Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Strong as an Ox

"You're as strong as an ox and as wise as an owl." Sure you say that but how does that translate to strength, intelligence, and wisdom? Easy, look it up on the charts below and see how your PC stacks up with some common and not so common denizens of the Pathfinder world. The stats below come from the Bestiary, NPC Codex, and Iconic PCs of Pathfinder.

Physical Attributes

Strength: measures your physical power and muscle and is important for melee fighters. It also determines your carrying capacity and ability to dead lift objects.
  • Melee Attacks
  • Damage rolls with melee or thrown weapons; A penalty applies to bow attacks
  • Climb & Swim checks
  • Strength Checks: break down doors, bend bars, lift gates
  • Low Scores: sickly, feeble, ailing, debilitated, frail, puny, overweight, adolescent, young, lazy...
  • High Scores: strong, brawny, sturdy, built, athletic, rugged, stalwart...

Dexterity: Measures agility, reflexes, hand-eye coordination, and balance and is important to rogues. It is useful for characters with light or medium armor as it helps you dodge incoming attacks and is vital for ranged weapon attacks.
  • Ranged attack rolls and ranged attack spells
  • AC +/-
  • Reflex saves to avoid fireballs
  • Skills: Acrobatics, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, Sleight-of-Hand, & Stealth
  • Low Scores: Clumsy, ham-fisted, hunchbacked, lame (limp, crippled legs, missing leg: speed reduced to 1/2, can't charge) klutz, missing a finger (-1 Dex per 3 fingers lost) or hand (can't use 2-handed weapons), involuntary movement (tremors), no depth perception (one eye: -4 sight-based Perception checks), one armed (can't use 2-handed weapons), bowlegged, bum knee...
  • High Scores: Flexible, lithe, graceful, agile, supple, limber, nimble, deft, willowy...

Constitution: Measures your health and endurance. It increases your HP per level and is important to all adventures
  • +/- HP rolls
  • Fortitude saves: resist poison, disease, or other threats
  • Low Scores: Suffer from (bad back...), glutton, lazy, unfit, wounded, out of shape...
  • High Scores: Fit, athletic, robust, hale, trim, vigorous, hardy, sturdy, hearty...

Mental Attributes

Intelligence: determines how well you learn, remember, and reason; Animals have instinctual intelligence of 1-2. It is a key ability to wizards, witches, and other spellcasters.

INT 5-7: dull-witted and slow; 11-12 tend to pick up ideas quickly and learn new ideas easily; 13-14 can solve problems quickly often without thinking; 15-16 are exceptionally intelligent and cleaver; 17-18 are genius level characters, naturally brilliant.
  • Determines bonus languages equal to Int modifier
  • Determines number of bonus skill points you get at each level, minimum 1
  • Skills: Appraise, Craft, Knowledge, Linguistics, & Spellcraft
  • Low Scores: whimsical, unimaginative, absent minded, dyslexic...
  • High Scores: Eidetic memory, versatile, innovative, resourceful, ingenious, logical, broad- minded...

Wisdom: Describes a players willpower, common sense, awareness, and intuition and is very important to not only clerics and druids, but also paladins and rangers.
  • Determines Will saves: negate effects of sleep, charm person, and many other spells and hexes
  • Skills: Heal, Perception, Profession, Sense Motive, & Survival
  • Low Scores: witless, folly, rash, reckless, impulsive, foolhardiness, careless, daredevil, fearless/fearful, clueless, gullible, oblivious, overconfident, short attention span, distractible, daydreamer...
  • High Scores: natural wit, canny, astute, shrewd, gumption, savvy, street smart, perceptive, empathetic, fearless, intuitive, rapier wit, imaginative, curious, attentive, careful...

Charisma: Measures a players personality, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and appearance and is important to sorcerers, paladins, and bards as well as clerics to channel energy. Undead use Charisma to measure their "lifeforce." Keep in mind that appearance and personality are not always linked by low scores- it is possible for a player with a Cha 8 to be beautiful but haughty (like Cinderella's step sisters: "beautiful of face but vile and black of heart")
  • Checks to influence others
  • Channel Energy DCs for clerics & paladins
  • Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, & Use Magic Device
  • Low Scores: Pitiable, odious personal habits (tuneless humming, body odor, spitting on floor, poor table manners), haughty, arrogant, vain, conceited, disdainful, big-headed, pompous, snobbish, bad tempered, bully, callous, megalomaniac, miserly, selfish, shy, chauvinistic, staid, uncongenial, puts foot in mouth, bluntly honest to point of rudeness...
    • Appearance- Ugly scar, unattractive, ghastly, homely (average level looks)
    • Scars (optional) Minor (interesting conversation starter); Moderate scar on face (+1 Intimidate); Major scar on face (+2 Intimidate); bonus = to penalty from CHA modifier- it doesn't cancel out the - modifier, it replaces it (Example: Max the Barbarian has CHA 7 partially because he has a large scar across his face but also because he smells and is bad tempered. He takes a -2 on all CHA skills except Intimidate where he takes a +2)
  • High Scores: Adaptable, social chameleon, humble, proud, dignified, noble, chummy, gregarious, selfless, congenial, charming,
    • Appearance: Attractive, handsome, beautiful, alluring, bewitching, beguiling, comely, fair, pretty...

What they all mean...

Ability scores define more than just +s and -s on hit rolls, saves, and damage- they should help serve to define your PC. The hardest part of most games is trying to portray a Int 8 Barbarian when you yourself are an avid gamer and know how to plan things out and think things through. But you're not playing yourself are you? A 8 Int Barbarian would be impulsive, would cut the ropes holding him over a pit filled with spikes before thinking ahead 1 step; he would boot down the door without second thought.

How to read the scores...

STR: 9 (-1)
DEX: 14 (+2)
CON: 13 (+1)
INT: 17 (+3)
WIS: 8 (-1)
CHA: 9 (-1)

You could read the same stats many ways depending on your character concept

1) He was lazy as an adolescent and never worked out too much (Str 9) but was otherwise healthy (Con 13). He was naturally smart (Int 17) and used that to get by and get into trouble as he lacked the common sense to keep his gob closed and tended to insult others with his offhand comments and insights (Wis 8). He learned to be quick on his feet to evade the people he offended (Dex 14). Most people find him abrasive but his heart is in the right place even if his people skills are lacking (Cha 9).

2) He grew up an academic in a boarding school for mages and applied himself day and night to his studies (Int 17) but never found the time or need to work out (Str 9). He is shy and introverted as he spent most of his time in the library pouring over ancient tomes piecing together forgotten lore (Cha 9). He is so engrossed in his thoughts he often doesn't notice it is raining until the downpour starts (Wis 8). He tinkers late into the night on potions which require manual dexterity (Dex 14) and enjoys a good meal when he remembers to eat (Con 13).

So... you're as strong as an ox (Str 16-17) and as wise as an owl (Wis 12-13) now means something else in the game world.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Armor All

~ Armor All ~

Note: Equipment listed here is in the Silver System / 1 coin (1/3 oz) is roughly the same size/weight of 2 quarters stuck together. 

Selling Treasure: In general you can sell a good for 1/2 its listed price- armor, weapons, gear, magic items, craft items... Trade Goods always sell for their listed price

Equipment: Daily Life - Adventure Gear

Weapons: Simple - Martial - Exotic    

Armor: Armor

Armor: Players not proficient with armor worn, take the Armor Check penalty to both Dex and Str skills and to attack rolls (stacks with shield penalty); Armor Check penalties stack (Armor + Shield + Encumbrance = total penalty to Dex & Str skills). Sleeping in medium and heavy armor leaves the wearer fatigued at suffering from a -2 to both Str and Dex abilities and he cannot run or charge.

Weight: Divide by 2 for small sized armor or x2 for large characters

Don Armor: Armor that is donned hastily adds an additional -1 to armor checks and reduces an AC Bonus by -1; Light Armor can be removed in 30 seconds with help; Medium Armor can Don and Remove at 1/2 listed rate with assistance; Heavy Armor (Plate) can Don armor with help, but can Don Hastily alone or with help (1/2 listed time) and remove it with help in 12 the time listed.

Cost: --- Defense Bonus: --- Max DEX Bonus: --- Armor Check: --- (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: ---% Speed (30'/20'): --- ' / --- ' Weight: --- lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): --- (---/---)

Masterwork Armor: reduces Armor Check penalties by -1; +150 sp over the list price

Light Armor- 
  • Quilted Cloth- Cost: 5 sp Defense Bonus: +1 Max DEX Bonus: +8 Armor Check: 0 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 10% Speed (30'/20'): 30 ' / 20 ' Weight: 15 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 1 minute ( 5 rounds / 1 minute ) Special: DR3 vs arrows, bolts, darts, shurikens, & thrown daggers as they get caught in the folds of the armor Hardness: 2 HP: 5
  • Leather- Cost: 10 sp Defense Bonus: +2 Max DEX Bonus: +6 Armor Check: 0 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 10% Speed (30'/20'): 30 ' / 20 ' Weight: 15 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 1 minute ( 5 rounds / 1 minute ) Hardness: 2 HP: 10
  • Studded Leather / Ring Mail- Cost: 25 sp Defense Bonus: +3 Max DEX Bonus: +5 Armor Check: -1 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 15% Speed (30'/20'): 30 ' / 20 ' Weight: 20 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 1 minute ( 5 rounds / 1 minute ) Hardness: 2 HP: 15
  • Wooden- Cost: 20 sp Defense Bonus: +3 Max DEX Bonus: +3 Armor Check: -1 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 15% Speed (30'/20'): 30 ' / 20 ' Weight: 25 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 1 minute ( 5 rounds / 1 minute ) Special: -0 to Swim checks Hardness: 5 HP:15
  • Leaf Armor- Cost: 500 sp Defense Bonus: +3 Max DEX Bonus: +5 Armor Check: 0 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 15% Speed (30'/20'): 30 ' / 20 ' Weight: 20 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 1 minute ( 5 rounds / 1 minute ) Hardness: 10 HP: 30
  • Chain Shirt- Cost: 100 sp Defense Bonus: +4 Max DEX Bonus: +4 Armor Check: -2 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 20% Speed (30'/20'): 30 ' / 20 ' Weight: 25 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 1 minute ( 5 rounds / 1 minute ) Hardness: 10 HP: 25
Darkleaf Armor (Elven)- Hardness: 10 HP: +20 over regular HP of armor
  • Darkleaf Leather- Cost: 760 sp Defense Bonus: +2 Max DEX Bonus: +8 Armor Check: 0 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 5% Speed (30'/20'): 30 ' / 20 ' Weight: 7 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 1 minute ( 5 rounds / 1 minute ) 
  • Studded Leather- Cost: 775 sp Defense Bonus: +3 Max DEX Bonus: +7 Armor Check: 0 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 5% Speed (30'/20'): 30 ' / 20 ' Weight: 10 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 1 minute ( 5 rounds / 1 minute )
  • Darkleaf Hide- Cost: 765 sp Defense Bonus: +4 Max DEX Bonus: +7 Armor Check: 0 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 10% Speed (30'/20'): 30' / 20' Weight: 12 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 1 minute ( 5 rounds / 1 minute )

Medium Armor- Chainmail and Scale Mail include gauntlets
  • Hide- Cost: 15 sp Defense Bonus: +4 Max DEX Bonus: +4 Armor Check: -3 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 20% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 25 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 1 minute ( 5 rounds / 1 minute ) Hardness: 2 HP: 15
  • Armored Coat- Cost: 50 sp Defense Bonus: +4 Max DEX Bonus: +3 Armor Check: -2 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 20% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 20 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): Move Action; Hardness: 5 HP: 15
  • Scale Mail- Cost: 50 sp Defense Bonus: +5 Max DEX Bonus: +3 Armor Check: -4 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 25% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 30 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 4 minutes ( 1 minute / 1 minute ) Hardness: 10 HP: 20 
  • Chainmaill- Cost: 150 sp Defense Bonus: +6 Max DEX Bonus: +2 Armor Check: -5 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 30% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 40 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 4 minutes ( 1 minute / 1 minute ) Note: Prolonged use of chain armor can fatigue players as the bulk of the armor rests on your shoulders. -2 to attack roll and gain the fatigue condition if worn for over 12 hours. Hardness: 10 HP: 25
  • Agile Breastplate- Cost: 400 sp Defense Bonus: +6 Max DEX Bonus: +3 Armor Check: -4 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 25% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 25 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 4 minutes ( 1 minute / 1 minute ) Special: Armor Check penalty for Climb and Jump checks is -1 Hardness: 10 HP: 25
  • Breastplate- Cost: 200 sp Defense Bonus: +6 Max DEX Bonus: +3 Armor Check: -4 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 25% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 30 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 4 minutes ( 1 minute / 1 minute ) Hardness: 10 HP: 25 
Heavy Armor- All Heavy Armor suits include gauntlets; Half-Plate and Full Plate include helms; can only run at 3x speed
  • Splint Mail- Cost: 200 sp Defense Bonus: +7 Max DEX Bonus: +0 Armor Check: -7 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 40% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 45 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 4 minutes ( 1 minute / 1 minute ) Hardness: 10 HP: 30
  • Banded Mail- Cost: 250 sp Defense Bonus: +7 Max DEX Bonus: +1 Armor Check: -6 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 35% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 35 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 4 minutes ( 1 minute / 1 minute ) Hardness: 10 HP: 30
  • Half-Plate- Cost: 600 sp Defense Bonus: +8 Max DEX Bonus: 0 Armor Check: -7 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 40% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 50 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 4 minutes ( 4 minutes / 1d4+1 minutes ) Hardness: 10 HP: 35
  • Agile Half-Plate- Cost: 850 sp Defense Bonus: +8 Max DEX Bonus: +0 Armor Check: -7 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 40% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 55 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 4 minutes ( 1 minute / 1 minute ) Special: Armor Check penalty for Climb and Jump checks is -4; run at 4x speed unlike other heavy armor Hardness: 10 HP: 35
  • Field-Plate- Cost: 1,200 sp Defense Bonus: +7 Max DEX Bonus: +1 Armor Check: -5 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 35% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 50 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 4 minutes ( 4 minutes / 1d4+1 minutes ) Hardness: 10 HP: 40
  • Full-Plate- Cost: 1,500 sp Defense Bonus: +9 Max DEX Bonus: +1 Armor Check: -6 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 35% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 50 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 4 minutes ( 4 minutes / 1d4+1 minutes )  Hardness: 10 HP: 40
  • Stone-Plate (Dwarven)- Cost: 1,800 sp Defense Bonus: +10 Max DEX Bonus: +1 Armor Check: -6 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 35% Speed (30'/20'): 15' / 10' Weight: 75 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 4 minutes ( 4 minutes / 1d4+1 minutes ) Hardness: 15 HP: 50
Shields- Bucklers- can use bows without penalty; -1 to melee attacks uses with buckler hand; can't shield bash / Light Shields- Allow you to carry items, can't use weapons in that hand; Heavy Shields- can't carry anything else in shield hand / Shield bashing with light/heavy shields adds no AC bonus for that round
  • Buckler- Cost: 5 sp Defense Bonus: +1 Max DEX Bonus: --- Armor Check: -1 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 5% Weight: 5 lbs. Don/Remove: Move Action Hardness: 10 HP: 5
  • Light Wooden- Cost: 3 sp Defense Bonus: +1 Max DEX Bonus: --- Armor Check: -1 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 5% Weight: 5 lbs. Don/Remove: Move Action Hardness: 5 HP: 7
  • Quickdraw Light Wooden- Cost: 53 sp Defense Bonus: +1 Max DEX Bonus: --- Armor Check: -2 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 5% Weight: 6 lbs. Don/Remove: Swift Action Hardness: 5 HP: 7
  • Light Steel- Cost: 9 sp Defense Bonus: +1 Max DEX Bonus: --- Armor Check: -1 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 5% Weight: 6 lbs. Don/Remove: Move Action Hardness: 10 HP: 10 
  • Quickdraw Light Steel- Cost: 59 sp Defense Bonus: +1 Max DEX Bonus: --- Armor Check: -2 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 5% Weight: 7 lbs. Don/Remove: Swift Action Hardness: 10 HP: 10 
  • Heavy Wooden- Cost: 7 sp Defense Bonus: +2 Max DEX Bonus: --- Armor Check: -2 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 15% Weight: 10 lbs. Don/Remove: Move Action Hardness: 5 HP: 15
  • Heavy Steel- Cost: 20 sp Defense Bonus: +2 Max DEX Bonus: --- Armor Check: -2 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 15% Weight: 15 lbs. Don/Remove: Move Action Hardness: 10 HP: 20 
  • Tower- Cost: 30 sp Defense Bonus: +4 Max DEX Bonus: +2 Armor Check: -10 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 50% Weight: 45 lbs. Don/Remove: Move Action Hardness: 5 HP: 20 Special: Standard Action- grant total cover until start of next turn on one edge of your current square; Can't shield bash with tower shields and you take a -2 to attack rolls
  • Armor Spikes: +50 sp / +10 lbs (see martial weapons)
  • Locked Gauntlet: 8 sp / +5 lbs (if you are wearing light armor, breastplate, or no armor) Special: attach a weapon to gauntlet; +10 CMD to disarms; Removing/attaching weapon is a full-round action
  • Shield Spikes: +10 sp / +5 lbs (see martial weapons) NOTE: can't be added to bucklers or tower shields
  • Throwing Shield: +50 sp / Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Range: 20' Type: B Special: Performance, trip
  • Cap: Light Armors / Cost: 5 sp / Perception Penalty: -1 Hearing / -0 Vision
  • Coif: Light / Medium Armors / Cost: 10 sp / Perception Penalty: -1 Hearing / -0 Vision
  • Open Faced: Medium Armors / Cost: 15 sp / Perception Penalty: -2 Hearing / -1 Vision
  • Closed-Faced: Medium/Heavy Armors / Cost: 20 sp / Perception Penalty: -3 Hearing / -2 Vision
  • Great Helm: Heavy Armors / Cost: 30 sp / Perception Penalty: -4 Hearing / -3 Vision


Light Armor- 
  • Haramaki- Cost: 3 sp Defense Bonus: +1 Max DEX Bonus: --- Armor Check: 0 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 0% Speed (30'/20'): 30 ' / 20 ' Weight: 1 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): Move action; NOTE: protects torso region only
  • Silken Ceremonial Armor- Cost: 30 sp Defense Bonus: +1 Max DEX Bonus: --- Armor Check: 0 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 0% Speed (30'/20'): 30 ' / 20 ' Weight: 4 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 30 seconds 
  • Lamellar Cuirass- Cost: 15 sp Defense Bonus: +2 Max DEX Bonus: +4 Armor Check: 0 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 5% Speed (30'/20'): 30 ' / 20 ' Weight: 8 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 1 minute NOTE: Breastplate and shoulder guards
  • Lamellar Leather- Cost: 60 sp Defense Bonus: +4 Max DEX Bonus: +3 Armor Check: -2 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 20% Speed (30'/20'): 30 ' / 20 ' Weight: 25 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 1 minute ( 5 rounds / 1 minute )
Medium Armor- 
  • Do-maru- Cost: 200 sp Defense Bonus: +5 Max DEX Bonus: +4 Armor Check: -4 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 25% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 30 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 1 minute ( 5 rounds / 1 minute ) NOTE: Short armored coat, lacks breastplate and sleeves
  • Kikko Armor- Cost: 30 sp Defense Bonus: +5 Max DEX Bonus: +4 Armor Check: -3 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 20% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 25 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 1 minute ( 5 rounds / 1 minute ) Note: can be concealed under clothing
  • Lamellar, Horn- Cost: 100 sp Defense Bonus: +5 Max DEX Bonus: +3 Armor Check: -4 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 25% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 30 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 4 minutes ( 1 minute / 1 minute ) 
  • Four-Mirror Armor- Cost: 45 sp Defense Bonus: +6 Max DEX Bonus: +2 Armor Check: -5 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 30% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 45 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 4 minutes ( 1 minute / 1 minute ) NOTE: Worn over chainmail and comes with spiked helmet and chainmail hood
  • Lamellar, Steel- Cost: 150 sp Defense Bonus: +6 Max DEX Bonus: +3 Armor Check: -5 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 25% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 35 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 4 minutes ( 1 minute / 1 minute )
  • Mountain Pattern Mail- Cost: 250 sp Defense Bonus: +6 Max DEX Bonus: +3 Armor Check: -4 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 30% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 40 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 4 minutes ( 1 minute / 1 minute )
Heavy Armor- All Heavy Armor suits include gauntlets; Half-Plate and Full Plate include helms; can only run at 3x speed
  • Kusari Gusoku- Cost: 350 sp Defense Bonus: +7 Max DEX Bonus: +1 Armor Check: -7 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 35% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 45 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 4 minutes ( 1 minute / 1 minute ) 
  • Lamellar, Iron- Cost: 200 sp Defense Bonus: +7 Max DEX Bonus: +0 Armor Check: -7 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 40% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 50 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 4 minutes ( 1 minute / 1 minute )  
  • Tatami-do- Cost: 1,000 sp Defense Bonus: +7 Max DEX Bonus: +3 Armor Check: -6 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 35% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 45 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 4 minutes ( 1 minute / 1 minute )  
  • O-yoroi- Cost: 1,700 sp Defense Bonus: +8 Max DEX Bonus: +2 Armor Check: -6 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 35% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 45 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 4 minutes ( 1 minute / 1 minute )  
  • Stone Coat- Cost: 500 sp Defense Bonus: +8 Max DEX Bonus: +0 Armor Check: -7 (Str & Dex Skills) Arcane Spell Failure: 40% Speed (30'/20'): 20' / 15' Weight: 45 lbs. Don (Hastily / Remove): 4 minutes ( 1 minute / 1 minute ) 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Weapons 301: Exotic

~ WEAPONS 301 ~

Note: Equipment listed here is in the Silver System / 1 coin (1/3 oz) is roughly the same size/weight of 2 quarters stuck together. 

Selling Treasure: In general you can sell a good for 1/2 its listed price- armor, weapons, gear, magic items, craft items... Trade Goods always sell for their listed price

Equipment: Daily Life - Adventure Gear

Weapons: Simple - Martial - Exotic    

Armor: Armor  

Cost: --- Dmg: --- / --- Critical: # / x--- Range: ---' Weight: --- lbs. Type: --- Special: ---

Masterwork Weapons: +1 attack rolls; add +300 sp to cost of a given weapon or +6 sp to cost of 1 piece of ammunition.

Paired Sais
Light Melee Weapons-
  • Aklys- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x2 Range: 20' (Max) Weight: 2 lbs. Type: B Special: Performance, trip
  • Dan Bong (Short Staff)- Cost: 1 sp Dmg: d2 / d3 Critical: 19-20/x2 Range: 10' Weight: --- Type: B Special: Monk, Blocking
  • Emeici- Cost: 3 sp Dmg: d2 / d3 Critical: 19-20/x2 Weight: --- Type: P Special: Monk, Distracting, +2 to conceal checks
  • Fighting Fan- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x3 Weight: --- Type: S/P Special: Monk, Distracting
  • Kama- Cost: 2 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 2 lbs. Type: S Special: Monk, Trip
  • Knuckle Axe- Cost: 9 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x3 Weight: 2 lbs. Type: S Special: Monk, Performance; axe blades mounted on brass knuckles
  • Madu, Steel- Cost: 40 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Weight: 6 lbs. Type: P Special: Performance; round, light shield with 2 horns jutting from sides- Fight Defensively at -2 to attacks
  • Nunchaku- Cost: 2sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 2 lbs. Type: B Special: Monk, Disarm, +1 attacks vs light shields. 
  • Pata- Cost: 14 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x3 Weight: 3 lbs. Type: P Special: Blocking, Performance; Punching short sword- +10 CMD to disarm attempts
  • Quadrens- Cost: 8 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: 19-20/x2 Weight: 2 lbs. Type: P Special: Performance;+1 bleed damage on critical hits (dagger with 4 spikes instead of a blade)
  • Sai- Cost: 1 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Weight: 1 lbs. Type: P Special: Monk, Disarm, +2 CM to sunder weapons
  • Scorpion Whip- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Weight: 3 lbs. Type: S Special: Performance, trip
  • Siangham- Cost: 3 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 1 lbs. Type: P Special: Monk 
  • Sica- Cost: 10 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 2 lbs. Type: S Special: Performance; +1 attack vs bucklers, light shields, or heavy shields  
  • Swordbreaker Dagger- Cost: 10 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Weight: 3 lbs. Type: S Special: Disarm;  +4 CM to sunder and disarm bladed weapons
  • Tekko-Kagi (Iron Claw)- Cost: 2 sp Dmg: d2 / d3 Critical: x2 Weight: 2 lbs. Type: P Special: Blocking (buckler), Disarm (no attack of opportunity);  +2 CM to sunder and disarm swords or slender bladed weapons
  • Wakizashi- Cost: 35 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: 18-20/x2 Weight: 2 lbs. Type: P/S Special: Deadly
One-Handed Melee Weapons- +1/2 STR dmg in two hands
  •  Hooked Axe- Cost: 20 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x3 Weight: 7 lbs. Type: S Special: Disarm, trip, performance
  • Turtle Blades- Cost: 9 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x2 Weight: 5 lbs. Type: P/S Special: Blocking (paired add +2 to AC), performance, disarm Special: hardened tortoise shells with a jagged blade attached under the protective belly; typically paired and used by barbarians or gladiators
SWORDS +1/2 STR dmg in two hands
  • Dueling Sword- Cost: 20 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: 19-20/x2 Weight: 3 lbs. Type: S Special: +1/2 STR dmg in two hands; Can use the Weapon Finesse Feat
  • Falcata- Cost: 18 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: 19-20/x3 Weight: 4 lbs. Type: S
  • Katana- Cost: 50 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: 18-20/x2 Weight: 6 lbs. Type: S Special: Deadly
  • Khopesh- Cost: 20 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: 19-20/x2 Weight: 8 lbs. Type: S Special: Trip
  • Shotel- Cost: 30 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x3 Weight: 3 lbs. Type: P Special: Performance; +1 attack vs bucklers, light shields, or heavy shields
  • Saw-Tooth Sabre- Cost: 35 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: 19-20/x2 Weight: 3 lbs. Type: S Special: +1 bleed damage on critical hits; treated as a light weapon for Two-Weapon Fighting
  • Sword, Hand-and-a-Half- Cost: 35 sp Dmg: d8 / d10 Critical: 19-20/x2 Weight: 6 lbs. Type: S 
  • Temple Sword- Cost: 30 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: 19-20/x2 Weight: 3 lbs. Type: S Special: Monk, trip
  • Whip- Cost: 1 sp Dmg: d2 / d3 Critical: x2 Weight: 2 lbs. Type: S Special: Disarm, Reach, Trip, Nonlethal
  • Whip, Nine-Section- Cost: 8 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: 19-20/x2 Weight: 3 lbs. Type: B Special: blocking, distracting, monk, trip 
  • Urumi Cost: 30 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: 18-20/x2 Weight: 6 lbs. Type: S Special:  distracting; flexible blade that can be coiled and worn as a belt
RACIAL One-Handed Melee Weapons
+1/2 STR dmg in two hands
  • Waraxe, Dwarven- Cost: 30 sp Dmg: d8 / d10 Critical: x3 Weight: 8 lbs. Type: S
  • Waraxe, Dwarven Double- Cost: 60 sp Dmg: d8 / d10 Critical: x3 Weight: 12 lbs. Type: S Special: +1 attack rolls after the first attack with Cleave and Great Cleave Feats

Two-Handed Melee Weapons- +1 1/2 STR damage
Sickle and Chain
  • Bladed Scarf- Cost: 12 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 2 lbs. Type: S Special: Disarm, Trip; deal d4 damage when grappled; Can use Weapon Finesse Feat
  • Bo Staff- Cost: 1 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 3 lbs. Type: B Special: Blocking, double, Monk
  • Chain, Spiked- Cost: 25 sp Dmg: d6 / 2d4 Critical: x2 Weight: 10 lbs. Type: P Special: Disarm, Trip; Can use Weapon Finesse Feat
  • Chain Spear- Cost: 15 sp Dmg: d4/d4 / d6/d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 13 lbs. Type: P/S Special: Trip
  • Dragon's Paw-  Cost: 15 sp Dmg: d4/d6 / d6/d8 Critical: x2 Weight: 9 lbs. Type: P Special: Blocking, double; 5-6' pole with spearheads attached to either end, around the center a curved bar protects the wielder's hands while a jutting blade extends out; +d4 dmg with forward blade with a DC 15 Dex check; (Weapon Focus) d2 dmg if using the side blades to keep flanking foes at bay (considered attacks of opportunity)
  • Flail, Dire- Cost: 90 sp Dmg: d6/d6 / d8/d8 Critical: x2 Weight: 10 lbs. Type: B Special: Disarm, Trip, Double
  • Flying Blade- Cost: 40 sp Dmg: d10 / d12 Critical: x3 Weight: 12 lbs. Type: S Special: Performance, Reach; -2 attack rolls / +2 attacks of opportunity
  • Harpoon- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x3 Range: 10' Weight: 16 lbs. Type: P Special: Grappling; attached to 50' rope (item's weight includes the rope- 10 lbs.)
  • Kama, Double-Chained- Cost: 8 sp Dmg: d4/d4 / d6/d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 4 lbs. Type: S Special: double, monk, reach, trip; two kama joined by an 8' length of chain used to trip and disarm
  • Katana, Double-Walking Stick- Cost: 50 sp Dmg: d4/d4 / d6/d6 Critical: x3 Weight: 6 lbs. Type: B Special: double; walking cane conceals dual swords; used as a quarter staff when joined  
  • Kyoketsu-Shoge- Cost: 6 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Range: 10' (Max) Weight: 1 lbs. Type: S/P Special: disarm, monk, reach, grapple; can be used as a grapple hook up to 10'
  • Mancatcher- Cost: 15 sp Dmg: 1 / d2 Critical: --- Weight: 10 lbs. Type: P Special: reach; made to catch small, medium or large targets; Make touch melee attack to grapple (no -4 to roll); perform a move or damage grapple vs. target; Hardiness: 10  HP: 5; DC 26 Str check to break 
  • Meteor Hammer- Cost: 10 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x2 Range: 10' (Max) Weight: 10 lbs. Type: B Special: reach, trip (drag 5' rather than knock prone); Meteor mode- attack as a double weapon; fortress mode +1 to AC (switch as a free action at start of turn)
  • Sickle and Chain (Kusarigama)- Cost: 12 sp Dmg: d2/d4 / d3/d6 Critical: x2 Range: 10' (Max) Weight: 3 lbs. Type: S/B Special: double, monk, reach, trip, grapple
  • Sword, Two-Bladed- Cost: 100 sp Dmg: d6/d6 / d8/d8 Critical: 19-20/x2 Weight: 10 lbs. Type: S Special: double 
  • Tetsubo- Cost: 20 sp Dmg: d8 / d10 Critical: x4 Weight: 10 lbs. Type: B Special: +2 CM to sunder armor

 RACIAL Two-Handed Melee Weapons
+1 1/2 STR damage
  • Axe, Orc Double- Cost: 60 sp Dmg: d6/d6 / d8/d8 Critical: x3 Weight: 15 lbs. Type: S Special: Double
  • Curve Blade, Elven- Cost: 80 sp Dmg: d8 / d10 Critical: 18-20/x2 Weight: 7 lbs. Type:Special: +2 CMD on sunder attacks; Can use Weapon Finesse Feat
  • Hammer, Gnome Hooked- Cost: 20 sp Dmg: d6/d4 / d8/d6 Critical: x3/x4 Weight: 6 lbs. Type: B / P Special: Double, Trip
  • Longaxe, Dwarven- Cost: 50 sp Dmg: d10 / d12 Critical: x3 Weight: 14 lbs. Type: S Special: Reach
  • Longhammer, Dwarven- Cost: 70 sp Dmg: d10 / 2d6 Critical: x3 Weight: 20 lbs. Type: B Special: Reach
  • Urgtosh, Dwarven- Cost: 50 sp Dmg: d6/d4 / d8/d6 Critical: x3 Weight: 12 lbs. Type: P / S Special: Brace, Double

Ranged Weapons-
  • Bola- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Range: 10' Weight: 2 lbs. Type: B Special: nonlethal, trip 
  • Bola, Spiked- Cost: 15 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Range: 10' Weight: 2 lbs. Type: B/P Special: trip; uses as a flail for melee attacks
    • Melee: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 2 lbs. Type: B/P Special: Disarm, +1 attacks vs light shields.
  • Boomerang- Cost: 3 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Range: 30' Weight: 3 lbs. Type:
  • Crossbow, Hand- Cost: 100 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: 19-20 / x2 Range: 30' Weight: 2 lbs. Type: P Reload: Move Action Special: Requires special permit or affiliation with a military unit
    • Bolts (10)- 1 sp / 1 lb.
  • Crossbow, Repeating Heavy- Cost: 400 sp Dmg: d8 / d10 Critical: 19-20 / x2 Range: 120' Weight: 12 lbs. Type: P Reload: Holds 5 rounds (Free Action); Load case (Full-Round) Special: Requires special permit or affiliation with a military unit; -4 to shoot 1-handed 
    • Bolts (5)- 1 sp / 1 lb.
  • Crossbow, Repeating Light- Cost: 250 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: 19-20 / x2 Range: 80' Weight: 6 lbs. Type: P Reload: Holds 5 rounds (Free Action); Load case (Full-Round) Special: Requires special permit or affiliation with a military unit; -4 to shoot 1-handed 
    • Bolts (5)- 1 sp / 1 lb. 
  • Crossbow, Double- Cost: 300 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: 19-20 / x2 Range: 30' Weight: 2 lbs. Type: P Reload: Move Action Special: Requires special permit or affiliation with a military unit
  • Grappling Hook- Cost:  6 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Range: 10' Weight: 14 lbs. Type: Special: Grappling; weight of hemp rope included (10 lbs) 
  • Kestros (Dart Sling)- Cost: 1 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 + Str modifier Critical: x3 Range: 50' Weight: 1 lbs. Type: P Reload: Move action (provokes attacks of opportunity)
    • Kestros Dart- (10) 5 sp / 5 lbs. 
  • Net- Cost: 20 sp Dmg: -- / -- Range: 10' Max Range Weight: 6 lbs. HP:  5 Special: Entangled (-2 attack, -4 Dex, move half speed and cannot charge/run) Opposed Str check to control trailing rope to restrict movement; Spell Casting (Concentration Check- DC 15 + Spell's Level); DC 20 Escape Artist (full-round action); burst net with a DC 25 Str check; takes 2 rounds to fold a net outside of combat; -4 attacks unfolded
  • Rope Dart- Cost: 1 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Range: 20' Weight: --- Type: P Special: Monk, blocking, distracting; 12' rope with 6" spike
  • Shuriken (5)- Cost: 1 sp Dmg: 1 / d2 Critical: x2 Range: 10' Weight: 1/2 lb. Type: P Special: Monk
  • Sling Staff, Halfling- Cost: 20 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x3 Range: 80' Weight: 3 lbs. Type: B Reload: Move Action Special: Rocks deal dmg 1 size smaller with a -1 to attack; Melee attack as a club
    • Bullets (10)- 1 bp / 5 lbs.

Brace: Deal x2 damage when set vs. a charge
Disarm: +2 CM to disarm
Double: use it as though it were 2 weapons with normal attack penalties (Two-Weapon Fighting)
Monk: Can be used by a Monk to perform Flurry of Blows
Nonlethal: deal nonlethal damage
Reach: 10' reach, can't target foes 5' away or closer 
Trip: Make trip attacks

Melee- Use STR to determine damage and hit rolls
  • Reach Weapons: Strike foes that are not adjacent- 10' away but not attack foes that close closer than that. 
  • Double Weapons: Characters can fight with both portions of the weapon as though he were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. (Two-Weapon Fighting)
  • Light Weapons: Easier to use in an off hand, can be used while grappling; unarmed strikes are always considered light weapons
    • Add STR to damage if used in a primary hand
    • Add 1/2 STR to damage in an off hand
  • One-Handed Weapon: Can be used in both hands adding 1 1/2 STR to damage
    • Add STR to damage if used in a primary hand
    • Add 1/2 STR to damage in an off hand
  • Two-Handed Weapon: Require two hands to use; add 1 1/2 STR to damage
  • Improvised Weapon: -4 to attack rolls; scores a critical on a natural 20 and deals double damage

Ranged- Use DEX to determine hit rolls
  • Thrown Weapons: add STR to damage dealt and have 5 Range Increments (-2 per increment to hit)
    • Improvised Thrown Weapons: -4 attacks; Light or one-handed weapon (Standard action); two-handed weapon (Full round action); Range Increment: 10'
  • Projectile Weapons: no STR to damage unless the weapon is a specially built composite shortbow, longbow, crossbow, or a sling; Players with low STR take a penalty to damage.
    • Draw Ammunition: Free Action (bows); Other types require an action to load

Weapons 101: Simple

~ WEAPONS 101 ~

Note: Equipment listed here is in the Silver System / 1 coin (1/3 oz) is roughly the same size/weight of 2 quarters stuck together. 

Selling Treasure: In general you can sell a good for 1/2 its listed price- armor, weapons, gear, magic items, craft items... Trade Goods always sell for their listed price

Equipment: Daily Life - Adventure Gear

Weapons: Simple - Martial - Exotic    

Armor: Armor

Cost: --- Dmg: --- / --- Critical: # / x--- Range: ---' Weight: --- lbs. Type: --- Special: ---

Masterwork Weapons: +1 attack rolls; add +300 sp to cost of a given weapon or +6 sp to cost of 1 piece of ammunition.

Unarmed Attacks- Provoke an attack of opportunity if the target is armed (comes before your attack) or unless you are a monk or have Improved Unarmed Strike Feat

Unarmed Strike- Dmg: d2 / d3 Critical: x2 Type: B Special: Nonlethal
  • Brass Knuckles (APG)- Cost: 1 sp Dmg: d2 / d3 Critical: x2 Weight: 1 lbs. Type: B Special: Monk, may hold but not wield an item in that hand; DC for spellcasting: 10 + spell's level
  • Gauntlet- Cost: 2 sp Dmg: d2 / d3 Critical: x2 Weight: 1 lbs. Type: B Special: allow lethal damage with an unarmed strike  

Light Melee Weapons-
  • Axe, Throwing*- Cost: 8 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Range: 10' Weight: 2 lbs. Type: S 
  • Battle Aspergillum (APG)- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 4 lbs. Type: B Special: hollow mace filled with holy water (5 hits) dealing +1 damage to undead on a hit; refill as a standard action; must be carried upright or it will leak out
  • Cestus (APG)- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: 19-20 / x2 Weight: 1 lbs. Type: B/P Special: Monks, considered armed; can carry / wield items; -2 precision-based tasks/skills
  • Dagger- Cost: 2sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: 19-20/x2 Range: 10' Weight: 1 lbs. Type: P/S
    • Punching- Cost: 2 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x3 Weight: 1 lbs. Type: P
  • Gaff, Hand- Cost: 10 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Weight: 1 lb Type:Special: Disarm
  • Gauntlet, Spiked- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Weight: 1 lbs. Type: P
  • Hammer, Light*- Cost: 1 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Range: 20' Weight: 2 lbs. Type: 
  • Handaxe*- Cost: 6 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x3 Weight: 3 lbs. Type: S
  • Mace, Light- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 4 lbs. Type: B
  • Pick, Light*- Cost: 4 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x4 Weight: 3 lbs. Type: P
  • Sickle- Cost: 6 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 2 lbs. Type: S Special: Trip
  • Wooden Stake- Cost: --- Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Range: 10' Weight: 1 lbs. Type: P
One-Handed Melee Weapons- +1/2 STR dmg in two hands
Clubs & Morningstars

  • Club- Cost: --- Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Range: 10' Weight: 3 lbs. Type: B
  • Mace, Heavy- Cost: 12 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x2 Weight: 8 lbs. Type:
  • Morningstar- Cost: 8 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x2 Weight: 6 lbs. Type: B/P Special: ---
  • Shortspear- Cost: 1 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Range: 20' Weight: 3 lbs. Type: P
Two-Handed Melee Weapons- +1 1/2 STR damage
  • Bayonet- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 1 lbs. Type: P Special: fixed to crossbows- can't fire weapon; attach/remove is a move action
  • Boar Spear- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x2 Weight: 8 lbs. Type: P Special: brace, reach; +2 AC vs creatures hit by spear for 1 round
  • Boarding Pike- Cost: 8 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x3 Weight: 9 lbs. Type: P Special: brace, reach
  • Longspear- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x3 Weight: 9 lbs. Type: P Special: brace, reach
  • Quarterstaff- Cost: --- Dmg: d4/d4 / d6/d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 4 lbs. Type: B Special: double, monk, blocking
  • Spear- Cost: 2 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x3 Range: 20' Weight: 6 lbs. Type: P Special: brace
  • Scythe*- Cost: 18 sp Dmg: d6 / 2d4 Critical: x4 Weight: 10 lbs. Type: P/S Special: trip
Ranged Weapons-
  • Blowgun- Cost: 2 sp Dmg: 1 / d2 Critical: x2 Range: 20' Weight: 1 lbs. Type:
    • Darts, Blowgun (10)- 5 bp
  • Crossbow, Heavy- Cost: 50 sp Dmg: d8 / d10 Critical: 19-20 / x2 Range: 120' Weight: 8 lbs. Type: P Reload: Full-Round Special: Requires special permit or affiliation with a military unit; -4 to shoot 1-handed
    • Bolts (10)- 1 sp / 1 lb.
  • Crossbow, Light- Cost: 35 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: 19-20 / x2 Range: 80' Weight: 4 lbs. Type: P Reload: Move Action Special: Requires special permit or affiliation with a military unit; -2 to shoot 1-handed
  • Dart- Cost: 5 bp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Range: 20' Weight: 1/2 lbs. Type: P
  • Javelin- Cost: 1 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Range: 30' Weight: 2 lbs. Type: P Special: -4 attacks in melee (designed as a ranged weapon)
  • Sling- Cost: --- Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Range: 50' Weight: --- lbs. Type: B Reload: Move Action Special: Rocks deal dmg 1 size smaller with a -1 to attack
    • Bullets (10)- 1 bp / 5 lbs.

* Weapons were originally on the Martial Weapons list but have been moved to Simple Weapons as these are useful as tools and should be available to Commoners

Blocking: +1 Shield bonus when Fighting Defensively (Full-round action; +2 AC and -4 attacks until the start of you next turn) or Full Defense (+4 AC for 1 round; can't combine with Fighting Defensively or Combat Expertise Feat; can't make attacks of opportunity- Standard Action)
Brace: Deal x2 damage when set vs. a charge
Deadly: +4 damage to calculate DC of Fortitude save to resist a coup de grace
Disarm: +2 CM to disarm
Distracting: +2 Bluff skill to feint with this weapon
Double: use it as though it were 2 weapons with normal attack penalties (Two-Weapon Fighting)
Grapple: Critical hit wielder can grapple target as a free action; doesn't provoke attack of opportunity if foe target is not threatening you; must stay within weapon's reach to maintain 
Monk: Can be used by a Monk to perform Flurry of Blows
Nonlethal: deal nonlethal damage
Reach: 10' reach, can't target foes 5' away or closer 
Trip: Make trip attacks

Melee- Use STR to determine damage and hit rolls
  • Reach Weapons: Strike foes that are not adjacent- 10' away but not attack foes that close closer than that. 
  • Double Weapons: Characters can fight with both portions of the weapon as though he were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. (Two-Weapon Fighting)
  • Light Weapons: Easier to use in an off hand, can be used while grappling; unarmed strikes are always considered light weapons
    • Add STR to damage if used in a primary hand
    • Add 1/2 STR to damage in an off hand
  • One-Handed Weapon: Can be used in both hands adding 1 1/2 STR to damage
    • Add STR to damage if used in a primary hand
    • Add 1/2 STR to damage in an off hand
  • Two-Handed Weapon: Require two hands to use; add 1 1/2 STR to damage
  • Improvised Weapon: -4 to attack rolls; scores a critical on a natural 20 and deals double damage

Ranged- Use DEX to determine hit rolls
  • Thrown Weapons: add STR to damage dealt and have 5 Range Increments (-2 per increment to hit)
    • Improvised Thrown Weapons: -4 attacks; Light or one-handed weapon (Standard action); two-handed weapon (Full round action); Range Increment: 10'
  • Projectile Weapons: no STR to damage unless the weapon is a specially built composite shortbow, longbow, crossbow, or a sling; Players with low STR take a penalty to damage.
    • Draw Ammunition: Free Action (bows); Other types require an action to load

Friday, March 15, 2013

Weapons 201: Martial

~ WEAPONS 201 ~

Note: Equipment listed here is in the Silver System / 1 coin (1/3 oz) is roughly the same size/weight of 2 quarters stuck together. 

Selling Treasure: In general you can sell a good for 1/2 its listed price- armor, weapons, gear, magic items, craft items... Trade Goods always sell for their listed price

Equipment: Daily Life - Adventure Gear

Weapons: Simple - Martial - Exotic    

Armor: Armor  

Cost: --- Dmg: --- / --- Critical: # / x--- Range: ---' Weight: --- lbs. Type: --- Special: ---

Light Melee Weapons-
  • Bailsong (War Razor)- Cost: 8 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: 19-20/x2 Weight: 1 lb. Type: S Special: +2 Sleight of Hand to conceal
  • Boarding Axe- Cost: 6 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x3 Weight: 3 lbs. Type: P/S 
  • Cat-o'nine-tails- Cost: 1 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Weight: 1 lbs. Type: S Special: Disarm, nonlethal
  • Dogslicer (Goblin)- Cost: 8 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: 19-20/x2 Weight: 1 lb. Type: S Special: Critical misses gives weapon broken condition
  • Iron Brush- Cost: 2 sp Dmg: d2 / d3 Critical: x2 Range: 10' (Max) Weight: --- Type: P Special: +2 Sleight of Hand to conceal
  • Jutte- Cost: 8 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 1 lbs. Type: B Special: Disarm, Monk
  • Kerambit- Cost: 2 sp Dmg: d2 / d3 Critical: x3 Weight: --- Type: S Special: +2 Sleight of Hand to conceal; can be tied into longer hair
  • Sap- Cost: 1 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 2 lbs. Type: B Special: nonlethal
  • Shield, Light- Cost: see armor Dmg: d2 / d3 Critical: x2 Type: B
  • Spiked Armor- Cost: see armor Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Type: P
  • Spiked Shield, Light- Cost: see armor Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Type: P
  • Starknife- Cost: 24 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x3 Range: 20' Weight: 3 lbs. Type: P
  • Stiletto- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d2 / d3 Critical: 19-20/x2 Weight: 1 lb. Type: P Special: +2 attacks against leather, mail, and plate armors as its narrow point is designed to pierce armor.  
  • Tonfa- Cost: 1 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 1 lbs. Type: B Special: Blocking, Monk
  • Wushu Dart-  Cost: 1 sp Dmg: d2 / d3 Critical: x2 Range: 10' Weight: --- Type: P Special: Monk

 SWORDS- Light Melee  
  • Butterfly Sword- Cost: 20 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: 19-20/x2 Weight: 1 lbs. Type: S Special: Monk; Twin swords that are concealed as one blade
  • Gladius (Drusus)- Cost: 15 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: 19-20/x2 Weight: 3 lbs. Type: P/S Special: Performance
  • Hooked Swords (Shang gou)- Cost: 6 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Weight: 1 lbs. Type: S Special: Disarm, Trip, Monk
  • Kukri- Cost: 8 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: 18-20/x2 Weight: 2 lbs. Type: S
  • Short Sword- Cost: 10 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: 19-20/x2 Weight: 2 lbs. Type: P
One-Handed Melee Weapons- +1/2 STR dmg in two hands
  • Battleaxe- Cost: 10 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x3 Weight: 6 lbs. Type: S
  • Flail- Cost: 8 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x2 Weight: 5 lbs. Type: B Special: Disarm, trip
  • Pick, Heavy- Cost: 8 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x4 Weight: 6 lbs. Type: P Special: +2 CMB to sunder medium and heavy armor
  • Scizore- Cost: 20 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x2 Weight: 3 lbs. Type: P Special: Performance; +1 shield bonus to AC or attack at -1; +10 CMD to disarm
  • Shield, Heavy- Cost: see armor Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Type: B
  • Short Spear (Sibat)- Cost: 2 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x3 Range: 10' Weight: 2 lbs. Type: P/S Special: Barbed head- critical hit can grapple target as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity
  • Spiked Shield, Heavy- Cost: see armor Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Type: P
  • Trident- Cost: 15 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x2 Range: 10' Weight: 4 lbs. Type: P Special: brace
  • Warhammer- Cost: 12 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x3 Weight: 5 lbs. Type: B
One-handed SWORDS (Melee Weapons) +1/2 STR dmg in two hands
  • Broadsword, Nine-Ring- Cost: 15 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x3 Weight: 4 lbs. Type: S Special: Monk 
  • Cutlass- Cost: 15 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: 18-20/x2 Weight: 4 lbs. Type: P/S Special: Parry- +1 AC vs. 1 attack per round; use basket hilt as a gauntlet to hit foes 
  • Double Chicken Saber- Cost: 12 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: 19-20/x2 Weight: 3 lbs. Type: S Special: Disarm, Monk
  • Longsword- Cost: 15 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: 19-20/x2 Weight: 4 lbs. Type: S 
  • Rapier- Cost: 20 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: 18-20/x2 Weight: 2 lbs. Type: P; Special: can punch with the shell guard as a gauntlet; Optional- when paired with a parrying dagger add +1 AC as a shield bonus (not effective against large weapons or flails)
  • Scimitar- Cost: 15 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: 18-20/x2 Weight: 4 lbs. Type: S
  • Sword Cane- Cost: 45 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 4 lbs. Type: P Special: DC 20 Perception to determine at a glance it is a weapon, DC 10 if held
Two-Handed Melee Weapons- +1 1/2 STR damage  
  • Greataxe- Cost: 20 sp Dmg: d10 / d12 Critical: x3 Weight: 12 lbs. Type:
  • Greatclub- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d8 / d10 Critical: x2 Weight: 8 lbs. Type: B
  • Earth Breaker (Maul)- Cost: 40 sp Dmg: d10 / 2d6 Critical: x3 Weight: 14 lbs. Type: B
  • Flail, Heavy- Cost: 15 sp Dmg: d8 / d10 Critical: 19-20/x2 Weight: 10 lbs. Type: B Special: Disarm, Trip, +2 CMB to Sunder Light Weapons; +1 attack vs shielded foes
  • Horsechopper (Goblin)- Cost: 10 sp Dmg: d8 / d10 Critical: x3 Weight: 12 lbs. Type: P/S Special: Reach, Trip
  • Ogre Hook- Cost: 24 sp Dmg: d8 / d10 / d12 Critical: x3 Weight: 10 lbs. Type: P Special: trip
  • Three-Section Staff (Sansetsukon)- Cost: 8 sp Dmg: d8 / d10 Critical: 19-20/x2 Weight: 3 lbs. Type: B Special: Blocking, Disarm
  • Terbutje (Great Club)- Cost: 12 sp Dmg: d8 / d10 Critical: 19-20/x2 Weight: 8 lbs. Type: S; Special: shark teeth, obsidian or glass is studded along its length

POLEARMS (melee weapons) +1 1/2 STR damage 

  • Bardiche- Cost: 13 sp Dmg: d8 / d10 Critical: 19-20/x3 Weight: 14 lbs. Type: S Special: brace, reach; +2 CMD to resist sunder attempts
  • Bec de Corbin- Cost: 15 sp Dmg: d8 / d10 Critical: x3 Weight: 12 lbs. Type: B/P Special: brace, reach; +2 CMB to sunder medium/heavy armor 
  • Bill- Cost: 11 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x3 Weight: 11 lbs. Type: S Special: brace, disarm, reach; blocking; mounted opponent takes -1 Ride check to stay mounted 
  • Glaive- Cost: 8 sp Dmg: d8 / d10 Critical: x3 Weight: 10 lbs. Type: S Special: reach (7' long)
  • Guisarme- Cost: 9 sp Dmg: d6 / 2d4 Critical: x3 Weight: 12 lbs. Type: S Special: reach, trip (8' long)
  • Glave-Guisarme- Cost: 12 sp Dmg: d8 / d10 Critical: x3 Weight: 10 lbs. Type: S Special: brace, reach; -2 to Ride checks to stay mounted
  • Halberd- Cost: 10 sp Dmg: d8 / d10 Critical: x3 Weight: 12 lbs. Type: P/S Special: brace, trip (5' long)
  • Hooked Lance- 3 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x4 Weight:10 lbs. Type: P Special: Reach (10' long), Trip
  • Lance- Cost: 10 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x3 Weight:10 lbs. Type: P Special: Reach 
  • Lucerne Hammer- Cost: 15 sp Dmg: d10 / d12 Critical: x2 Weight: 12 lbs. Type: B/P Special: brace, reach; +2 CMB to sunder medium / heavy armor
  • Monk's Spade- Cost: 20 sp Dmg: d4/d4 / d6/d6 Critical: x2 Weight: 12 lbs. Type: B/P/S Special: Double, Monk
  • Naginata- Cost: 35 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x4 Weight: 9 lbs. Type: S Special: Reach (6' staff attached to 2' blade)
  • Ranseur- Cost: 10 sp Dmg: d6 / 2d4 Critical: x3 Weight: 12 lbs. Type: P Special: disarm, reach
  • Tiger Fork- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d6 / 2d4 Critical: x2 Weight: 8 lbs. Type: P Special: Brace, Monk, Reach (8' long staff)

Two-handed SWORDS (melee weapon) +1 1/2 STR damage 

  • Falchion- Cost: 75 sp Dmg: d6 / 2d4 Critical: 18-20/x2 Weight: 8 lbs. Type: S
  • Greatsword (Claymore)- Cost: 50 sp Dmg: d10 / 2d6 Critical: 19-20/x2 Weight: 8 lbs. Type: S
  • Nodachi- Cost: 60 sp Dmg: d8 / d10 Critical: 18-20/x2 Weight: 8 lbs. Type: S/P Special: Brace
  • Tri-Point Double-Edged Sword- Cost: 12 sp Dmg: d8 / d10 Critical: x3 Weight: 14 lbs. Type: P Special: Reach (5' long tri-bladed pole)
Ranged Weapons-  + Str modifier to damage thrown weapons or special projectile weapons
  • Atlatl (dart thrower)- Cost: 2 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Range: 50' Weight: 2 lbs. Type: P Load: Move action 
    • Dart-  1 sp / 2 lb. 
  • Chakram- Cost: 1 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x2 Range: 30' Weight: 1 lbs. Type: S Special: -1 to use as a melee weapon and make DC 15 Reflex save or cut self (1/2 damage)
  • Javelin Thrower (Amentum)- Cost: --- Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x2 Range: 50' Weight: 2 lbs. Type: P Special: Performance; -4 attacks in melee (designed as a ranged weapon); Attach as a move action, wind as a full-round action
  • Pilum- Cost: 5 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x2 Range: 20' Weight: 4 lbs. Type: P Special: heavy javilin breaks off into a target's shield; loses AC bonus from shield; remove as a standard action
  • Poison Sand Tube- Cost: 1 sp Dmg: special Critical: special Range: 15' cone Weight: 1 lbs. Special: Resembles scroll case- filled with poisoned sand (inhaled or contact) that can deliver 3 doses of poison; unpoisoned sand acts as an irritant (DC 12 Fort save or dazzled 1 round; Reload: full-round action
  • Tube Arrow Shooter- Cost: 3 sp Dmg: d3 / d4 Critical: x2 Range: 40' Weight: 1/2 lbs. Type: P Special: Concealed in a sleeve (+2 Sleight of hand to conceal), spring loaded dart shooter; Reload: Full-round action
    • Bamboo Shaft- (10) Cost: 1 sp / 1/2 lbs.
  • Longbow- Cost: 75 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x3 Range: 100' Weight: 3 lbs. Type:Reload: Free Action Special: Can't be used mounted
    • Arrows- (20)- 1 sp / 3 lbs.
  • Longbow, Composite- Cost: 100 sp Dmg: d6 / d8 Critical: x3 Range: 110' Weight: 3 lbs. Type: P  Reload: Free Action Special: Can be used mounted; -2  to attacks if your STR is lower than the STR rating ob bow
  • Shortbow- Cost: 30 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x3 Range: 60' Weight: 2 lbs. Type:Reload: Free Action
  • Shortbow, Composite- Cost: 75 sp Dmg: d4 / d6 Critical: x3 Range: 70' Weight: 2 lbs. Type:Reload: Free Action 
  • ARROWS~ Cost: -- sp Dmg: short bow / longbow Range: --' Weight: 3 lbs. Type: P
    • Blunt- Cost: 2 sp (20) Dmg: d6 /d8 Range: standard Weight: 3 lbs. Type: B Special: can deal nonlethal damage at -4 to hit
    • Flight- Cost: 2 sp (20) Dmg: d4 / d6 Range: +20' Longbows; +10' Shortbows Weight: 3 lbs. Type: P
    • Smoke- Cost: 10 sp (1) Dmg: d6 / d8 Range: standard Weight: 3 lbs. Type: P Special: 5' cube of smoke around target
    • Whistling- Cost: 2 sp (20) Dmg: standard Range: standard Weight: 3 lbs. Type: P Special: emit a sharp keening sound- 1/2 mile to 1 mile range depending on conditions

Blocking: +1 Shield bonus when Fighting Defensively (Full-round action; +2 AC and -4 attacks until the start of you next turn) or Full Defense (+4 AC for 1 round; can't combine with Fighting Defensively or Combat Expertise Feat; can't make attacks of opportunity- Standard Action)
Brace: Deal x2 damage when set vs. a charge
Deadly: +4 damage to calculate DC of Fortitude save to resist a coup de grace
Disarm: +2 CM to disarm
Distracting: +2 Bluff skill to feint with this weapon
Double: use it as though it were 2 weapons with normal attack penalties (Two-Weapon Fighting)
Grapple: Critical hit wielder can grapple target as a free action; doesn't provoke attack of opportunity if foe target is not threatening you; must stay within weapon's reach to maintain 
Monk: Can be used by a Monk to perform Flurry of Blows
Nonlethal: deal nonlethal damage
Reach: 10' reach, can't target foes 5' away or closer 
Trip: Make trip attacks

Melee- Use STR to determine damage and hit rolls
  • Reach Weapons: Strike foes that are not adjacent- 10' away but not attack foes that close closer than that. 
  • Double Weapons: Characters can fight with both portions of the weapon as though he were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. (Two-Weapon Fighting)
  • Light Weapons: Easier to use in an off hand, can be used while grappling; unarmed strikes are always considered light weapons
    • Add STR to damage if used in a primary hand
    • Add 1/2 STR to damage in an off hand
  • One-Handed Weapon: Can be used in both hands adding 1 1/2 STR to damage
    • Add STR to damage if used in a primary hand
    • Add 1/2 STR to damage in an off hand
  • Two-Handed Weapon: Require two hands to use; add 1 1/2 STR to damage
  • Improvised Weapon: -4 to attack rolls; scores a critical on a natural 20 and deals double damage

Ranged- Use DEX to determine hit rolls
  • Thrown Weapons: add STR to damage dealt and have 5 Range Increments (-2 per increment to hit)
    • Improvised Thrown Weapons: -4 attacks; Light or one-handed weapon (Standard action); two-handed weapon (Full round action); Range Increment: 10'
  • Projectile Weapons: no STR to damage unless the weapon is a specially built composite shortbow, longbow, crossbow, or a sling; Players with low STR take a penalty to damage.
    • Draw Ammunition: Free Action (bows); Other types require an action to load