~ WEAPONS 101 ~
Selling Treasure: In general you can sell a good for 1/2 its listed price- armor, weapons, gear, magic items, craft items... Trade Goods always sell for their listed price
Equipment: Daily Life - Adventure Gear
Weapons: Simple - Martial - Exotic
Armor: Armor
Cost: --- Dmg: --- / --- Critical: # / x--- Range: ---' Weight: --- lbs. Type: --- Special: ---
Masterwork Weapons: +1 attack rolls; add +300 sp to cost of a given weapon or +6 sp to cost of 1 piece of ammunition.
Unarmed Attacks- Provoke an attack of opportunity if the target is armed (comes before your attack) or unless you are a monk or have Improved Unarmed Strike Feat
Unarmed Strike- Dmg: d2 / d3 Critical: x2 Type: B Special: Nonlethal
- Brass Knuckles (APG)- Cost: 1 sp Dmg: d2 / d3 Critical: x2 Weight: 1 lbs. Type: B Special: Monk, may hold but not wield an item in that hand; DC for spellcasting: 10 + spell's level
- Gauntlet- Cost: 2 sp Dmg: d2 / d3 Critical: x2 Weight: 1 lbs. Type: B Special: allow lethal damage with an unarmed strike
Light Melee Weapons-
- Axe, Throwing*- Cost: 8 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Range: 10' Weight: 2 lbs. Type: S
- Battle Aspergillum (APG)- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 4 lbs. Type: B Special: hollow mace filled with holy water (5 hits) dealing +1 damage to undead on a hit; refill as a standard action; must be carried upright or it will leak out
- Cestus (APG)- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: 19-20 / x2 Weight: 1 lbs. Type: B/P Special: Monks, considered armed; can carry / wield items; -2 precision-based tasks/skills
- Dagger- Cost: 2sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: 19-20/x2 Range: 10' Weight: 1 lbs. Type: P/S
- Punching- Cost: 2 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x3 Weight: 1 lbs. Type: P
- Gaff, Hand- Cost: 10 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Weight: 1 lb Type: S Special: Disarm
- Gauntlet, Spiked- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Weight: 1 lbs. Type: P
- Hammer, Light*- Cost: 1 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Range: 20' Weight: 2 lbs. Type: B
- Handaxe*- Cost: 6 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x3 Weight: 3 lbs. Type: S
- Mace, Light- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 4 lbs. Type: B
- Pick, Light*- Cost: 4 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x4 Weight: 3 lbs. Type: P
- Sickle- Cost: 6 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 2 lbs. Type: S Special: Trip
- Wooden Stake- Cost: --- Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Range: 10' Weight: 1 lbs. Type: P
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Clubs & Morningstars |
- Club- Cost: --- Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Range: 10' Weight: 3 lbs. Type: B
- Mace, Heavy- Cost: 12 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x2 Weight: 8 lbs. Type: B
- Morningstar- Cost: 8 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x2 Weight: 6 lbs. Type: B/P Special: ---
- Shortspear- Cost: 1 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Range: 20' Weight: 3 lbs. Type: P
- Bayonet- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 1 lbs. Type: P Special: fixed to crossbows- can't fire weapon; attach/remove is a move action
- Boar Spear- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x2 Weight: 8 lbs. Type: P Special: brace, reach; +2 AC vs creatures hit by spear for 1 round
- Boarding Pike- Cost: 8 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x3 Weight: 9 lbs. Type: P Special: brace, reach
- Longspear- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x3 Weight: 9 lbs. Type: P Special: brace, reach
- Quarterstaff- Cost: --- Dmg: d4/d4 / d6/d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 4 lbs. Type: B Special: double, monk, blocking
- Spear- Cost: 2 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x3 Range: 20' Weight: 6 lbs. Type: P Special: brace
- Scythe*- Cost: 18 sp Dmg: d6 / 2d4 Critical: x4 Weight: 10 lbs. Type: P/S Special: trip
- Blowgun- Cost: 2 sp Dmg: 1 / d2 Critical: x2 Range: 20' Weight: 1 lbs. Type: P
- Darts, Blowgun (10)- 5 bp
- Crossbow, Heavy- Cost: 50 sp Dmg: d8 / d10 Critical: 19-20 / x2 Range: 120' Weight: 8 lbs. Type: P Reload: Full-Round Special: Requires special permit or affiliation with a military unit; -4 to shoot 1-handed
- Bolts (10)- 1 sp / 1 lb.
- Crossbow, Light- Cost: 35 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: 19-20 / x2 Range: 80' Weight: 4 lbs. Type: P Reload: Move Action Special: Requires special permit or affiliation with a military unit; -2 to shoot 1-handed
- Dart- Cost: 5 bp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Range: 20' Weight: 1/2 lbs. Type: P
- Javelin- Cost: 1 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Range: 30' Weight: 2 lbs. Type: P Special: -4 attacks in melee (designed as a ranged weapon)
- Sling- Cost: --- Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Range: 50' Weight: --- lbs. Type: B Reload: Move Action Special: Rocks deal dmg 1 size smaller with a -1 to attack
- Bullets (10)- 1 bp / 5 lbs.
* Weapons were originally on the Martial Weapons list but have been moved to Simple Weapons as these are useful as tools and should be available to Commoners
Blocking: +1 Shield bonus when Fighting Defensively (Full-round action; +2 AC and -4 attacks until the start of you next turn) or Full Defense (+4 AC for 1 round; can't combine with Fighting Defensively or Combat Expertise Feat; can't make attacks of opportunity- Standard Action)
Brace: Deal x2 damage when set vs. a charge
Deadly: +4 damage to calculate DC of Fortitude save to resist a coup de grace
Disarm: +2 CM to disarm
Distracting: +2 Bluff skill to feint with this weapon
Double: use it as though it were 2 weapons with normal attack penalties (Two-Weapon Fighting)
Grapple: Critical hit wielder can grapple target as a free action; doesn't provoke attack of opportunity if foe target is not threatening you; must stay within weapon's reach to maintain
Monk: Can be used by a Monk to perform Flurry of Blows
Nonlethal: deal nonlethal damage
Reach: 10' reach, can't target foes 5' away or closer
Trip: Make trip attacks
Melee- Use STR to determine damage and hit rolls
- Reach Weapons: Strike foes that are not adjacent- 10' away but not attack foes that close closer than that.
- Double Weapons: Characters can fight with both portions of the weapon as though he were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. (Two-Weapon Fighting)
- Light Weapons: Easier to use in an off hand, can be used while grappling; unarmed strikes are always considered light weapons
- Add STR to damage if used in a primary hand
- Add 1/2 STR to damage in an off hand
- One-Handed Weapon: Can be used in both hands adding 1 1/2 STR to damage
- Add STR to damage if used in a primary hand
- Add 1/2 STR to damage in an off hand
- Two-Handed Weapon: Require two hands to use; add 1 1/2 STR to damage
- Improvised Weapon: -4 to attack rolls; scores a critical on a natural 20 and deals double damage
Ranged- Use DEX to determine hit rolls
- Thrown Weapons: add STR to damage dealt and have 5 Range Increments (-2 per increment to hit)
- Improvised Thrown Weapons: -4 attacks; Light or one-handed weapon (Standard action); two-handed weapon (Full round action); Range Increment: 10'
- Projectile Weapons: no STR to damage unless the weapon is a specially built composite shortbow, longbow, crossbow, or a sling; Players with low STR take a penalty to damage.
- Draw Ammunition: Free Action (bows); Other types require an action to load
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