / Use your total Hit Dice as base attack bonus for CMD
- Enforcer: Intimidate 1 rank / Demoralize opponent free action when you inflict nonlethal damage
- Improved Initiative: ---- / +4 Initiative checks
- IMPROVED UNARMED STRIKE (IUS): ---- / Always considered armed
- Deflect Arrows: Dex 13 / Avoid 1 ranged attack/round
- Snatch Arrows: Dex 15 / Catch 1 ranged attack/round
- Improved Grapple: Dex 13; IUS / +2 grapple attempts, no attack of opportunity
- Scorpion Style: IUS / Reduce target’s speed 5’
- MOUNTED COMBAT: 1 rank in Ride skill / Avoid attacks on mount with Ride check
- Mounted Archery: ---- / Halve the penalty for ranged attacks while mounted
- Mounted Shield: Shield Focus / Apply shield bonus to mount's AC
- Ride-by Attack: ---- / Move before and after a charge attack while mounted
- Spirited Charge: ---- / Double damage on a mounted charge
- Trample: ---- / Overrun foes while mounted
- Unseat: Improved Bull Rush; Mounted Combat / Knock foes from mounts
- POWER ATTACK (PA): ---- / Trade melee attack bonus for damage
- Cleave: ---- / Make an additional attack if the first one hits
- Great Cleave: BAB +4 / Make an additional attack after each attack hits
- Furious Focus: Str 13; PA; BAB +1 / Do not take the Power Attack penalty on the first attack each round
- Improved Bull Rush: PA / +2 bonus on bull rush attempts, no attack of opportunity
- Improved Drag: PA / +2 bonus on drag attempts, no attack of opportunity
- Improved Overrun: PA / +2 bonus on overrun attempts, no attack of opportunity
- Charge Through: BAB +1 / Make overrun as free action while charging
- Improved Sunder: PA / +2 bonus on sunder attempts, no attack of opportunity
- Pushing Assault: PA; Str 15; BAB +1 / Push a foe back with a two-handed weapon
- Shield of Swings: Str 13; PA; BAB +1 / Reduce damage with a two handed weapon to gain a +4 shield bonus
- TWO WEAPON FIGHTING (2WF): Dex 15 / Reduce two-weapon fighting penalties
- Double Slice: 2WF / Add your Str bonus to off-hand damage rolls
- Two Weapon Defense: 2WF / Gain +1 shield bonus when fighting with two weapons
- Weapon Finesse: ---- / Use Dex instead of Str on attack rolls with light weapons
- WEAPON FOCUS (WF): BAB +1 / +1 bonus on attack rolls with one weapon
- Dazzling Display: WF / Intimidate all foes within 30 feet
- Martial Weapon Proficiency: ---- / No penalty on attacks with one martial weapon
- Simple Weapon Proficiency: ---- / No penalty on attacks made with simple weapons
- WEAPON SPECIALIZATION: WF; 4th level Fighter / +2 bonus on damage with 1 weapon
- Greater Weapon Specialization: 12th level Fighter / +2 bonus on damage with 1 weapon

- Deadly Aim: Dex 13; BAB +1 / Trade ranged attack bonus for damage
- Point-Blank Shot: Weapon Specialization with ranged weapon / Do not provoke attacks of opportunity while firing one ranged weapon
- POINT-BLANK SHOT (PBS): ---- / +1 attack and damage on targets within 30 feet
- Far Shot: PBS / Decrease ranged penalties by half
- Precise Shot: PBS / No penalty for shooting into melee
- Focused Shot: Int 13 / Add Int modifier to damage with bows or crossbows
- Shot on the Run: Dex 13; Mobility; PBS; BAB +4 / Make ranged attack at any point during movement
- Rapid Shot: Dex 13; PBS / Make one extra ranged attack
- Rapid Reload: Crossbow / Reload crossbow quickly
- Crossbow Mastery: Dex 15ñ Rapid Shot / Reload crossbow free action & + full attacks
- Throw Anything: ---- / No penalties for improvised ranged weapons
- Armor Proficiency, Light: ---- / No penalties on attack rolls while wearing light armor
- Armor Proficiency, Medium
- Armor Proficiency, Heavy
- SHIELD PROFICIENCY (SP): ---- / No penalties on attack rolls when using a shield
- Improved Shield Bash: SP / Keep your shield bonus when shield bashing
- Shield Focus: SP; BAB +1 / Gain a +1 bonus to your AC when using a shield
- Missile Shield: Dex 13 / Deflect one ranged attack per round with shield
- Ray Shield: Dex 15; Spellbreaker / Deflect one ranged touch attack per round with shield
- Shield Specialization: 4th level Fighter / +2 AC vs criticals with 1 type of shield
- Saving Shield: ---- / Grant shield bonus to an adjacent ally
- Tower Shield Proficiency: SP / No penalties on attack rolls when using a tower shield
- DODGE: Dex 13 / +1 dodge bonus to AC
- Mobility: +4 AC against attacks of opportunity from movement
- Spring Attack: BAB +4 / Move before and after melee attack
- Endurance: ---- / +4 bonus on checks to avoid nonlethal damage
- Diehard: ---- / Automatically stabilize and remain conscious below 0 hp
- Heroic Recovery: Base Fortitude +4 / 1/day gain new save vs harmful condition requiring Fort save
- Fast Healer: Con 13 / Regain additional hit points when healing
- Fleet: ---- / base speed increases by 5 feet
- Nimble Moves: Dex 13 / Ignore 5 feet of difficult terrain when you move
- Acrobatic Steps: Dex 15 / Ignore 20 feet of difficult terrain when you move
- Quick Draw: BAB +1 / Draw weapon as a free action
- Run: ---- / Run a 5x normal speed
- Step Up: BAB +1 / Take a 5-foot step as an immediate action
- Toughness: ---- / +3 hit points, +1 per Hit Die beyond 3
SAVE me:
- Great Fortitude: ---- / +2 Fortitude Saves
- Improved Great Fortitude: ---- / 1/day reroll Fortitude save
- Iron Will: ---- / +2 Will saves
- Improved Iron Will ---- / 1/day reroll Will save
- Lightning Reflexes: ---- / +2 Reflex saves
- Improved Lightning Reflexes: ---- / 1/day reroll Reflex save
- Acrobatic: ---- / +2 bonus on Acrobatics and Fly
- Alertness: ---- / +2 bonus on Perception and Sense Motive
- Animal Affinity: ---- / +2 bonus on Handle Animal and Ride
- Athletic: ---- / +2 bonus on Climb and Swim
- Cooperative Crafting:1 rank Craft / Item Creation feat / +2 on Craft or Spellcraft with 2+ people
- Deceitful: ---- / +2 bonus on Bluff and Disguise
- Deft Hands: ---- / +2 bonus on Disable Device and Sleight of Hand
- Intimidating Prowess: ---- / Add Str to Intimidate in addition to Cha
- Magical Aptitude: ---- / +2 bonus on Spellcraft and Use Magic Device
- Master Alchemist: Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks / +2 Craft create alchemical items/poisons faster
- Master Craftsman: 5 ranks in Craft or Profession skill / Craft magic items w/o being mage
- Persuasive: ---- / +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks
- Self-Sufficient: ---- / +2 bonus on Heal and Survival checks
- Skill Focus: ---- / +3 bonus on one skill (+6 at 10 ranks)
- Stealthy: ---- / +2 bonus on Escape Artist and Stealth checks
- Arcane Armor Training: Light Armor +level 3 / Reduce arcane spell failure 10%
- Arcane Strike: Arcane spell ability / +1 damage and weapons are considered magic
- Augment Summoning: Spell Focus (conjuration) / Summoned creatures gain +4 Str and Con
- Combat Casting: ---- / +4 bonus on concentration checks for defensive casting
- Elemental Focus: ---- / +1 bonus on save DCs for one energy type
- Greater Elemental Focus: ---- / +1 bonus on save DCs for one energy type
- Eschew Materials: ---- / Cast spells without material components
- Expanded Arcana: Caster level 1 / Add one or two spells to list of spells known
- Improved Counterspell: ---- / Counterspell with spell of the same school
- Improved Familiar: Familiar Class Feature / Choose a more powerful familiar
- Minor Spell Expertise: 4th level spells / Cast 1st-level spell as spell-like ability 2/day
- Preferred Spell: Spellcraft 5 ranks; Heighten Spell / Spontaneously cast a specific spell
- SPELL FOCUS: ---- / +1 bonus on save DCs for one school
- Greater Spell Focus: Spell Focus / +1 bonus on save DCs for one school
- Diviner’s Delving: Spell Focus / +2 on caster level checks with divinations
- Spell Mastery: 1st level Wizard / Prepare some spells without a spellbook
- Spell Penetration: ---- / +2 bonus on level checks to beat spell resistance
- Greater Spell Penetration: +2 bonus on level checks to beat spell resistance
- Alignment Channel: Channel energy / CE can heal/harm outsiders
- Channel Smite: Channel energy / Channel energy through your attack
- Command Undead: Channel negative energy / Channel energy- control undead
- Elemental Channel: Channel energy / Channel energy can harm/heal elementals
- Improved Channel: Channel energy / +2 bonus on channel energy DC
- Natural Spell: Wis 13; Wild Shape class feature / Cast spells while in Wild Shape
- Selective Channeling: Cha 13; Channel energy / Choose whom to affect with channel energy
- Turn Undead: Channel energy / Channel energy can be used to make undead flee
- Arcane Talent: Cha 10; elf, half-elf, or gnome / Cast a 0-level spell 3/day as spell-like abilit
- Breadth of Experience: Dwarf, Elf, or Gnome 100+ years old / +2 all Knowledge & Professions
- Childlike: Cha 13; Halfling / +2 on Disguise checks to look like human child, take 10 on Bluff
- Cosmopolitan: ---- / Read/speak 2 additional languages
- Deepsight: Darkvision 60’ / Increase Darkvision to 120’
- Eagle Eyes: Keen Senses racial trait; Wis 13 / Ignore up to –5 due to distance on visual Perception checks
- Eclectic: Human / Gain an additional favored class
- Elven Accuracy: Elf / Reroll miss chance due to concealment when using a bow
- Fight On: Con 13; Dwarf, Half-orc or Orc / Gain temporary hit points when reduced to 0
- Gnome Trickster: Cha 13; Gnome / Use mage hand and prestidigitation once per day
- Go Unnoticed: Small Size; Dex 13 / Make Stealth vs. flat-footed opponents first round of combat
- Groundling: Cha 13; Gnome / Speak with burrowing animals as spell-like ability
- Improved Stonecutting: Wis 13; Dwarf / +4 Perception checks to notice unusual stonework
- Ironguts: Con 13; Dwarf, Orc, Half-orc / +2 on saves vs. nausea, sickening, and ingested poisons
- Ironhide: Con 13; Dwarf, Orc, Half-orc / +1 natural armor bonus to AC
- Keen Scent: Wis 13; Half-orc or Orc / Gain the scent special ability
- Smell Fear: Half-orc or Orc / +4 on Perception checks to detect frightened creatures
- Leafsinger: Bardic Performance; Elf or Half-elf / Gain benefits to bardic performance in forests and against fey
- Light Step: Elf; Acrobatic Steps; Nimble Moves / Move normal speed in difficult terrain
- Low Profile: Dex 13; Small size / +1 dodge bonus to AC against ranged attacks
- Lucky Halfling: Halfling / You may roll saving throw for an ally once per day
- Pass for Human: Half-race or Halfling / +10 on Disguise checks to look like a human
- Razortusk: Half-orc / Gain bite attack
- Shared Insight: Half-elf / Grant friendly creatures a +2 bonus on Perception checks
- Sharp Senses: Keen Senses racial trait / +4 racial bonus on Perception checks
- Smash: Half-Orc; Power Attack / Ignore 5 points of hardness when breaking an object
- Sociable: Half-elf; Cha 13 / Grant friendly creatures a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks
- Stabbing Shot: Elf; Rapid Shot / Use arrow as a melee attack to push enemies back
- Steel Soul: Dwarf; Hardy racial trait / +4 racial bonus on saves vs. spells and spell-like abilities
- Stone-Faced: Dwarf / +4 bonus on Bluff checks to lie or conceal motives
- Stone Singer: Bardic Performance; Dwarf; Cha 13 / Gain benefits to bardic performance underground and against earth creatures
- Taunt: Cha 13; Small Size / Demoralize opponents with Bluff instead of Intimidate
- Underfoot: Dodge; Mobility; Small Size / +4 on Acrobatics checks to move past larger opponents
- Under and Over: Agile Maneuvers; Small Size / Failed grapples cause attacker to fall prone
- War Singer: Bardic Performance; Cha 13; Half-orc / Gain benefits to bardic performance on battlefields and vs. orcs
- Well-Prepared: Halfling / Retrieve a specific mundane item from your person
- Aspect of the Beast: Wild shape class feature / Gain one of four bestial advantages
- Extra Bombs: Bomb class feature / Throw two additional bombs per day
- Extra Channel: Channel Energy; CLERIC/ Channel Energy +2 times/day
- Extra Discovery: Discovery class feature / Gain one additional discovery
- Extra Hex: Hex class feature / Gain one additional hex
- Extra Ki: Ki class feature; MONK / Increase Ki pool by 2
- Extra Lay on Hands: Lay on Hands; PALADIN / Lay on Hands +2 times/day
- Extra Mercy: Mercy class feature; PALADIN / Lay on Hands benefits from 1 additional mercy
- Extra Performance: Performance class feature; BARD / Bardic Performance +6 rounds/day
- Extra Rage: Rage class feature; BARBARIAN / Rage 6 additional rounds/day
- Extra Rage Power: Gain one additional rage power
- Extra Revelation: Gain one additional revelation
- Extra Rogue Talent: Gain one additional rogue talent
- Favored Defense: Favored enemy class feature / Bonus to CMD &AC attacked by favored enemy
- Lingering Performance: Bardic Performance / Bardic performance continues 2 rounds after stop performing
- Practiced Tactician: Tactician class feature / Use tactician ability one additional time per day
- Summoner’s Call: Eidolon class feature / Your eidolon gets a bonus when summoned
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